23rd International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law– IRSL 2023

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


Semiotic Chorologies?
Critical and Generative Spaces in an Intercultural World
Workshop Generative Indisciplinary Group: Paolo Heritier, Fernando Bellelli, Francesco
Campagnola, Jacques Gilbert, Nicolette Isar, Daphne Vignon, Amalia Verdu Sanmartin

Chorology and Artistic Performance: Nicoletta Isar (Byzantine studies, University of
Copenhagen), Byzantine Chorology: a Paradigmatic Vision of the Land of Care;
Periode24 maj 202327 maj 2023
PlaceringRome, Italien
Grad af anerkendelseInternational