Aalborg University

  • Karen McGregor Richmond (Gæsteforsker)

Aktivitet: Besøg på en ekstern institution - typerBesøger en ekstern, akademisk institution


During the course of the XAIfair collaborative research project Karen made a number of extended trips to work with data science partners at the Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology, Aalborg University. The following desacribes the research objective and central tasks.

The scientific research approach in XAIfair follows three steps, each requiring interdisciplinary collaboration. First, an NLP machine learning algorithm aimed at predicting the outcome of an asylum decision from textual content is developed. This algorithm will serve as a testbed for the remaining project.

Second, an ‘indirect XAI algorithm’ is developed to serve as benchmark. Developing the indirect XAI algorithm requires close collaboration between data scientists and legal scholars both to ensure the development of a ‘common language’, and to enable an iterative process where algorithmic output will be assessed by domain experts that in turn provide feedback for further development, etc.

The third step will apply a neurosymbolic approach and develop a general XAI algorithm for asylum law. The approach will be rooted in interdisciplinary and ethical discussions regarding ‘what an XAI algorithm can explain’ and ‘what an XAI algorithm should explain’ to advance the ‘common language’ into an ontology.
Periode1 jan. 202231 dec. 2023
BesøgendeAalborg University
Grad af anerkendelseNational