Assessment Committee (chair). Maria Pontoppidan's defence for her PhD-degree. Centre for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics. Institute for Media, Cognition and Communication. University of Copenhagen (Ekstern organisation)
Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typer › Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg
Maria Pontoppidan's defence for her PhD-degree with her disertation: "An Ethics of Excarnation. Body, Soul, and Horror in the Enneads".
Chair for the assessment committee. Maria Pontoppidan's defence for her PhD-degree with her disertation: "An Ethics of Excarnation. Body, Soul, and Horror in the Enneads".
Body type: Assessment Committee
20 feb. 2015
Sted for afholdelse
Assessment Committee (chair). Maria Pontoppidan's defence for her PhD-degree. Centre for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics. Institute for Media, Cognition and Communication. University of Copenhagen