CHIP ME Symposium: Making the cut? Scientific possibilities and ELSI challenges in gene-editing

  • Ana Nordberg (Taler)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


The symposium ‘Making the cut? Scienticfic possibilities and ELSI challenges in gene-editing' is hosted by Citizen's Health through public-private Initiatives: Public health, Market and Ethical perspectives – CHIP ME (COST Action IS1303), and will take place 9 and 10 March 2017 in Trento, Italy.

Title: Keeping Humanity in the Driver’s Seat: A cross-disciplinary View on Gene-editing
Abstract: Gene-editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, hold great promises for the advancement of science and technology. Yet, before society can harness such potential it is imperative to consider both the benefits of these technologies, and their problematic aspects from a broader societal and value-based perspective. This presentation presents an interdisciplinary effort by lawyers, biologists, philosophers, social scientists, and physicists to identify and discuss the most problematic legal, ethical and societal implications of this technology and how to address these. The presentation considers the actual scientific state of the art, potential applications and the corresponding risks and uncertainties. It also addresses the perceived legal and regulatory challenges scientists face. It contains a philosophical analysis addressing the precautionary principle and the dual use problem. It also address the importance of communication, social perception and public debate. The legal analysis draws upon the all other contributes incorporating these in the legal analysis. It focus mainly in regulatory and intellectual property law questions. It will be argued that: General moratoriums and blank prohibitions do a disservice to science and innovation. There is a body of international and European human rights norms applicable to gene editing. These require consistent implementation and interpretation.
Periode9 mar. 201710 mar. 2017
PlaceringTrento, Italien
Grad af anerkendelseInternational