Fattigdomsdiskriminering - grunnleggende rettsdogmatiske spørsmål

  • Ida Gundersby Rognlien (Inviteret foredragsholder)

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag


Drawing upon critical constructive jurisprudential feminist theories, the presentation seeks to highlight foundational legal doctrinal questions of poverty in the Nordic welfare systems. Using a bottom-up approach, with administrative practice from Denmark as example, it raises questions on how to identify poverty as a legal phenomenon and address poverty as questions of the right to fundamental support/care and non-discrimination based on poverty in a pro persona perspective. It argues that legal structures and interpretation risk developing and reproducing poverty. Further, while not being sufficient both legal concepts (the right to support and the prohibition of discrimination) is necessary legal approaches when seeking to prevent individuals being poverty trapped.
Periode24 nov. 2020
Sted for afholdelseUniversity of Bergen, Norge