Artificial intelligence, advanced machine learning and Big Data will transform the health & life sciences. While offering amazing possibilities, there is no doubt that these technologies raise many legal questions with regard to IP, liability, patient involvement, bias, discrimination, competition etc. They will also disrupt traditional value chains and structures in the health care sector.How do we regulate intermediate technology? Most innovation policy levers are not set up to consider whether intermediate technologies ought to be regulated differently than technologies which are further along in the development process. What is the role of industry in the innovation ecosystem and how does that fit in the European Science Cloud Declaration (EOSC)? How does the Nuremberg Code help us address the opportunities and challenges we face with the application of AI and Big Data in the health and life science sector?This seminar features a distinguished list of prominent international speakers that will debate some of the most crucial legal challenges arising from these issues.Programme
15:00 – 15:10 Welcome note by Prof. Timo Minssen, CeBIL: "Legal challenges posed by AI & Big Data in the Health & Life Science"
15:10 – 15:45 Iain G. Mitchell QC, Tanfield Chambers: “Robot Doctors? - Some Legal and Ethical Issues of Using Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”
15:45 – 16:20 Dr. Rachel Sachs, Washington University School of Law: “Regulating Intermediate Technologies”
16:20 – 16:35 Break
16:35 – 17:10 Dr. Helen Yu, CeBIL: “The European Open Science Cloud: What about Other Stakeholders’ Interests?”
17:10 – 17:45 Dr. Sonu Bhaskar, Liverpool Hospital (Sydney): "The Elephant in the Room: Revisiting the Nuremberg Code to Address Emerging Opportunities and Challenges with the Uptake of AI and Big Data in Health and Medicine"
17:45 – 18.00 Dr. Sven Bostyn: Final Remarks
Periode | 8 okt. 2018 |
Begivenhedstype | Seminar |
Placering | Copenhagen, Danmark |