Reinterpreting TRIPS in the life sciences

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference


Reinterpreting TRIPS in the life sciences

In a series of webinars, researchers from the Centre for Information and Innovation Law at the University of Copenhagen and other international experts will set focus on the TRIPS agreement and the life sciences. The aim of the webinars is to bring together scholars, industry and practitioners in constructive dialogue on pressing legal issues arising at this intersection IPR and innovation in this field.

The TRIPS agreement from 1994 forms a central legal framework for the development of a global IPR regime through a de minimis protection of IPR. The agreement contains both features of harmonization, flexibilities and basic principles that affect the development of the IP agenda worldwide. Human ingenuity, consensus-based international politics, national and economic interests present substantial challenges to the application and interpretation of these features of the TRIPS agreement and are of significant importance to the continuous development of the life science sector.

The webinars will focus on various legal aspects of these grand issues, and seek to elucidate them from both a practitioners and a scholarly point of view.
Periode1 apr. 201730 apr. 2018
PlaceringCopenhagen, Danmark
Grad af anerkendelseInternational