Retfærd : Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift (Tidsskrift)

Aktivitet: Peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde - typerRedaktør af tidsskriftFormidling


Retfærd is a peer-reviewed journal of legal science that publishes innovative articles at the highest scientific level.
The works published in Retfærd analyse the law from a theoretical and practical point of view on the basis of not only jurisprudence, but also sociology, criminology, political science, history, philosophy, economics, ecology, anthropology, feminism and other sciences. The journal therefore contributes to the interdisciplinarity of legal scholarship in a way that not only unveils relations of dominance in the law, but also focuses on critical legal science as an emancipatory endeavour. For these reasons, Retfærd publishes articles that examine law in broader context and challenge prevailing views on the law.

Dansk redaktør fra November 2011
Periode1 jan. 2006 → …
Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift