Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism (Tidsskrift)

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Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism

Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism (ISSN 2445-5962) is a continuation and an enhanced version of the Pater Newsletter (ISSN 0264-8342). Since its foundation in 1977, instigated by Billie Andrew Inman and Laurel Brake, the Pater Newsletter has grown under a succession of different editors into becoming much more than a newsletter. At the International Walter Pater Society conference in Paris in July 2014 a large group of the Paterians present agreed that now was the time to expand into a full-scale journal with a widened scope. The Paterian term ‘Studies’ seemed an appropriate heading for a journal which is essayistic in its approach and stresses process and ongoing dialogue. SWPA publishes essays and book reviews relating to Aestheticism and Decadence more broadly, while still retaining a certain core of material relating directly or indirectly to Walter Pater, whose position as one of the most influential of nineteenth-century aesthetic thinkers remains undisputed.
Periodeapr. 2016okt. 2016
Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift