The Nordic Culturak Model: Objectives, Methods. Challenges

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Public Nordic cultural policy have, especially since the 1960s, in large part been characterised by convergence. The survey introduces and discusses major cultural policy elements in the five Nordic national states (Denmark, Island, Norway, Sweden and Finland), the autonomous and semi autonomous small nations (Greenland, The Faeroe Islands, the Åland Islands and the Sami Region) together with the cultural cooperation in the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Cultural Foundation. The elements will be reflected in a pan-Nordic perspective while still highlighting the fact that cultural policies in Norden also differ in many aspects. Special attention will be paid the overriding objectives, the Nordic arm´s length principle, the Nordic model of copyright, transformations and challenges. Focus is the period 1960-2014. Where appropriate, the Nordic features will be compared to corresponding objectives and developments in other European countries

Public Nordic cultural policy have, especially since the 1960s, in large part been characterised by convergence. The survey introduces and discusses major cultural policy elements in the five Nordic national states (Denmark, Island, Norway, Sweden and Finland), the autonomous and semi autonomous small nations (Greenland, The Faeroe Islands, the Åland Islands and the Sami Region) together with the cultural cooperation in the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Cultural Foundation. The elements will be reflected in a pan-Nordic perspective while still highlighting the fact that cultural policies in Norden also differ in many aspects. Special attention will be paid the overriding objectives, the Nordic arm´s length principle, the Nordic model of copyright, transformations and challenges. Focus is the period 1960-2014. Where appropriate, the Nordic features will be compared to corresponding objectives and developments in other European countries.
Periode13 dec. 2013
BegivenhedstitelThe Nordic Cultural Policy Model: Objectives, Methods, recent challenges
PlaceringMadrid, Spanien


  • Nordisk Kulturpolitik
  • Mål midler og udfordringer i moderne nordisk kulturpolitik
  • komparative studier af nordisk og europæisk kulturpolitik