The Sand Bank

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Sand Bank, 50 Years Celebration of Art, Culture and Technology and Zooetics+, ACT, MIT, Cambridge, US, 2018

Sand marks time. It slips through glass, marking out our hours. But its’ own time is running out.

The great universal architectures of modernity – the transparent windows through which we view concrete offices on the other side of the street, or through which we view the products Silicon Valley – are all built on sand. But sand is in trouble, and with it, much of the concrete and abstract architecture of our time.

In Europe, the concrete bunkers of World War II provided the groundwork for the communal concrete architectures of the era of social welfare and universal rights. As the Cold War grew, sand architecture moved to space, blinking in the circuits of Sputnik. If you listen hard, you can still hear the echoed bleeps and thuds; the rhythms of the 20th century; beat out ambitiously in space.

But the conceptual architectures of Modernity have drifted. Politics soured. Freak capital now seeks refuge in the universal rites of concrete, as sand scarcity eats at the 20th century’s embodiment of progress. History shifted the plan for progress. The symbols of the era of tight democratic oversight have been pirated: in the era of disaggregated Silica, freedom of markets must come at the expense of democracy. Post-war concrete has merged gradually, seamlessly, into post-democratic concrete. Meanings change. The case is altered. Concrete surrendered itself. It is overwritten.
Periode28 apr. 2018
Sted for afholdelseMIT program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT), School of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, US, USA
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Zooetics+
  • Poetic knowledge
  • Interspecies
  • Extractivisms
  • New research program