The workshop Architecture Exhibitions as a Research Tool took place together with the first research exhibition on Public Space in European Social Housing (PUSH) at the first transnational workshop of the PUSH project in Copenhagen, 3-5 September 2019, where all academic partners and associated partners met for the first time.Based on the first research exhibition, the workshop discussed the exhibition format and the potentials of using architecture exhibitions as a collaborative research tool in a transdisciplinary European research project.
PUSH Research Exhibition Issue # 1 visualises the content and methodological structure of the project and thus establishes a platform for sharing and debating content and methods. It shows the five cases of social housing (by aerial photos, typical plans and sections, and fact sheets) and initial explorations of publicness on these estates guided by four analytical categories – democracy, heritage, policies/practices, and informality – each with its own colour code. A wallpaper format displayed all the material on one long wall enabling us to perceive and discuss potential connections across cases and categories.
With the wallpaper format, the first exhibition also developed and tested an adaptable format for all future PUSH exhibitions. The format of the wallpaper can convey many different types of content including photos, architectural drawings, maps, statistical data, and text. The basic format is A3 paper prints which can be easily and inexpensively reproduced on any office printer and placed in many different spaces.
Periode | 4 sep. 2019 |
Begivenhedstype | Workshop |
Placering | Copenhagen, Danmark |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |
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Public Space in European Social Housing: Research Exhibition Issue #1
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