Worlding/Provincialising IR from Eastern Europe

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This roundtable brought the Central and Eastern Europe in the ‘worlding International Relations’ conversation. It drew on the recently published special issue of the Journal of International Relations and Development, ‘Uses of “the East” in International Studies: Provincialising IR from Central and Eastern Europe” (vol. 24, no. 4, Dec 2021). The contributors explored the place of the region and its scholars in the IR knowledge production hierarchies, probing the ways of empowering the CEE voices in the field of International Studies. What explains the relative silence of the CEE in the ‘global IR’ thus far? What is the CEE promise for ‘worlding’ the discipline? Why should the field – and the world – care?
Periode11 feb. 2022
BegivenhedstitelExploring IPS roundtable: Worlding/Provincialising IR from Eastern Europe
Grad af anerkendelseInternational