Personlig profil


Aart Kroon

Place of Work
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 10
1350 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone: +45 35322509 (direct), 3532 2500 (switch board)
Fax: +45 35322501
E-mail: [email protected]

Scientific Education
1987 Master thesis in Physical Geography, Utrecht University, NL
1994 Doctorate thesis in Physical Geography, Utrecht University, NL

1994 - 2005 Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, NL
2005 - 2020 Associate Prof., Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2020 - : Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Research Visits
2000 Visiting Associate Prof., College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
2000 Visiting Scientist, Department of Geography, University of Loughborough, UK

Professional Activities

Over 20 invited lectures at conferences, universities and research institutes.

2017 Co-Chair of the Coastal Dynamics 2017 Conference in Helsingør (DK)

Scientific reviewer for ca. 15 scientific journals.

International expert assesor for the following grant schemes: Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO; Netherlands), National Science Foundation (USA), Natural Environment Research Council (UK), Portugese Science Foundation, French Science Foundation, German Science Foundation.

Field Work
Participant and principal investigator in many field experiments and expeditions in coastal areas, mainly focused on beaches and deltas, in e.g., the Netherlands, Denmark, England, USA, Australia, China, Vietnam and Greenland.

Research Funding
Researcher in the following completed external financed projects:
1987-1994 National research project ‘Kustgenese' (Coastal Genesis) of the National Institute of Marine and Coastal Research/RIKZ.
1993-1997 European Union Marine Science and Technology project NOURTEC, Innovative Nourishment Techniques Evaluation ;
1994-1995 Chinese-Dutch Yellow River Delta Project, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) on Erosional processes along the northern shore of the delta. 
1997-2000 National research project ‘ECOMOR-DYNASTAR' of the National Institute of Marine and Coastal Research/RIKZ, focusing on the morphodynamics of a salt marsh field along the Westerschelde.
1997-1999 National research project ‘Kust*2000' (Coast*2000) of the National Institute of Marine and Coastal Research/RIKZ , focusing on the morphological behaviour of the Oostgat and the Vlakte van de Raan.
1998-2001 European Union Marine Science and Technology project COAST3D, Coastal Study of Three-Dimensional Sand Transport Processes and Morphodynamics.
1999-2001 Vietnamese-Dutch Red River Delta project, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NOW), Scientific Research in the Tropics.

2006-2008 Morphodynamics of accreting beaches: Sediment transport and sediment budgets (with T. Aagaard, FNU-DK)
2006-2008 Coastal zone management in Africa: development of a holistic geo-science approach for vulnerability and adaptation assessment (with e.g., A. Reenberg, Geocenter København)
2007-2009 Morphodynamics of an open tidal basin in the Danish Wadden Sea (with J. Bartholdy, FNU-DK);
2007-2009 Geoark (with e.g., B.H. Jakobsen, IPY, KNVUG)

2012-2013 Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland (KVUG) & Villum Foundation: Alle tiders menneske, kulturminder I Grønland og globale klimaændring (with National Museum of DK, National Museum of Greenland)

2014-2016 Carlsberg Foundation: Plateau Dunes (with Breuning-Madsen and Elberling).

2015-2016 Geocenter Denmark: Closing the gap: Coherent Land-Water Environmental Mapping (with Ernstsen and GEUS), 2015-2016.

2016-2019 Velux Foundation (Private Foundation): Remains, Research and Management of Archaeological Sites in a changing Environment and Society, Greenland (with Hollesen and Elberling).

Principal scientist and coordinator in the following completed external financed research projects:
2003 National research project of National Institute of Marine and Coastal Research/RIKZ (Westerschelde study;
2002-2003 National research project, National Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment/RIZA, focusing on fluvial morphology of Dutch rivers;
2002-2003 National research project ‘Kust*2005' (Coast*2005) of the National Institute of Marine and Coastal Research/RIKZ;
2000-2005 Dutch national research programme ‘Outer delta dynamics', project ‘Morphodynamic processes on the outer delta: field investigation and interpretation', Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Council on Earth and Life Sciences (ALW);
2002-2005 European Union Fifth Framework Programme project COASTVIEW, Video Monitoring of Littoral Processes in Support of Coastal-Zone Management ;
2001-2004 European Union Fifth Framework Programme project HUMOR, Human Interaction with Large Scale Coastal Morphological Evolution.

2009-2014: Danish Coasts, flooding risks and erosion (Coadapt, DSF with DHI and DCA).

2011-2014: EU-Hydralab IV project Barrier dynamics experiment (BARDEX II), (Plymouth et al.).

Presently participating in the following ongoing projects:
Ongoing: Argus video-monitoring of beaches (with R.A. Holman)

Ongoing since 2012: Arctic coastal geomorphology in CENPERM

2016-2019 Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation: Danish Council for Independent Research grant: Holocene development of beach ridges in Greenland (with Nielsen and Clemmensen).

2016-2017 Energistyrelsen. Grant: Sermilik Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Activities – SERMA.


Present Teaching (Geography and Geoinformatics; Climate Change)


Physical and Human Geography; Coastal Processes and Morphology; Coastal Zone Management; Bachelor Thesis Projects


Coastal Geoscience; Numerical Modeling in fluvial, coastal, estuarine and marine envrionments; Process Studies and Field Techniques; Field courses in Physical Geography/Geomorphology; Master Thesis Projects (ca. 75 finished MSc theses; ca. 45 at Utrecht University, ca.30 at UCopenhagen). 

Climate Change - An interdiciplinary challenge; Human Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability.


PhD supervisor of 3 PhD students (10 finished PhD Thesis Projects in NL and DK)

External examinator on PhD theses at University of Amsterdam (NL), Utrecht University (NL), Polytechnic University Catalunya (E), University of Granada (E), Lund University (S), University of Plymouth (UK), University of Cote d'Opale (F), University of Waikato (NZ), University of Durham (UK), University of New South Wales (AUS), University of Lancaster (UK), University of Aarhus (DK), University of Potsdam (D)

Supervisor and lecturer at different European PhD Schools on Hydro- and Morphodynamics of Coastal Seas and Estuaries. Co-organiser of the Texel Summerschool (NL; 2005). Organisor of the Skallingen International Summer Course on Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (2006, 2010, 2014).


Supervisor of 4 finished PostDoc projects


Primære forskningsområder

My scientific research within Physical Geography is focused on coastal, fluvial and aeolian geomorphology and morphodynamic processes on sandy beaches and on deltas. The adopted approach follows a classic morphodynamic approach where I study the mutual interactions between the processes, sediment transport rates and morphological adaptation on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales: from the evolution of intertidal bars to the evolution of beach ridge plains. The final goal is to come with conceptual models that can be used to explain the dynamics of morphologic features, keeping the processes in mind.

The research is largely based on experimental field work and also incorporates innovative techniques in remote sensing with openings towards modelling based on (geo) statistical analysis of data. Field experiments on sandy beaches were made along the coasts of the North Sea and Baltic Sea in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Denmark, and in Australia. Field experiments on deltaic systems were made in China, Vietnam and along the Wadden Sea.

At present, I'm very active in research related to Arctic coastal environments in Greenland. Here I look to the development of deltas and look to the longer-term evolution of beach ridge plains in relation to relative sea-level changes. Besides, I work in interdisciplinary projects regarding the threats of climate change induced impacts on existing archaeological sites. 

My current scientific activities also include the impact of climate change on the coastal environments in temperate regions like Denmark. Here I'm focused on estimating the effects of sea level rise, extreme events and sediment perturbations on the erosion and flooding of the shores and try to address the posibilities to cope with it in the coastal zone management context.  

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