Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

The focus of our lab is to understand the mechanisms that regulate differentiation of skeletal stem cells to osteoblast and adipocyte lineages, and to investigate the relevance of these regulatory mechanisms to pathogenesis of bone loss in the context of inflammation, cancer, and aging.

Aktuel forskning

  • Regulatory mechanisms of skeletal (mesenchymal) stem cell (MSC) fate specification
  • Role of lysosomal proteases in regulation of bone and systemic energy homeostasis
  • Role of MSC-secreted factors in pathogenesis of bone loss in the context of aging, cancer, and inflammation
  • Role of bone marrow adipose tissue in regulation of skeletal homeostasis

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Our group has been engaged in teaching activities at different levels (medical students, bachelor, Master, PhD programs) and research training of post docs and international researchers.


  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Mesenchymal (Skeletal) Stem Cell
  • osteoblast
  • adipocyte
  • bone marrow adipose tissue
  • cancer/inflammation/age-related bone loss

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