Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Integrated modeling for meteorological and chemical weather prediction; Megacities, air quality and climate interaction; Boundary layer meteorological processes; Microscale / urban meteorology and climatology; Atmospheric long-range transport and aerosol dynamics modelling; Environmental impact and risk assessments; Indoor climate, ventilation and air pollution modelling.
30 years of experience in developing and using numerical atmospheric dynamics and pollution models at different scales: from local- and meso- to regional and global scales.
During last years under A. Baklanov leadership novel and improved integrated modeling tools for prediction of air pollution in megacities were developed, impacts of megacities and large air-pollution hot-spots on local, regional and global air quality were assessed, and feedbacks among megacity air quality, local and regional climate, and global climate change were quantified (within MEGAPOLI). This included both basic and applied research, and bridged spatial and temporal scales connecting local emissions, air quality and weather with global atmospheric chemistry and climate.
Initiator and European coordinator of a new actively developing scientific direction of online integrated modelling of atmospheric chemical and physical processes with two-way interactions and feedbacks, considering the atmosphere as one joint interacting system.


Curriculum Vitae, Prof. Alexander Baklanov

Personal Data

Date of birth:    July 05, 1957.

Office data:       World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

7 bis, Avenue de la Paix, BP2300, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Home address:  Islevhusvej 76, DK-2700, Bronshoj, Denmark

Phone:                +41 (0)22 730 80 95; Fax:          +41 (0)22 730 80 49

Mobiles:             +41 (0)762531596, +45 5382 6357 (private);

Emails:               [email protected], [email protected]  


Career / Employment and Positions

01/14-present    Scientific Officer in Research Department,
                             World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
11/11-present    Affiliated Professor at Niels Bohr Institute of University
                             of Copenhagen (see his inaugural lecture)
01/07-07/12      Vice-director of Danish Strategic Research Center for Energy,
                            Environment & Health (CEEH)
08/98-01/18      Senior scientist at Danish Meteorological Institute,
                            Research Department (on leave to WMO until Jan 2018).
01/94-07/98      Visiting scholar, project scientist at Atmospheric Physics
                            group of Swedish Defence Research Establishment (FOA)
                            and University  of Umeå,Umeå, Sweden.
06/95-04/96      Research scholar at International Institute for Applied Systems
                            Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria (Radiation Safety of the
                            Biosphere Project).
01/89-01/94      Head of Department of Mathematical Modeling of the Environment
                            at Institute of Northern Environmental Problems, Russian Academy
                            of Sciences, Apatity, Russia.
01/90-01/94      Director of International Environmental Information Center Econord.
08/79-01/89      PhD-student, young scientist, scientist, senior scientist at
                            Novosibirsk State University, Computing Centre of Siberian Division,
                            Kola Science Center, USSR Academy of Science.

Education and Grades

2012 (June)        Valid Member (Academician) of International Eurasian Academy
                            of Sciences (IEAS)
2011 (November)    Honour Professor in Integrated dynamic/chemical modelling of
                                   the University of Copenhagen
2008 (November)   Professor in Meteorology (The Highest Attestation Commission,
                                  Ministry of Education and Science, Moscow, Russia)
1998 (October)     Dr. Scient. in Physics & Mathematics (Meteorology and Climatology)
                                (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St.-Petersburg)
1996 (Septem.)     Senior research fellow in Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
                                Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
1988 (October)     Senior research fellow in Mathematical Methods in Environmental
                                Sciences (Kola Science Center of USSR Academy of Sciences,
1983 (March)        PhD. in Physics & Mathematics (Math. Methods in Geophysics)
                               (Novosibirsk Computing Center, USSR Academy of Sciences)
1979 (July)             MSc. in Physics (Yaroslavl State University/
                               Novosibirsk State University, USSR).

Research Profile
Seamless Coupled Earth System modelling; Integrated modeling for meteorological
and chemical weather prediction;Megacities, air quality and climate interaction;
Boundary layer meteorological processes; Mesoscale meteorology,numerical weather
prediction and chemical weather forecasting; Microscale / urban meteorology
and climatology; Atmospheric long-range transport and aerosol dynamics modelling;
Emergency preparedness, environmental impact and risk assessments.

Coordination of and Participation in International Research Projects (since 2000)

-4 FP EC projects: ‘SFINCS: Surface Fluxes in Climate System’ (1998-2001),‘RTMOD:
real-time model inter-comparisons’ (1998-2001), NorFA/NARP project
ArcticRisk: ‘Atmospheric Transport Pathways, Vulnerability and Possible Accidental Consequences
from Nuclear Risk Sites in European Arctic’ (2001-2003, project leader)
,COST-715: WG2 ‘Mixing heights and surface energy budgets’ (1998-2004),
- 5 FP EC projects: ‘ENSEMBLE: Methods to Reconcile Disparate National Forecasts
of Medium and Long Range Dispersion’ (2000-2003), ‘ELCID: Evaluation of Climatic
Impact of Dimethyl Sulphide’ (2000-2003), ‘FUMAPEX: Integrated Systems for
Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air Pollution and Population Exposure’ (2002-2005, project leader),
-6 FP EC projects: ‘EnviroRISKS: Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring,
Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia’ (2005-2008, project leader)
,GEMS: Global and regional Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data (2005-2009),
-7 FP EC projects ‘MEGAPOLI: Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric
POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation’
(2008-2011, project leader), ‘MACC: Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate’
(2009-2011, WP leader), ‘PEGASOS: Pan-European Gas-AeroSol-climate interaction Study’
(2010-2014), ‘PBL-PMES: Atmospheric Planetary Boundary Layers: Physics, Modelling and
Role in Earth System’ (2008-2013), ‘TRANSPHORM: Transport related Air Pollution and
Health impacts’(2010-2014, WP leader).


Head of Department of Mathematical Modeling of the Environment at
Institute of Northern Environmental Problems, Russian Academy of
Sciences,Apatity, Russia (1988-1994).
Director of International Environmental Information Center Econord,
Apatity, Russia (1988-1994).
PI or project leader for 18 national and bilateral (with USA, UK,
Norway, Sweden, Finland) research projects of USSR/Russian Academy of Science.
PI of international projects ‘Origins of Arctic Haze’, KOLANET, ‘Arctic Risk’.
Project leader/co-ordinator of EC FP RTD projects: FP5 FUMAPEX (2002-2005),
FP6 EnviroRISKS (2005-2008), FP7 MEGAPOLI (2008-2011).
Leader / national representative at COST (European Cooperation in Science and T
echnology) programs: Action 715 ‘Urban Meteorology’ (1998-2004), Action 728 ‘Meso-Meteorology’
(2004-2009, vice-chairman), Action 732 ‘Micro-Meteorology’ (2005-2009), Action ES0602
‘Chemical weather’ (2008-2011), Action ES1004 ‘EuMetChem’ (2011-2015, chairman).
Vice-director of Danish Strategic Research Center for Energy, Environment and
Health (CEEH) (2007-2012).
Leader of the special ECMWF project ‘EnviroChemistry on ECMWF’ (2012-2014).
Chairman of the COST Action ES1004 ’European Framework for Online Integrated
Air Quality and Meteorology Modelling (EuMetChem)’ (2011-2015), which includes organizations
from 23 European countries, USA, Russia, Canada, as well as WMO, ECMWF, EC JRC,
etc. (

Teachingand Supervision

Supervisor/co-supervisor of 12 PhD students (10 are successfully
defended) and many BS or MSc students.
Visiting professor at the University of Nottingham, UK (2007),
Visiting professor of the University of Hertfordshire, UK (2008-2016),
Professor of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU),
St.-Petersburg (since 2008).
Adjoint professor in Integrated dynamic/chemical modelling at the University of Copenhagen.
Courses on integrated meteorology-chemistry modeling, urban meteorology and boundary layers
,atmospheric physics, numerical and environment modeling, aerosol dynamics, etc.
Organizer/co-director of summer schools for Integrated Meteorology-chemistry modelling (2008, 2011, 2014).
WMO training schools and courses on Urban Meteorology, Climate and Air Pollution (2015- 2017).

Organization of Conferences and Schools

Organizer and chairman of international scientific conferences and young scientists
schools «Integrated Modelling of Meteorological and Chemical Transport Processes /
Impact of Chemical Weather on Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling»
(2008 in St-Petersburg, Russia, 2011 in Odessa, Ukraine, and 2014, Aveiro, Portugal).
Chairman of international symposium «Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and
global atmospheric pollution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment
and mitigation», September 2011, Paris, France.
Co-director and organizer of NATO Advanced Research Workshops:‘Atmospheric Boundary Layers:
Modelling and Applications for Environmental Security’, Croatia (2006).
Organizer and chairman of international scientific seminar COST-NetFAM
‘Integrated Meso-Meteorological and Chemical Transport Modelling’, Copenhagen (2007).
Co-director and organizer of WMO Conference ‘Mesoscale modelling for air pollution applications
- achievements and challenges’, Geneva (2010).
Chairman of annual sessions of European Geophysical Union (EGU):
‘Seamless coupled modelling of the dynamics and chemistry of the atmosphere,
ocean and land’, ‘Integrated physical and chemical weather modelling with two-way interactions и ’Megacities:
Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Local to Global Scales’, Vienna, since 2008.
Co-chair of session ‘Environmental Meteorology’ on Annual Meetings of
European Meteorological Society (EMS), since 2005.
Co-chair of the World Weather Open Science Conference (WWOSC) session
‘Atmospheric and oceanic composition (processes, physics, modelling)’ (2014).
Initiator and chair of Symposium on ‘Coupled Chemistry-Meteorology/Climate Modelling:
Status and relevance for numerical weather prediction, atmospheric pollution
and climate research’ (2015).
Member of program and organizational committees, sessions chair on more
than 30 international conferences and workshops.

Participations in International Bodies

WMO representative in UN and international programmes:
GESAMP, GEIA, AMAP, WWRP and GAW programs: SDS-WAS, GAW Aerosol,
Precipitation chemistry, GURME, Polar Prediction Project, etc.
Member of WMO Scientific Advisory Group for GURME: GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (2008-2014);
Member of International Commission for Polar Meteorology (since 2003);
Board Member of International Association of Urban Climate (IAUC, since 2013);
Member of the Eurasian Academy of Sciences (since 2012);
Member of proposal evaluation panels of EC DG Research FPs and ERC, US NSF, NASA, etc.
Board Member of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) global-change research programme;
Member of EC Expert Group and co-author of European Union Air Policy Review.

Editorial and Scientific Per-review Activities

Editor in chief of Urban Climate journal (Elsevier)
Associated Editor of Environmental Modelling and Assessment journal (Springer).
Member of Editorial Board in Atmospheric Research,
Meteorology and Open Atmospheric Science, Geography and Environmental
Sustainability journals.
Initiator and co-editor in chief of science-popular environmental journal ECONORD,
published in cooperation with Nordic countries on Russian,
Scandinavian and English languages (1991-2002).

Awards and Honorary Titles
Honorary Professor of the University of Copenhagen,
Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences,
Silver medal of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences,
Silver medal of USSR National Economy Achievement Exhibition,
Diplomas and honorary certificate of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Gold Medal of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.

Kommentarer til publikationsliste

        List of main peer-reviewed publications of Alexander Baklanov

               (in the following order: 1. by year, 2. books, journal papers)


Mesoscale Modelling for Meteorological and Air Pollution Application
Edited by Ranjeet S. Sokhi, Alexander Baklanov and K. Heinke Schlünzen
ISBN: 97817833088263, Anthem Press. Book.


Baklanov, A., D. Brunner, G. Carmichael, J. Flemming, S. Freitas, M. Gauss, O. Hov, R. Mathur, K. Schlünzen, C. Seigneur, and B. Vogel, 2018: Key issues for seamless integrated chemistry-meteorology modeling. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., , 2285-2292, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00166.1.

Baklanov, A., C.S.B. Grimmond, D. Carlson, D. Terblanche, X. Tang, V. Bouchet, B. Lee, G. Langendijk, R.K. Kolli, A. Hovsepyan, 2018:
From urban meteorology, climate and environment research to integrated city services.
Urban Climate, 23 330–341, DOI10.1016/j.uclim.2017.05.004.

Baklanov, A., Korsholm, U. S., Nuterman, R., Mahura, A., Nielsen, K. P., Sass, B. H., Rasmussen, A., Zakey, A., Kaas, E., Kurganskiy, A., Sørensen, B., and González-Aparicio, I., 2017: The Enviro-HIRLAM online integrated meteorology–chemistry modelling system: strategy, methodology, developments, and applications (v. 7.2), Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2971-2999,

Ching, J., G. Mills, B. Bechtel, L. See, J. Feddema, X. Wang, C. Ren, O. Brousse, A. Martilli, M. Neophytou, P. Mouzourides, I. Stewart, A. Hanna, E. Ng, M. Foley, P. Alexander, D. Aliaga, D. Niyogi, A. Shreevastava, P. Bhalachandran, V. Masson, J. Hidalgo, J. Fung, M. Andrade, A. Baklanov, W. Dai, G. Milcinski, M. Demuzere, N. Brunsell, M. Pesaresi, S. Miao, Q. Mu, F. Chen, and N. Theeuwes, 2018: World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT), an urban weather, climate and environmental modeling infrastructure for the Anthropocene. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0236.1.

Palacios-Peña, L., Baró, R., Baklanov, A., Balzarini, A., Brunner, D., Forkel, R., Hirtl, M., Honzak, L., López-Romero, J. M., Montávez, J. P., Pérez, J. L., Pirovano, G., San José, R., Schröder, W., Werhahn, J., Wolke, R., Žabkar, R., and Jiménez-Guerrero, P.:
An assessment of aerosol optical properties from remote-sensing observations and regional chemistry–climate coupled models over Europe,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 5021-5043,, 2018.

Ching, J., G. Mills, B. Bechtel, L. See, J. Feddema, X. Wang, C. Ren, O. Brousse, A. Martilli, M. Neophytou, P. Mouzourides, I. Stewart, A. Hanna, E. Ng, M. Foley, P. Alexander, D. Aliaga, D. Niyogi, A. Shreevastava, P. Bhalachandran, V. Masson, J. Hidalgo, J. Fung, M. Andrade, A. Baklanov, W. Dai, G. Milcinski, M. Demuzere, N. Brunsell, M. Pesaresi, S. Miao, Q. Mu, F. Chen, and N. Theeuwes, 2018:
World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT), an urban weather, climate and environmental modeling infrastructure for the Anthropocene.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0236.1.

Hanna K. Lappalainen, Nuria Altimir, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Tuukka Petäjä, Risto Makkonen, Pavel Alekseychik, Nina Zaitseva, Irina Bashmakova, Joni Kujansuu, Antti Lauri, Päivi Haapanala, Stephany B. Mazon, Alla Borisova, Pavel Konstantinov, Sergej Chalov, Tuomas Laurila, Eija Asmi, Heikki Lihavainen, Jaana Bäck, Michael Arshinov, Alexander Mahura, Steven Arnold, Timo Vihma, Petteri Uotila, Gerrit de Leeuw, Ilmo Kukkonen, Svetlana Malkhazova, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Irina Fedorova, Hans-Christian Hansson, Sergey Dobrolyubov, Vladimir Melnikov, Gennady Matvienko,
Alexander Baklanov, Yrjö Viisanen, Nikolay Kasimov, Huadong Guo, Valery Bondur, Sergej Zilitinkevich and Markku Kulmala (2018) Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Program:
An overview of the first 5 years in operation and future prospects. Geography, Environment, Sustainability,
Vol.11, No 1, p. 6-19. DOI-10.24057/2071-9388-2018-11-1-6-19

Benedetti, A., Reid, J. S., Baklanov, A., Basart, S., Boucher, O., Brooks, I. M., Brooks, M., Colarco, P. R., Cuevas, E., da Silva, A., Di Giuseppe, F., Escribano, J., Flemming, J., Huneeus, N., Jorba, O., Kazadzis, S., Kinne, S., Knippertz, P., Laj, P., Marsham, J. H., Menut, L., Mona, L., Popp, T., Quinn, P. K., Rémy, S., Sekiyama, T. S., Tanaka, T., Terradellas, E., and Wiedensohler, A.:
Status and future of Numerical Atmospheric Aerosol Prediction with a focus on data requirements, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,,  2018.

Varentsov, M., Konstantinov, P., Baklanov, A., Esau, I., Miles, V., and Davy, R.: Anthropogenic and natural drivers of a strong winter urban heat island in a typical Arctic city, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 17573-17587,, 2018


Baklanov, A., 2017: Overview of the European framework for online integrated air quality and meteorology modelling (EuMetChem). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-special_issue370-preface; web:

Baklanov, A., Korsholm, U. S., Nuterman, R., Mahura, A., Nielsen, K. P., Sass, B. H., Rasmussen, A., Zakey, A., Kaas, E., Kurganskiy, A., Sørensen, B., and González-Aparicio, I.:
The Enviro-HIRLAM online integrated meteorology–chemistry modelling system: strategy, methodology, developments, and applications (v. 7.2), Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2971-2999,, 2017.

Baklanov, A., D. Brunner, G. Carmichael, J. Flemming, S. Freitas, M. Gauss, O. Hov, R. Mathur, K. Schlünzen, C. Seigneur, and B. Vogel, 2018:
Key issues for seamless integrated chemistry-meteorology modeling.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00166.1.

Baklanov, A., 2017: Overview of the European framework for online integrated air quality and meteorology modelling (EuMetChem).
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-special_issue370-preface;

Rocío Baró, Laura Palacios-Peña, Alexander Baklanov, Alessandra Balzarini, Dominik Brunner, Renate Forkel, Marcus Hirtl, Luka Honzak, Juan Luis Pérez, Guido Pirovano, Roberto San José, Wolfram Schröder, Johannes Werhahn, Ralf Wolke, Rahela Žabkar, and Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero: Regional effects of atmospheric aerosols on temperature:an evaluation of an ensemble of online coupled models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 9677-9696,, 2017


Shepherd, G., E. Terradellas, A. Baklanov, et al., 2016:
Global Assessment of Sand and Dust Storms.
UNEP, WMO, UNCCD, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, ISBN: 978-92-807-3551-2, 2016, 139 p.

Baklanov, A., L.T. Molina, M. Gauss (2016)
Megacities, air quality and climate. Atmospheric Environment, 126: 235–249. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.11.059

Arnold, S. R., K. S. Law, C. A. Brock, J. L. Thomas, S. M. Starkweather, K. von Salzen, A. Stohl, S. Sharma, M. T. Lund, M. G. Flanner, T. Petäjä, H. Tanimoto, J. Gamble, J. E. Dibb, M. Melamed, N. Johnson, M. Fidel, V.-P. Tynkkynen, A. Baklanov, S. Eckhardt, S.A. Monks, J. Browse, H. Bozem, 2016:
Arctic air pollution: challenges and opportunities for the next decade. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 2016; 4:104. DOI:

Lappalainen, H.K., V,-M. Kerminen, T. Petäjä, T. Kurten, A. Baklanov, A. Shvidenko, et al.:
Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX): towards a holistic understanding of the feedbacks and interactions in the land–atmosphere–ocean–society continuum in the northern Eurasian region, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 14421-14461,, 2016


Baklanov, A., B. Vogel, and S. Freitas (Editors):
Coupled chemistry–meteorology modelling: status and relevance for numerical weather prediction,
air quality and climate communities (SI of CCMM and EuMetChem COST ES1004).
Special issue jointly organized between Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and Geoscientific Model Development journals, no 370, 2015;

Colette, A., C. Andersson, A. Baklanov, B. Bessagnet, J. Brandt, J.H. Christensen, R. Doherty, M. Engardt, C. Geels, C. Giannakopoulos, G.B. Hedegaard, E. Katragkou,  J. Langner, H. Lei, A. Manders, D. Melas, F. Meleux, L. Rouïl, M. Sofiev, J. Soares, D.S. Stevenson, M. Tombrou-Tzella, K.V. Varotsos, P. Young (2015)
On the robustness of the ozone climate penalty in Europe. Environ. Res. Lett. 10 (2015) 084015.

Bocquet, M., Elbern, H., Eskes, H., Hirtl, M., Žabkar, R., Carmichael, G. R., Flemming, J., Inness, A., Pagowski, M., Pérez Camaño, J. L., Saide, P. E., San Jose, R., Sofiev, M., Vira, J., Baklanov, A., Carnevale, C., Grell, G., and Seigneur, C., 2015:
Data assimilation in atmospheric chemistry models: current status and future prospects for coupled chemistry meteorology models,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5325-5358, doi:10.5194/acp-15-5325-2015.

Kulmala, M., Lappalainen, H. K., Petäjä, T., Kurten, T., Kerminen, V.-M., Viisanen, Y.,
Hari, P., Sorvari, S., Bäck, J., Bondur, V., Kasimov, N., Kotlyakov, V., Matvienko, G.,
Baklanov, A., Guo, H. D., Ding, A., Hansson, H.-C., and Zilitinkevich, S.:
Introduction: The Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) – multidisciplinary, multiscale and multicomponent research and capacity-building initiative,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13085-13096, doi:10.5194/acp-15-13085-2015, 2015.

Galmarini, S., C. Hogrefe, D. Brunner, P. Makar, A. Baklanov (2015):
Evaluating Coupled Models (AQMEII P2), Preface. Atmos. Environ., 15, 340-344, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.06.009.

Kong, X., R. Forkel, R. S. Sokhi, P. Suppan, A. Baklanov, M. Gauss, D. Brunner, R. Barò, A. Balzarini, C. Chemel, G. Curci, P. Jiménez-Guerrero, M. Hirtl, L. Honzak, U. Im, J. L. Pérez, G. Pirovano, R. San Jose, K. H. Schlünzen, G. Tsegas, P. Tuccella, J. Werhahn, R. Žabkar, S. Galmarini, 2015:
Analysis of Meteorology-Chemistry Interactions During Air Pollution Episodes Using Online Coupled Models within AQMEII Phase-2,  Atmospheric Environment, 115: 527–540,  doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.020.

Beekmann, M., Prévôt, A. S. H., Drewnick, F., Sciare, J., Pandis, S. N., Denier van der Gon, H. A. C., Crippa, M., Freutel, F., Poulain, L., Ghersi, V., Rodriguez, E., Beirle, S., Zotter, P., von der Weiden-Reinmüller, S.-L., Bressi, M., Fountoukis, C., Petetin, H., Szidat, S., Schneider, J., Rosso, A., El Haddad, I., Megaritis, A., Zhang, Q. J., Michoud,  V., Slowik, J. G., Moukhtar, S., Kolmonen, P., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S., Borbon, A., Gros, V., Marchand, N., Jaffrezo,  J. L., Schwarzenboeck, A., Colomb, A., Wiedensohler, A., Borrmann, S., Lawrence, M., Baklanov, A., and Baltensperger, U.:
In situ, satellite measurement and model evidence on the dominant regional contribution to fine particulate matter levels in the Paris megacity,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9577-9591, doi:10.5194/acp-15-9577-2015, 2015.

Zilitinkevich S.S., Kulmala M., Esau I., Baklanov A., 2015:
Megacities – Refining Models to Client Environment. WMO Bulletin, Vol. 64(1), 20-22.

Baklanov, A., V. Bouchet, B. Vogel, V. Marécal, A. Benedetti, K. H. Schlünzen (2015)
Seamless Meteorology-Composition Models (SMCM): Challenges, gaps, needs and future directions. Chapter 12 in the WWOSC Book:
Seamless Prediction of the Earth System: from Minutes to Months, (G Brunet, S Jones, PM Ruti Eds.), (WMO-No. 1156), (ISBN 978-92-63-11156-2), Geneva, pp. 213-233, 2015

Grimmond, C. S., G. Carmichael, H. Lean, A. Baklanov, S. Leroyer, V. Masson K. H. Schluenzen and B. Golding, 2015:
Urban-scale environmental prediction systems. Chapter 18 in the WWOSC Book: Seamless Prediction of the Earth System:  from Minutes to Months, (G Brunet, S Jones, PM Ruti Eds.), (WMO-No. 1156), (ISBN 978-92-63-11156-2), Geneva, pp. 347-370, 2015


Miranda, A.I., A. Monteiro, H. Martins, A. Baklanov, K.H. Schluenzen (2014)
Online Integrated Modelling of Meteorological and Chemical transport Processes.
EUMETCHEM Young Scientists Summer School Education Book. COST Action ES1004, University of Aveiro, WMO, University of Hamburg, 132 p., ISBN 978-989-98673-3-8.

Amosov, P., A. Baklanov, O. Rigina (2014)
“Numerical modeling of tailings’ dusting processes”  – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. – 109 с.

Quinn, P.K., A. Stohl, A. Baklanov, M.G. Flanner, A. Herber, K. Kupiainen, K.S. Law, J. Schmale, S. Sharma, V. Vestreng, K. von Salzen (2014)
The Arctic, Radiative forcing by black carbon in the Arctic in “State of the Climate in 2013”,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(7): 124-125.

Lappalainen, Tuukka Petäjä, Joni Kujansuu, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Anatoly Shvidenko, Jaana Bäck, Timo Vesala, Timo Vihma, Gerrit de Leeuw, Antti Lauri, Taina Ruuskanen, Vladimir B. Lapshin, Nina Zaitseva, Olga Glezer, Mikhail Arshinov, Dominick V. Spracklen, Steve R. Arnold, Sirkku Juhola, Heikki Lihavainen, Yrjö Viisanen, H., N. Chubarova, S. Chalov, N. Filatov, A. Skorokhod, N. Elansky, E. Dyukarev, I. Esau, P. Hari, V. Kotlyakov, N. Kasimov, V. Bondur, G. Matvienko, A. Baklanov, E. Mareev, Y. Troitskaya, A. Ding, H. Guo, S. Zilitinkevich, M. Kulmala, 2014:
Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) – A research initiative meeting the grand challenges of the changing environment of the northern Pan-Eurasian Arctic-boreal areas, 2014: Geography, Environment and Sustainability, 7, No. 2, 13-48.

Baklanov, A., Schlünzen, K., Suppan, P., Baldasano, J., Brunner, D., Aksoyoglu, S., Carmichael, G., Douros, J., Flemming, J., Forkel, R., Galmarini, S., Gauss, M., Grell, G., Hirtl, M., Joffre, S., Jorba, O., Kaas, E., Kaasik, M., Kallos, G., Kong, X., Korsholm, U., Kurganskiy, A., Kushta, J., Lohmann, U., Mahura, A., Manders-Groot, A., Maurizi, A., Moussiopoulos, N., Rao, S. T., Savage, N., Seigneur, C., Sokhi, R. S., Solazzo, E., Solomos, S., Sørensen, B., Tsegas, G., Vignati, E., Vogel, B., and Zhang, Y.:
Online coupled regional meteorology chemistry models in Europe: current status and prospects,
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 317-398, doi:10.5194/acp-14-317-2014, 2014

Grimmond S., Xu T., Baklanov A., 2014:
Towards integrated urban weather, environment and climate services.  WMO Bulletin 63 (1) 10-14.

González-Aparicio, I., A. Baklanov, J. Hidalgo, U. Korsholm, R. Nuterman, 2014:
Impact of city expansion and increased heat fluxes scenarios on the urban boundary layer of Bilbao using Enviro-HIRLAM.
Urban Climate, 2014, 10(5): 831–845.

Sokhi, R.S., X. Francis, A. Baklanov, J. Bartzis (2014)
Preface on advances in urban air pollution research. Special Issue ‘Source apportionment and modelling of urban air pollution’,
Urban Climate, 10(4): 607-768.

Pleim, J., R Mathur, ST Rao, J Fast, A Baklanov (2014)
Integrated Meteorology and Chemistry Modeling: Evaluation and Research Needs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
April 2014, ES81-ES84. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00107.1


Melnikov, N.N., Baklanov, A.A., Amosov, P.V. (2013)
Influence of a height of protection barrier of dust-forming surface of tailing dump on atmosphere pollution.  Gornyi Zhurnal, 2013, pp. 13-20

Zilitinkevich, S., Baklanov, A., Grachev, A., Gryanik, V., Kliorin, N. et al. (2013)
Atmospheric turbulence and planetary Boundary Layers. Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 252 p., ISBN 978-5-9221-1519-3.

Regional Environmental Changes in Siberia and Their Global Consequences. Series:
Springer Environmental Science and Engineering. Groisman, Pavel Ya.; Gutman, Garik (Eds.)
, 2013, 357 p., ISBN 978-94-007-4568-1, pp. 347-354.

Baklanov, A., T. Elperin, A. Fominykh, B. Krasovitov (2013):
Cell Model of In-cloud Scavenging of Highly Soluble Gases.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 97: 135–142.

von Glasow, R., T.D. Jickells, A. Baklanov, G.R. Carmichael, T.M. Church, L. Gallardo,
C. Hughes, M. Kanakidou, P.S. Liss, L. Mee, R. Raine, P. Ramachandran, R. Ramesh,
K. Sundseth, U. Tsunogai, M. Uematsu, T. Zhu (2013)
Megacities and Large Urban Agglomerations in the Coastal Zone:
Interactions Between Atmosphere, Land, and Marine Ecosystems.
AMBIO, A Journal of the Human Environment, 42 (1), 13-28.

González-Aparicio, I., J. Hidalgo, A. Baklanov, U. Korsholm, R. Nuterman, A. Mahura, O. Santa-Coloma, 2013.
Urban boundary layer analysis in the complex coastal terrain of Bilbao using Enviro-HIRLAM.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 113 (3-4), 511-527.

González-Aparicio, I, J Hidalgo, A Baklanov, A Padró, O Santa-Coloma (2013)
An hourly PM10 diagnosis model for the Bilbao metropolitan area using a linear regression methodology.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (7), 4469-4483.

Baklanov, A., V. Penenko, A. Mahura, A. Vinogradova, N. Elansky, E. Tsvetova, O. Rigina, L.
Maksimenkov, R. Nuterman, F. Pogarskii, A. Zakey, 2013:
Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution in Siberia, Chapter 8 in Regional Environmental Changes in Siberia and Their Global Consequences: pp. 303-346.

Grimmond C.S.B., A. Baklanov, M. Best , R. Betts, J. Feddema , P. Falloon, G. Folberth, R. Francis,
T. Holt , T. Jackson , E. Larson, M. McCarthy, T. Meir, N. Mirumachi, K. Oleson , P. Orton , J. Pullen (2013)
Contributions of Coastal Megacities to environmental changes at regional and global scales. Chapter 4 in the Book
‘Megacities in coastal zones’. IGBP-LOICZ Synthesis Report.


Baklanov, A., A. Mahura, L. Nazarenko, N. Tausnev, A Kuchin, O. Rigina (2012):
Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change in Northern Latitudes.
Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia, 106 pp., УДК 504+551+621.039

Baklanov, A. and B. Grisogono (Eds.), 2012: Atmospheric Boundary Layers:
Nature, Theory and Application to Environmental Modelling and Security.
Springer book, extended and translated into Russian, 260 p. / А. Бакланов, Б. Гризогоно. 2012:
Пограничные слои атмосферы. Природа, теория и приложения к моделированию и охране окружающей среды.
Научный редактор русского издания Г.С. Голицын. М.: ГЕОС, 2012, 260 с. ISBN 978-5-89118-595-1

Baklanov, AA, VG Bondur, Z Bencetiæ Klaiæ, SS Zilitinkevich (Editors), 2012:
Special Issue “Integration of geospheres in Earth systems:
Modern queries to environmental physics, modelling, monitoring and education”. Journal Geofizika, 2012: 29 (1).

Alapaty K, R. Mathur, J. Pleim, Ch. Hogrefe, S. T. Rao, V. Ramaswamy, S. Galmarini, M. Schaap, R. Vautard, P. Makar, A. Baklanov, G. Kallos, B. Vogel, R. Sokhi (2012)
New Directions: Understanding Interactions of Air Quality and Climate Change at Regional Scales.
Atmospheric Environment, 49: 419–421.

Baklanov, A (2012):
The Environmental Impact of Megacities. International Innovation.
Environment. February 2012, ISSN 2041-4552, p. 12-14.

Baklanov, AA, VG Bondur, Z Bencetić Klaić, SS Zilitinkevich (2012)
Integration of geospheres in Earth systems:
Modern queries to environmental physics, modelling, monitoring and education”. Geofizika, 29 (1), 1-4.

Klein, T. J. Kukkonen, Å. Dahl, E. Bossioli, A. Baklanov, A.F. Vik, P. Agnew, K.D. Karatzas and M. Sofiev (2012)
Interactions of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Weather Calling for an Integrated Approach to Assessment, Forecasting, and Communication of Air Quality. AMBIO, A Journal of the Human Environment, 05/2012, DOI: 10.1007/s13280-012-0288-z

Langner, J., M. Engardt, A. Baklanov, J. H. Christensen, M. Gauss, C. Geels, G., B. Hedegaard, R. Nuterman D. Simpson, J. Soares, M. Sofiev, P. Wind and A. Zakey (2012)
A multi-model study of impacts of climate change on surface ozone in Europe.
Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 12, 10423-10440, doi:10.5194/acp-12-10423-2012.

Kukkonen J, Balk T, Schultz D. M, Baklanov A, Klein T, Miranda A. I, Monteiro A, Hirtl M,
Tarvainen V, Boy M, Sokhi R, Lehtinen K, Karatzas K, San José R, Astitha M, Kallos G, Schaap M, Reimer E, Jakobs H, Eben K (2012)
A review of operational, regional-scale, chemical weather forecasting models in Europe.
Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 01/2012; 12(12):1-87.

Penenko, V., A Baklanov, E Tsvetova, A Mahura (2012)
Direct and Inverse Problems in a Variational Concept of Environmental Modeling.
Pure and Applied Geophysics 169 (3), 447-465.

Ruth, M. and A. Baklanov (2012)
Urban Climate Science, Planning, Policy and Investment Challenges. Urban Climate, 2012: 1: 1-4,

Zhang Y, M. Bocquet, V. Mallet, Ch. Seigneur, A. Baklanov (2012)
Real-time air quality forecasting, part I: History, techniques, and current status.
Atmospheric Environment, 60: 656-676.

Zhang Y, M. Bocquet, V. Mallet, Ch. Seigneur, A. Baklanov (2012)
Real-time air quality forecasting, part II: State of the science, current research needs, and future prospects. Atmospheric Environment, 60: 632-655.

Baklanov, A. (2012)
Megacities: Urban Environment, Air Pollution, Climate Change and Human Health Interactions.
Chapter 10 in: National Security and Human Health Implications of Climate Change.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security,
2012, 103-114, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2430-3_10


Baklanov, A., A. Mahura, R. Sokhi, 2011:
Integrated systems of meso-meteorological and chemical transport models,
Springer, 242 p., DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-13980-2

Butler T., R.S.Sokhi, J.Kukkonen, A.Baklanov and M.Gauss (Eds. and intro article), 2011:
"Modelling of Air Quality Impacts, Forecasting and Interactions with Climate.
Special Issues of Atmospheric Environment, 45(38) 6843-7014, 2011, (Article 6843-6844), ISSN 1352-2310.

Grell, G. and A. Baklanov, 2011:
Integrated Modeling for Forecasting Weather and Air Quality: A Call for Fully Coupled Approaches.
Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.01.017.

Di Sabatino S., R. Buccolieri, H.R. Olesen, M. Ketzel, R. Berkowicz, J. Franke, M. Schatzmann, K. H. Schlunzen,B. Leitl, R. Britter, C. Borrego, A.M. Costa, S.T. Castelli, T.G. Reisin, A. Hellsten, J. Saloranta, N. Moussiopoulos, F. Barmpas, K. Brzozowski, I. Goricsan, M. Balczo, J.G. Bartzis, G. Efthimiou, J.L. Santiago, A. Martilli, M. Piringer, K. Baumann-Stanzer, M. Hirtl, A.A. Baklanov, R.B. Nuterman, A.V. Starchenko, 2011:
COST 732 in practice: the MUST model evaluation exercise.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 44(1-4): 403 – 418, DOI: 10.1504/IJEP.2011.038442 

Baklanov A., Aloyan A., Mahura A., Arutyunyan V., Luzan P., 2011.
Evaluation of source-receptor relationship for atmospheric pollutants using approaches of trajectory modelling, cluster, probability fields analyses and adjoint equations. Atmospheric Pollution Research, doi:10.5094/APR.2011.045.

Penenko, V., A. Baklanov, E. Tsvetova, A. Mahura, 2011:
Direct and Inverse Problems in a Variational Concept of Environmental Modelling. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 169, No 3/4, 2012.

Baklanov, A.A., Korsholm, U. S., Mahura, A. G., Nuterman, R. B., Sass, B. H., and Zakey, A. S. (2011):
Physical and chemical weather forecasting as a joint problem: two-way interacting integrated modelling.
American Meteorological Society 91st Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA, USA; 23-27 Jan 2011), Paper 7.1 (Invited Speaker), AMS2011_paper_7-1_fv.pdf.


Baklanov A. (editor),
"Mesometeorology and Air Pollution".
Odessa Ecologiya, Ukraine, 240 p., 2010.

Baklanov A.,
"Chemical Weather Forecasting: A New Concept of Integrated Modelling".  
Advances in Science and Research, 4: 23-27, 2010.

Baklanov A., B. Grisogono, R. Bornstein, L. Mahrt, S. Zilitinkevich, P. Taylor, S.E. Larsen, M.W. Rotach, H. J. S. Fernando, 2010:
The Nature, Theory, and Modeling of Atmospheric Planetary Boundary Layers.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 92(2011), 123–128. doi: 10.1175/2010BAMS2797.1

Baklanov, A., Lawrence, M., Pandis, S., Mahura, A., Finardi, S., Moussiopoulos, N.,
Beekmann, M., Laj, P., Gomes, L., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Borbon, A., Coll, I., Gros, V.,
Sciare, J., Kukkonen, J., Galmarini, S., Giorgi, F., Grimmond, S., Esau, I., Stohl,
A., Denby, B., Wagner, T., Butler, T., Baltensperger, U., Builtjes, P., van den Hout,
D., van der Gon, H. D., Collins, B., Schluenzen, H., Kulmala, M., Zilitinkevich, S.,
Sokhi, R., Friedrich, R., Theloke, J., Kummer, U., Jalkinen, L., Halenka, T.,
Wiedensholer, A., Pyle, J., and Rossow, W. B.:
MEGAPOLI: concept of multi-scale modelling of megacity impact on air quality and climate,
Adv. Sci. Res., 4, 115-120, doi:10.5194/asr-4-115-2010, 2010.

Nuterman R., A. Baklanov, A.V. Starchenko
"Modelling of Aerodynamics and Pollution Dispersion from Traffic in Urban Sub-layer" Matem. Mod. 2010, Volume 22, No.4, pp 3-22

Nuterman R., A. Starchenko, A. Baklanov,
"Numerical Model of Urban Aerodynamics and Pollution Dispersion". International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011,  44 (1-4): 385 – 393.



Baklanov A., S. Grimmond, A. Mahura, M. Athanassiadou, 2009:
Meteorological and Air Quality Models for Urban Areas. Springer, 2009, 140 p.

Baklanov, A. and R. Nuterman, 2009:
Multi-scale atmospheric environment modelling for urban areas. Advances in Science and Research, 3, 53-57.

Baklanov A.
"Chemical Weather Forecasting: A New Concept and Methodology of Two-way Integrated Meso-scale Modelling".  Ukr. Hydrometeor. Journal No 4, pp 102-120, 2009.

Korsholm U.S., A.Baklanov, A.Gross and J.H.Sørensen
"On the Importance of the Meteorological Coupling Interval in Dispersion Modelling during ETEX-1, Atmospheric Environment, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.11.0117., 43(31), 2009, pp. 4805–4810

Mahura A., A. Baklanov, J.H. Sørensen,
"Estimation of Potential Impact on Copenhagen Denmark, due to Accidental Releases at Nuclear Risk Sites.",
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, vol. 39, No. 1/2 pp. 159-167, 2009.

Mahura A., A.Baklanov, U.Korsholm,
"Parameterization of the Birch Pollen Diurnal Cycle", Aerobiologia, DOI 10.1007/s10453-009-9125-7.

Monks,P.S., C.Granier, S.Fuzzi, A.Stohl, M.Williams, H.Akimoto, M.Amman, A.Baklanov, U.Baltensperger, I.Bey, N.Blakem, R.S.Blake, K.Carslaw, O.R.Cooper, F.Dentener, D.Fowler, E.Fragkou, G.Frost, S.Generoso, P.Ginoux, V.Grewet, A.Guenther, H.C.Hansson, S.Hennew, J.Hjorth, A.Hofzumahaus, H.Huntrieser, I.S.A.Isaksen, M.E.Jenkin, J.Kaiser, M.Kanakidou, Z.Klimont, M.Kulmala, P.Laj, M.G.Lawrence, J.D Lee, C.Liousse, M.Maione, G.McFiggans, A.Metzger, A.Mieville, N.Moussiopoulos, J.J.Orlando, C.O'Dowd, P.I.Palmer, D.D.Parrish, A.Petzold, U.Platt, U.Poeschl, A.S.H.Prevot, C.E.Reeves, S.Reimann, Y.Rudich, K.Sellegri, R.Steinbrecher, D.Simpson, H.ten Brink, J.Theloke, G.R.van der Werf, R.Vautard, V.Vestreng, Ch. Vlachokostas, R.vonGlasow
"Atmospheric Composition Change -Global and Regional Air Quality".
Atmospheric Environment, 43: 5268-5350. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.08.021.



Baklanov, A., M. Lawrence and S. Pandis (2008):
MEGAPOLI Description of Work (2008-2011), Copenhagen, ISBN: 978-87-992924-0-0, 150 p.

Baklanov A., U. Korsholm, A. Mahura, C. Petersen, A. Gross: E
NVIRO-HIRLAM: on-line coupled modelling of urban meteorology and air pollution.
Advances in Science and Research, 2, 41-46 (2008)

Baklanov A., P. Mestayer, A. Clappier, S. Zilitinkevich, S. Joffre, A. Mahura, N.W. Nielsen, 2008:
Towards improving the simulation of meteorological fields in urban areas through updated/advanced surface fluxes description.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 523-543.

Hidalgo J., V. Masson, A. Baklanov, G. Pigeon, and L. Gimeno.
Advances in Urban Climate Modeling. Trends and Directions in Climate Research:
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1146: 354–374 (2008). doi: 10.1196/annals.1446.015

Butler, D.  (Interview of Alexander Baklanov), 2008:
Megacity project seeks to gauge urban pollution. Nature 455: 142-143.IF 36.101

Nuterman R.B., Starchenko A.V., Baklanov A.A.
Development and evaluation of a microscale meteorological model for investigation of airflows in urban terrain.
J. of Computational Technologies (2008), 13(3): 37-43.

San Jose, R, A Baklanov, R S Sokhi, K Karatzas, and J L Perez.
Air Quality Modeling. In: Ecological Models.
Vol. [1] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. 111-123, Oxford: Elsevier (2008).

Zilitinkevich, S. S., I. Mammarella, A. A. Baklanov, and S. M. Joffre:
The effect of stratification on the roughness length and displacement height.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 129: 179-190 (2008). DOI: 10.1007/s10546-008-9307-9

Baklanov A., 2008:
Integrated Meteorological and Atmospheric Chemical Transport Modeling: Perspectives and strategy for HIRLAM/HARMONIE,
HIRLAM Newsletter, 53: 68-78.

Korsholm U.S., A. Baklanov, A. Gross, A. Mahura, B.H. Sass, E. Kaas, 2008:
Online coupled chemical weather forecasting based on HIRLAM – overview and prospective of Enviro-HIRLAM.
HIRLAM Newsletter, 54: 1-17.


Baklanov, A. and B. Grisogono (Eds.), 2007:
Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Nature, Theory and Application to Environmental Modelling and Security. Springer, 248 p., ISBN: 978-0-387-74318-9

Sokhi, R. and A. Baklanov (Eds) 2007:
Urban Meteorology and Air Pollution Processes. Special Issue from the 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, 29-31 March 2005, Valencia, Spain.
Journal Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 124(1), 128 p. ISSN 0006-8314 (Print) 1573-1472 (Online)

Baklanov, A. 2007:
Urban air flow researches for air pollution, emergency preparedness and urban weather prediction. Chapter 9 in: Flow and transport processes with complex obstructions. Editors Ye.A. Gayev and J.C.R. Hunt. NATO Science Series book, Springer, pp. 311-357.

Baklanov, A. and B. Grisogono, 2007:
Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Nature, Theory and Application to Environmental Modelling and Security.  Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 10.1007/s10546-007-9217-2

Baklanov A, J.H. Sørensen, A. Mahura, 2007:
Methodology for Probabilistic Atmospheric Studies using Long-Term Dispersion Modelling.
Environ. Model. Assess., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 541-552, 2008, DOI 10.1007/s10666-007-9124-4

Baklanov, A.: 2007:
Environmental Risk and Assessment Modelling: Scientific Needs and Expected Advancements.
In "Air, Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact Assessment",
Security Through Science, Series C - Environmental Security. Eds. A. Ebel, T. Davitashvili, Springer Elsevier Publishers, pp. 29-44.

Lauritzen, B., A. Baklanov, A. Mahura, T. Mikkelsen and J. H. Sørensen. 2007:
Probabilistic risk assessment for long-range atmospheric transport of radionuclides.
J. Envir. Radioactivity, 96: 110-115.

Mahura A., Korsholm U.S., Baklanov A., Rasmussen A., 2007:
Elevated birch pollen episodes in Denmark: Contributions from remote sources.
Aerobiologia, 23: 171-179.

Mahura A., A. Baklanov, S. Hoe, J.H. Sørensen, C. Petersen, K. Sattler, 2007:
Evaluation of land surface scheme modifications on atmospheric transport and deposition patterns in Copenhagen metropolitan area.
Developments in Environmental Sciences, Eds. E. Renner, A. Ebel, Springer Elsevier Publishers, Vol 6, pp. 64-72.

Mahura A., Baklanov A, J.H. Sørensen, 2007:
Estimation of Potential Impact on Copenhagen, Denmark, due to Accidental Releases at Nuclear Risk Sites. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Ref# IJEP-2638.

Penenko V., A. Baklanov A. Mahura, A. Aloyan, 2007:
Control Theory and Models. In "Air, Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact Assessment",
Security Through Science, Series C - Environmental Security. Eds. A. Ebel, T. Davitashvili,
Springer Elsevier Publishers, pp. 337-342.

Piringer, M., S. Joffre, A. Baklanov, A. Christen, M. Deserti, K. De Ridder, S. Emeis, P. Mestayer, M. Tombrou, D. Middleton, K. Baumannstanzer, A. Dandou, A. Karppinen, J. Burzynski, 2007:
The surface energy balance and the mixing height in urban areas – activities and recommendations of COST Action 715. Bound.-Layer. Meteor. 124: 3-24.

Sørensen, J. H., A. Baklanov and S. Hoe. 2007:
The Danish Emergency Response Model of the Atmosphere.
J. Envir. Radioactivity, 96: 122-129.

Zilitinkevich S, Esau I, Baklanov A (2007)
Further comments on the equilibrium height of neutral and stable planetary boundary layers.
Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc 133: 265-271



Baklanov, A., S. Joffre, and S. Galmarini (Eds.) 2006:
"Urban Meteorology and Atmospheric Pollution (EMS-FUMAPEX)".
Special Issue of Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Journal.

Baklanov, A.: 2006:
Overview of the European project FUMAPEX. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 2005-2015.

Baklanov, A. and E. Gordov: 2006:
Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia.
Journal of Computing Technologies, 11(3): 162-171.

Baklanov, A., P. Mestayer, A. Clappier, S. Zilitinkevich, S. Joffre, A. Mahura, N. W. Nielsen, 2006:
On the parameterisation of the urban atmospheric sublayer in meteorological models.
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 5, 12119-12176.

Baklanov, A., J.H. Sørensen, S. Hoe, B. Amstrup. 2006:
Urban Meteorological Modelling for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness.
J. Environmental Radioactivity, 85(2006): 154-170.

Baklanov A., O. Hänninen, L. H. Slørdal, J. Kukkonen, J. H. Sørensen, N. Bjergene, B. Fay, S. Finardi, S. C. Hoe, M. Jantunen, A. Karppinen, A. Rasmussen, A. Skouloudis, R. S. Sokhi, V. Ødegaard, 2006:
Integrated systems for forecasting urban meteorology, air pollution and population exposure, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 855–874.

Baklanov A., Mahura A., Petersen C., Sattler K., N.W. Nielsen, 2006:
Effects of Urbanized Areas for NWP DMI-HIRLAM High Resolution Model Operational Runs.
Journal of Computing Technologies, 11(1): 157-167.

Baklanov A, J.H. Sørensen, A. Mahura, 2006:
Long-Term Dispersion Modelling: Part I: Methodology for Probabilistic Atmospheric Studies.
Journal of Computing Technologies, 11(1): 136-156.

Lauritzen, B., A. Baklanov, A. Mahura, T. Mikkelsen and J. H. Sørensen, (2006):
K-model description of probabilistic long-range atmospheric transport in the Northern Hemisphere.
Atmos. Environ. 40: 4352–4369, 2006.

Mahura A., Leroyer S., Mestayer P., Calmet I., Dupont S., Long N., Baklanov A., Petersen C.,  Sattler K., Nielsen N.W. 2006:
Large Eddy Simulation of Urban Features for Copenhagen Metropolitan Area.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, Vol 5, pp 11183-11213.

Zilitinkevich SS, Hunt JCR, Grachev AA, Esau IN, Lalas DP, Akylas E, Tombrou M, Fairall CW, Fernando HJS, Baklanov A, Joffre SM (2006):
The influence of large convective eddies on the surface layer turbulence.
Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc 132: 1423-1456.

Zilitinkevich, S., H. Savijärvi, A. Baklanov, B. Grisogono and K. Myrberg, 2006:
Forthcoming Meetings on Planetary Boundary-layer Theory, Modelling and Applications.
 Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 119(3): 591-593.

Baklanov A., Mahura A., Nielsen N.W., C. Petersen, 2006:
Approaches for urbanization of DMI-HIRLAM NWP model. HIRLAM Newsletter 49, pp. 61-75.


Baklanov, A., J. Burzynski, A. Christen, M. Deserti, K. De Ridder, S. Emeis, S. Joffre, A. Karppinen,
P. Mestayer, D. Middleton, M. Piringer and M. Tombrou (2005):
The urban surface energy budget and mixing height in European cities: Data, models and challenges for urban meteorology and air quality.
Editors: M. Piringer and S. Joffre. WG2 COST Action 715. Demetra Ltd Publishers, ISBN 954-9526-29-1, 239 p.

Fisher, B. Editor. 2005:
Meteorology applied to Urban Air Pollution Problems. COST Action 715.
Demetra Ltd Publishers, ISBN 954-9526-30-5, 162 p. (A. Baklanov – author of Chapter 12 and co-author of Chapters 4 and 5).

Mahura A., Baklanov A., Sørensen J.H., 2005:
Long-Term Dispersion Modelling: Assessment of Atmospheric Transport and Deposition Patterns from Nuclear Risk Sites in Euro-Arctic Region.
J. Computational Technologies, 10(2): 112-134.

Mahura A. G., A. Baklanov, J.H. Sørensen, F.L. Parker, V. Novikov, K. Brown, K. L. Compton, 2005:
Assessment of potential atmospheric transport and deposition patterns due to Russian Pacific fleet operations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 101, 261 - 287.

Zilitinkevich, S. S., I. N. Esau, A. Baklanov,
Atmospheric boundary layers in storms: advanced theory and modelling applications.
Advances in Geosciences (2005) 2: 47 - 49.

Zilitinkevich, S. S., Hunt, J. C. R., Grachev, A. A., Esau, I. N., Lalas, D. P., Akylas, E., Tombrou, M., Fairall, C. W., Fernando, H. J. S., Baklanov, A., Joffre, S. M.,
The effect of large eddies on the convective heat/mass transfer over complex terrain: advanced theory and its validation against experimental and LES data. Croatian Meteorological Journal, 40 (2005), 20-26.


Baklanov, A. and  A. Kuchin,
The mixing height in urban areas: comparative study for Copenhagen.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 4 (2004), 2839-2866.

Baklanov, A., A. Gross and J.H. Sørensen,
Modeling and Forecasting of Regional and Urban Air Quality and Microclimate,
J. Computational Technologies. 9-2 (2004), 82-97.

Baklanov, A., Mahura A.
Assessment of Possible Airborne Impact from Nuclear Risk Sites - Methodology for Probabilistic Atmospheric Studies. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 2, (2004), 485-495.

Baklanov, A. 2004:
European FUMAPEX project: ‘Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air Pollution and Population Exposure’,
European Association for the Science of Air Pollution, EURASAP Newsletter, 52: 6-36.

Chenevez J., A. Baklanov and J. H. Sørensen,
Pollutant Transport Schemes Integrated in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model: Model Description and Verification Results. Meteorological Applications 11 (2004), 265-275.

Gross, A. and A. Baklanov,
Modelling the influence of dimethyl sulphid on the aerosol production in the marine boundary layer,
International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 22 (2004), 51-71.

Galmarini, S., R. Bianconi, W. Klug, T. Mikkelsen, R. Addis, S. Andronopoulos, P. Astrup, A. Baklanov, J. Bartniki, J. C. Bartzis, R. Bellasio, F. Bompay, R. Buckley, M. Bouzom, H. Champion, R. D’Amours, E. Davakis, H. Eleveld, G. T. Geertsema, H. Glaab, M. Kollax, M. Ilvonen, A. Manning, U. Pechinger, C. Persson, E. Polreich, S. Potemski, M. Prodanova, J. Saltbones, H. Slaper, M. A. Sofiev, D. Syrakov, J. H. Sørensen, L. Van der Auwera, I. Valkama, R. Zelazny.
Can the Confidence in Long Range Atmospheric Transport Models Be Increased? The Pan-European Experience of ENSEMBLE. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 109 (2004) 19–24

Galmarini, S., R. Bianconi, W. Klug, T. Mikkelsen, R. Addis, S. Andronopoulos, P. Astrup, A. Baklanov, J. Bartniki, J. C. Bartzis, R. Bellasio, F. Bompay, R. Buckley, M. Bouzom, H. Champion, R. D’Amours, E. Davakis, H. Eleveld, G. T. Geertsema, H. Glaab, M. Kollax, M. Ilvonen, A. Manning, U. Pechinger, C. Persson, E. Polreich, S. Potemski, M. Prodanova, J. Saltbones, H. Slaper, M. A. Sofiev, D. Syrakov, J. H. Sørensen, L. Van der Auwera, I. Valkama, R. Zelazny,
Ensemble Dispersion Forecasting, Part I: Concept, Approach and Indicators.
Atmos. Environ. 38 (2004) 4607-4617

Mahura A., Baklanov A.,
Probabilistic Indicators of Atmospheric Transport for Regional Monitoring and Emergency Preparedness Systems.
Environment International, Vol. 29/8, 2004, pp. 1063-1069.


Baklanov, A., A. Mahura and J. H. Sørensen.
Methodology for Prediction and Estimation of Consequences of Possible Atmospheric Releases of Hazardous Matter: ‘Kursk’ Submarine Study.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3 (2003), 747-762.

Baklanov A., Mahura A., 2003:
Assessment of Possible Airborne Impact from Nuclear Risk Sites - Part I: Methodology for Probabilistic Atmospheric Studies.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, Vol. 3, pp. 5289-5317.

Baklanov, A.:
Methodologies for multidisciplinary nuclear risk and vulnerability assessments in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic.  NATO Science Series, Ser IV Earth and Env. Sci., 31 (2003), 385-405.

Mahura A., Baklanov A.,
Assessment of Possible Airborne Impact from Nuclear Risk Sites - Part II: Probabilistic Analysis of Atmospheric Transport Patterns in Euro-Arctic Region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 3, (2003), 5319-5356.

Mahura, A., A. Baklanov and J. H. Sørensen.
Methodology for evaluation of possible consequences of accidental atmospheric releases of hazardous matter. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 103 (2003) 131–139.

Baklanov, A. 2003:
Modelling of formation and dynamics of radioactive aerosols in the atmosphere.
Research on a theory of elementary particles and solid state. Issue 4, Yaroslavl, 2003, 135-148 pp.


Baklanov, A., A. Mahura, D. Jaffe, L. Thaning, R. Bergman, R. Andres.:
Atmospheric Transport Patterns and Possible Consequences for the European North after a Nuclear Accident. Journal of Environment Radioactivity, 60, pp. 23-48.

Baklanov A., A. Rasmussen, B. Fay, E. Berge and S. Finardi,:
Potential and Shortcomings of Numerical Weather Prediction Models in Providing Meteorological Data for Urban Air Pollution Forecasting. Water, Air and Soil Poll.: Focus, 2(5-6), pp. 43-60.

Rigina, O. and A. Baklanov,:
Regional radiation risk and vulnerability assessment by integration of mathematical modelling and GIS-analysis. J. Environment International, 27, pp. 527-540.

Penenko, V., A. Baklanov and E. Tsvetova,:
Methods of sensitivity theory and inverse modeling for estimation of source term. Future Generation Computer Systems, 18, pp. 661-671.

Piringer, M, C S B Grimmond, S M Joffre, P Mestayer, D R Middleton, M W Rotach, A Baklanov, K De Ridder, J Ferreira, E Guilloteau, A Karppinen, A Martilli, V Masson, M Tombrou,:
Investigating the Surface Energy Balance in Urban Areas - Recent Advances and Future Needs. Water, Air and Soil Poll.: Focus, 2(5-6), pp. 1-16.

Zilitinkevich, S. and A. Baklanov,:
Calculation of the height of stable boundary layers in practical applications.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 105(3), pp. 389-409.

Zilitinkevich, S., A. Baklanov, J. Rost, A.-S. Smedman, V. Lykosov & P. Calanca,:
Diagnostic and prognostic equations for the depth of the stably stratified Ekman boundary layer.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 128, pp. 25-46.

Baklanov, A., 2002:
The mixing height in urban areas – a review. In: ‘Mixing heights and inversions in urban areas’
Proceedings of the Workshop, COST Action 715: Meteorology, Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 3-4 October 2001. COST Action 715,  EC Publication EUR 20451, pp. 9-28.

Baklanov, A. and J. H. Sørensen (2001)
Parameterisation of radionuclide deposition in atmospheric long-range transport modelling.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth:(B), Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 787-799.

Penenko, V. and A. Baklanov, (2001)
Methods of sensitivity theory and inverse modeling for estimation of source term and nuclear risk/vulnerability area.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2, 57-66.

Baklanov, A., 2001:
Parameterisation of SBL height in atmospheric pollution models. In: Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XV.  Borrego, C. and G. Schayes, eds., Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 303-310.

Baklanov, A. and A. Aloyan, 2001:
Modelling of atmospheric radioactive aerosol dynamics and deposition. In: Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XV. Borrego, C. and G. Schayes, eds., Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 33-44.

Chenevez, J., A. Baklanov and J. H. Sørensen, 2001:
ETEX simulations with the DMI-HIRLAM numerical weather prediction model. In: Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XV. Borrego, C. and G. Schayes, eds., Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 141-148.

Baklanov, A. (2000)
Application of CFD methods for modelling in air pollution problems: possibilities and gaps’.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment  65: 181-190.

Baklanov, A.,
(2000) Modelling of the atmospheric radionuclide transport: local to regional scale.
Numerical Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling, Moscow, INM RAS 2, pp. 244-266.

Baklanov, A., R. Bergman,
Radioactive Sources in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region: Are there reasons to be concerned?,
Chapter IX in the NEBI Yearbook, Copenhagen, Springer-Verlag, pp. 171-192, 1999.

Rigina, O., A. Baklanov, O. Hagner, H. Olsson,
Monitoring of forest damage in the Kola Peninsula, Northern Russia due to smelting industry,
Sci. Tot. Env., 229 (3), 147-163, 1999.

Bergman, R. & Baklanov, A.
Radioactive sources in main radiological concern in the Kola-Barents region.
- FRN-FOA publication, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998. 82 pp.

Zilitinkevich, S., P.-E. Johansson, D. V. Mironov & A. Baklanov.
A Similarity-Theory Model for Wind Profile and Resistance Law in Stably Stratified Planetary Boundary Layers.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics: 1998, V. 74-76, n. 1-3, pp. 209-218.

Rigina, O. & Baklanov, A. (1998)
Current tendencies of sulphur deposition in Fennoscandia', J. Water,
Air and Soil Pollution, 105, pp. 331-342

Thaning, L. & A. Baklanov. (1997)
Simulation of atmospheric transport and deposition on a local/meso- and regional scale after hypothetical accidents at the Kola nuclear power plant’.
The Science of the Total Environment, 202, pp. 199-210.

Baklanov, A., Makarova, T. & Nazarenko, L. (1997).
GIS applications in the Arctic environment, In: Geographical Information Research.
Bridging the Atlantic/ Editors M. Graglia & H. Couclelis, USA: Taylor & Francis, pp. 470-479.

Baklanov, A., Burman, J. & Naslund, E. (1997)
'Numerical modelling of three-dimensional flow and pollution transport over complex terrain'.
PHOENICS Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 10, n 1, pp. 57-86.

Baklanov A., G. Kalabin, S. Morozov, D. Probert, A. Perlikov & P. Szmulik. (1997)
The KOLANET international project: quick-response system on radiation accidents for the Kola Peninsula. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal, V. 73, no 1/4, pp. 199-202.


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