Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Jeg har ph.d. i etnologi og cand.mag. i anvendt kulturanalyse, begge fra Københavns Universitet.

Jeg kommer oprindeligt fra USA, hvor jeg arbejdede på Capitol Hill i Washington, D.C., før jeg udviklede en karriere inden for publicering og corporate kommunikation. Jeg har boet i Danmark siden 2008.



Ph.D. in Ethnology – University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Department of Ethnology, the SAXO Institute, Faculty of Humanities

Qualitative research in collaboration with Gentofte Municipality/Center for Healthy Aging

Dissertation title: “Empowering the elderly? A qualitative study of municipal home-health visits and everyday rehabilitation”

Feb 2014 – Nov 2017


Master’s (cand.mag.) in Applied Cultural Analysis – UCPH

Department of Ethnology, the SAXO Institute, Faculty of Humanities

Sept 2008 – Feb 2011

Qualitative research in collaboration with MSF-DK/Læger uden Grænser

Thesis: “Investigating the legend of MSF: a cultural analysis of how first‐time medical volunteers interpret, experience and understand the representational reality of Médecins Sans Frontières” – grade: 12

Internship with the Center for Cultural Analysis (CKA)

Report and portfolios in collaboration with Hillerød and Helsingør
Hospitals: “Speciallægeuddannelsen i kirurgi: en kvalitativ undersøgelse”


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Technical Theater and Communications (major) and Literature in English (minor)

The George Washington University – Washington, D.C., USA

Aug 1986 – June 1990

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education programme (Universitetspædagogikum), Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen (August 2023)
  • Experience with course development/coordination as well as teaching and supervising Ph.D., Master’s, and Bachelors’ students in topics related to conducting interdisciplinary research, public health, global health, health informatics, research ethics, and applied cultural analysis

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Etnologi, Ph.d., Saxo-Instituttet - Arkæologi, Etnologi, Historie og Græsk og Latin

1 feb. 201416 nov. 2017

Dimissionsdato: 16 nov. 2017

Anvendt kulturanalyse, cand.mag., Saxo-Instituttet - Arkæologi, Etnologi, Historie og Græsk og Latin

Dimissionsdato: 18 feb. 2011

Theater and communications, Bachelor, George Washington University

Dimissionsdato: 9 jun. 1990

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