Billede af Ana Raquel Benetti
  • Nørre Allé 20, 2200 København N

  • Nørre Allé 20

    2200 København N

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My research interest lies in the investigation of physical and biological properties of dental materials and the dental hard tissues, as well as the relations at their interface, mainly focusing on problems related to everyday clinical dental practice and improving the dental operative techniques. In my recent research, I have used different methods employing light or accelerated particles to characterize dental materials, dental hard tissues, and/or their relationship. The 3D analysis of oral structures (or their replicas) has also become an important part of my current research projects. 

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Operative Dentistry, PhD degree, Universidade de São Paulo

4 aug. 200327 jul. 2007

Dimissionsdato: 7 nov. 2007

Restorative Dentistry, Master degree, São Paulo State University

31 jul. 200118 feb. 2003

Dimissionsdato: 26 mar. 2004

Dentistry, Degree in Dental Sciences, Universidade de São Paulo

Dimissionsdato: 9 dec. 2000

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