Billede af Anders Dalsgaard

Anders Dalsgaard

DVH, PhD, Professor

  • Stigbøjlen 4

    1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Kilde: Scopus
1995 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

I am a trained veterinarian and microbiologist and Professor in Veterinary Publich Health. I have more than 30-years experience conducting research and building research capacity in low- and middle countries (LMIC), e.g. in South-east Asia and West- and East Africa.

My research focuses on occurrence, fate and transmission of infectious pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in the environment, animals and people in a One Health context. Most research and capacity building activities are international with a focus on LMIC. I teach pre- and post-graduate students within the specified research subject areas.


Personal information

Name:                Anders Dalsgaard

Born:                  May 24, 1962 in Løgstør; Denmark

Private:               Home address: Sankt Jakobs Plads 2, 4th floor, 2100                            Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.

Private status:     Married wtih two kids (Bertel from 2004 and Rasmus                           from 2002)

Nationality:         Danish

Current position: Professor in Veterinary Public Health


Work address:          Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

                                  Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

                                  Stigbøjlen 4, 1870 Frederiksberg C


Education (Academic Qualifications)

1991          Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmarm.

1995         Ph.D. in Microbiology and Epidemiology, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural                             University (RVAU) with the dissertation “Prevalence and significance of bacterial human pathogens in shrimp culture in                       Thailand”.



2011- present:   Professor in Veterinary Public Health, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of                                                        Copenhagen

2006-2011:        Professor (pmso) in Food Safety and Food Security in developing countries, University of Copenhagen

1997-2006:         Associate Professor in Environmental Hygiene, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark


Teaching Experience and Censorships

  • 25-years experience with course development and teaching of pre- and post-graduate students, in particular veterinary students
  • One Health specialization course responsible
  • Development and implementation of a variety of post-graduate course training for low- and middle income country participants
  • Responsible for large-scale research capacity building projects in Sout-east Asia and Africa
  • Main supervisor for more than 20 PhD students from mainly LMIC countries



He has published over 275 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals with citations totaling 7486 and has a h-index = 49 (Web of Science June, 2022). 

Mulige interessekonflikter

I am a Senior Scientific Consultant for the International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS).

I do occasionally short-term consultancies for FAO and other international organizations.

I am the founder and owner of DanVet Consult


  • Akvakultur
  • Veterinary public health
  • zoonoses
  • Antibiotika og antibiotikaresistens
  • One Health
  • Bakteriel fødevaresikkerhed
  • Bakteriologi
  • Bioaffald
  • Biogas
  • Campylobacter
  • Den levende by
  • Drikkevand
  • Fisk
  • Forskningskapacitetsopbygning i ulande
  • Fødevarebårne sygdomme
  • Fødevareforsyning
  • Fødevarer i den 3. verden
  • Gylle
  • Husdyrgødning
  • Får
  • Hygiejne og sundhed
  • Infektionssygdomme hos dyr
  • Internationalisering
  • Kompost
  • Mikrobiologi
  • Overførsel af sygdomme fra dyr til mennesker
  • Parasitologi
  • Resistente organismer i fødevarer
  • Salmonella
  • Sygdomme overført fra dyr til mennesker
  • Sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier
  • Ulande og miljø
  • Ulandsforskning - jordbrug, fødevarer og mennesker
  • Vand og sundhed
  • Vand og ulande
  • Vandforsyning
  • Vandmiljø
  • Vandrensning
  • Klima

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