Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Understanding vector-borne disease distributions and dynamics in a changing climate

Anna-Sofie is a vector and disease ecologist.

Her research aims at unravelling local to global scale drivers of  vector-borne disease distributions and dynamics. Focus is on quantifying the effect of climate change versus other environmental drivers with the aim to make the best possible predictions about future disease spread and trends.

Her group uses a combination of field-collected and lab-based experimentally derived data with statistical and mathematical modelling to:

  • reveal how anthropogenic changes such as climate change, biodiversity loss and habitat disruption influence the distribution, dynamics and interactions between vectors, pathogens, hosts and reservoir species
  • to improve model-based predictions and enhance preparedness for emerging vector-borne and parasitic diseases of humans and animals.

Current research projects focus on mosquito- tick- and snailborne diseases, such as rift valley fever, west nile virus, TBE and fascioliasis in Africa, Europe and Denmark

She leads the EU Horizon 2020 project PREPARE4VBD

For more information, visit the research group Parasites, Vectors and the Environment


  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Klimaforandringer
  • Sundhed
  • vektorbårne sygdomme
  • One Health
  • Parasitologi

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