Intet billede af Anne Ranning

Anne Ranning

  • Øster Farimagsgade 2A

    1350 København K

  • Kilde: Scopus

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Træffetid: Tirsdage kl. 10:00-12:00 (telefonisk)

I am deeply interested in the intergenerational transmission of mental illness and adversity, and in interventions to mitigate and prevent these processes. I have conducted several nationwide, register-based cohort studies documenting adverse life circumstances of children of parents with serious mental illness and suicidal behaviour. Based on these findings, in 2020, I set out to conduct the SAFIR project, a randomized clinical trial investigating the effect of Family Talk Preventive Intervention, a psycho-social intervention for children and their parents at the Mental Health Center Capital Region. I am also member of the PI group of Research Center for Family based Interventions, a newly established center in which we develop and investigate effects of family based preventive interventions in the Capital and Northern Regions of Denmark. As a clinical psychologist in the mental health sector, I work with patients with personality disorders, and with families where parents have a mental illness.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Intergenerational transmission of mental illness
Family-based interventions
Clinical Psychology 
Psychotherapy for severe mental illness
Suicide prevention
Quantitative and qualitative research methods



2016: PhD degree in Psychiatry from University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Faculty of Health Sciences, with the dissertation:” When Parents Have Serious Mental Illness – Perspectives on children’s life circumstances.”
2009: Master’s degree in Psychology from University of Aarhus, Denmark.
2005: Clinical Psychology at Université Réné Descartes, Paris 5. France.


2021-present: Assistant professor in Psychology at Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen & Mental Health Centre Copenhagen
2016-2020:  Post.doc at Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen Research Centre for Mental Health (CORE)
2015-2020: Clinical psychologist at Psykoterapeutisk Klinik, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen
2013-2016:  Phd-student in iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research
2013-2014: Maternity leave
2012-2013: Research psychologist in Via7 – The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study
2012-2016: PhD-student Copenhagen Research Centre for Mental Health (CORE)
2011-2012:  Maternity leave
2010-2011: Research assistant in the OPUS II trial, Mental Health Center Copenhagen.
2009: Participant in “U.S. Exchange program - Outreach and Integration of Marginalized Populations in Denmark” initiated by U.S. Department of State. 


As main applicant
2021: Tværspuljen: 500.000 DKK for SAFIR på Tværs
2020:  Danish Health Authorities: 235.000 DKK for National Survey on People exposed to suicide attempts
2019: TRYG Foundation: 9.2 mil DKK for The SAFIR Family Talk Trial
2018: Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark: 2.2 mil DKK. Post doc grant 

As co-applicant
2022: Ole Kirks Fond: 15 mil DKK for Research Center for Family Based Interventions
2022: TRYG Foundation: 30 mil DKK for Research Center for Family Based Interventions
2022: Liljeborgfonden: 5 mil DKK for Research Center for Family Based Interventions
2021: TRYG Foundation 7,3 mil DKK for Evaluation of headspace Denmark


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Familiebaseret intervention
  • klinisk psykologi
  • psykiatri
  • psykoterapi i forbindelse med alvorlig psykisk lidelse
  • forebyggelse af selvmord
  • psykiatrisk epidemiologi
  • selekteret forebyggelse

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