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Leder af Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities (CoRe) (
Siden 2013 har jeg spillet en ledende rolle i at udvikle synergier og samarbejde mellem Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning, Etnologi og sundheds- og naturvidenskab. Denne indsats har bl.a. ført til udvikling af kontekstfølsomme, praksisbaserede forståelser af sundhed i hverdagen, og udvikling af bl.a. kvalitative metoder og værktøjer, der kan integreres i design af klinisk forskning. Disse resultater er udviklet gennem flere års tæt samarbejde med forskere fra andre fakulteter på Københavns Universitet, samt samarbejder med offentlige og private partnere. I samme periode er den humanistiske sundhedsforskning, forankret i CoRe, i stigende grad blevet internationalt anerkendt som et eksempel på succesfuld tværfagligt arbejde og samarbejde, og CoRe har således etableret et tæt samarbejde med flere internationale forskningsgrupper.
Det Humanistiske Fakultet bruger min forskning som eksempel på den impact, humanistiske forskere har i samfundet.
Læs casen: Etnologisk forskning fører til sundhedsanbefalinger i hverdagslivet.
Kulturteori og kulturanalyse
Humanistisk sundhedsforskning
Livsstil og livsstilsanalyse
Fedme og overvægt
CV for Astrid Pernille Jespersen, Associate professor, MA, PhD
Education and Training:
1999: MA, European Ethnology. Awarded Gold medal of the University of Copenhagen
2008: PhD from the University of Copenhagen: Ph.D. dissertation on General Practice, the Consultation process and the Concept of Commitment
2012: Research Management Course at CBS-SIMI Executive
Parental leave:
May 1st 2002 – January 24th 2003; September 5th 2005 – September 1st 2006
Academic Positions:
2022-: Professor, the Ethnology Department, Saxo Institue
2013- : Head of Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities at the Saxo-institute, UCPH
2011- : Associate professor (tenure), the Ethnology Department, Saxo-institute, UCPH
2009-2011: Assistant professor, the Ethnology Department, Saxo-institute, UCPH
2008: Assistant professor at the Centre for Design Research and The Danish Design School on the project: Mediating Fashion (5½ months full time)
2021-: co-PI SMUHL – Sund mund hele livet, funded by Sygeforsikring Danmark and Velux Foundation, 8,6 mil. dkr.
2021-: co-PI EMOVE – enabling the matching of volunteers, funded by Innovationfund Denmark, 9,64 mil. dkr.
2020-: PI Fra arbejdsliv til seniorliv – forbered dig godt, funded by Nordea-fonden, 17 mil. dkr.
2020-: PI Frivillighed til ALLE ældre, funded by Nordea-fonden, 4,9 mil. dkr.
2019-: co-PI in the cross-disciplinary project FitMum: Fitness for good health of mother and child, funded by TrygFonden, 5,6 mil. dkr.
2017: Det gode seniorliv. 200.000 DKK, Esbjerg Kommune.
2017: Grant for housing visiting, adjunct professor Stanley Ulijaszek, University of Oxford. Nordea-fonden.
2016-2017: Brudflader og samspil. 80.000 DKK, Ishøj Kommune.
2016-2018: Food Waste in Denmark and Sweden, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships, Sebastian Abrahamsson. Supervisor: Astrid Jespersen. 212.000 Euro
2015- : WP-leader and member of the steering committee in COUNTERSTRIKE, funded by the Innovation-Fund Denmark 15,6 mil. dkr. (2,1 mil. Euro)
2015: Appetit på maden. 250.000 DKK, Københavns Kommune.
2013-2018: PI/Theme leader in the cross-disciplinary and cross-faculty Center for Healthy Aging, funded by Nordea-fonden (2009-2018), 300 mil. dkr. (40,2 mil. Euro). Member of the steering committee
2013-2017: UCPH 2016-funding for the interdisciplinary and interfaculty project GO: Governing Obesity, 33 mil. dkr. (4,42 mil. Euro). WP-leader and member of the steering committee.
2013-2017: PI of the UCPH 2016-funding for the interdisciplinary and interfaculty project CALM: Counteracting Age-related loss of Muscle Mass, 19,6 mil. dkr. (2,63 mil. Euro).
Selected Activities:
2021-: Appointed expert at the Danish Health Authority: Referencegruppen for indsatsen Sundhedsfremme og Sund aldring
2021-: Member of the scientific advisory board at the Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science
2019: Organizer, Co-applicant and chair of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Symposium: Medical Humanities. Contributions, New Approaches and Future Pathways
2019: Member of the External Scientific Advisory Board, Institute Paul Bocuse, Lyon, France
2019-: Member of the scientific committee, Krogagerfonden and the Danish National Museum
2018-2019: Member of the scientific committee for consensus conference for older people and physical activity, organized by Copenhagen Centre for Team Sport and Health, UCPH.
2018- : Chair of the scientific advisory board at the Velux Foundation funded project AgeArc.
2017-2021: HumanImpact. Senior researcher and post.doc.-host, funded by Industriens Fond,
2017: Visiting Research Fellow at Institute Paul Bocuse, Lyon, France
2016: Research Management at UCPH – A leadership course
2014- : Appointed member of the steering committee at the interfaculty UCPH platform on Lifestyle, Obesity and Metabolism
2014- : Reviewer: the Faeroese Research Council; Journals: Social Science and Medicine; Sociology of Health and Illness Kulturstudier; Køn & Kultur; Ethnologia Scandinavica
2012-: Appointed member of the research committee at the Saxo-Institute
2012: Research Management Course at CBS-SIMI Executive
2011: Visiting Research Fellow at CRESC, Open University, UK
2010- : Research participant in the research alliance Performing temporary spaces for user driven innovation (TempoS) funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council
2009-2013: Research participant in the Centre for Healthy Aging (CEHA) and the UNIK initiative on a multidisciplinary project on obesity and exercise (FINE)
Teaching and Supervision:
Teaching experience on all levels from BA to PhD, both in Danish and English. Primarily Theoretical, Methodological and Cultural Analytical courses, but also courses on health related issues as well as courses in Museology. Teaching experience from the University of Copenhagen (Ethnology and Public Health) and Aarhus University (Museology and Master of Humanity and Health).
Supervision of bachelor and master theses. Experience with PhD supervision (4 ongoing, 4 completed) and mentoring of postdocs (9 in total).
Editorial Experiences:
2017: Guest Editor on a special issue of Academic Quarter: Network
2017: Editor of Kulturvidenskab som refleksiv praksis – etnologiske perspektiver på individ og fællesskab, kultur og historie, Hans Reitzels Forlag
2012: Editor on a special issue of Kulturstudier (2012/2): Skrald
2011: Editor on a special issue of Kulturstudier (2011/2): KrObjekt. Temanummer af Kulturstudier om krop, sundhed og sygdom
2012: Guest Editor on a special issue of Science & Technology Studies: Cultural Analysis as Intervention
2010 - 2013: Member of the editorial board of Kulturstudier (International, peer-reviewed journal)
2010: Editor of Kulturelle processer i Europa, Museum Tusculanums Forlag
2006: Editor of Verden Over. En introduktion til stats- og livsformsteorien og dens aktuelle anvendelse i etnologien, Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Member of the Health, Humanity & Culture Group at Aarhus University, Denmark; Member of the Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies; Member of EASST (European Association for Science and Technology Studies); Member of SIEF (Societé International Ethnologie et Folkloristique)
Research communication and dissemination:
APJs engagement with humanistic health research has developed in tandem with a broad spectrum of dissemination activities. A part of the dissemination has been in traditional academic formats such as journal publications, conference presentations, and invited talks spanning the spectrum from ethnological conferences to specialized health research, such as sports science. Furthermore, a significant effort has been made to convey research results and interdisciplinary approaches to a larger non-academic audience. In this mode, APJ has co-authored a popular book on ‘Det gode senior liv’. She has also developed joint public talks with health research professor Bente Stallknecht. These talks have been given to numerous audiences and on numerous occasions (e.g. groups of company employees, public events organized by newspapers, and public lectures by KU). APJ has also develop a talk specifically directed to senior citizens, which she has given more than 10 times. Finally, she often participates in radio interviews and news articles on health-related issues.
Leder af Center for Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning(CoRe) ved Saxo-Institutet, KU siden 2013. Jeg forsker indenfor kulturanalyse og humanistisk sundhedsforskning med særlig fokus på sundhed i hverdagen, livsstilsændringer, fedme, aldring, fysisk aktivitet og tværfagligt og offentlig/privat samarbejde.
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Astrid Pernille Jespersen (Medlem)
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Astrid Pernille Jespersen (Konsulent)
Aktivitet: Rådgivning - typer › Rådgivning
Astrid Pernille Jespersen (Medlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typer › Medlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn
Astrid Pernille Jespersen (Medlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typer › Medlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn
Astrid Pernille Jespersen (Bestyrelsesmedlem)
Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typer › Medlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn