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Publikationer pr. år
Seniorforsker, Ph.D.
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
Primære forskningsområder er bl.a. havfriluftsliv, maritim fysisk planlægning (MSP), innovation og udvikling af nye frilufts- og turismeoplevelser, lokalbefolkningens holdninger til turisme, sociale påvirkninger fra turisme og tilpasningsstrategier, bæredygtig turisme, turismeindikatorer.
Den aktuelle forskning har stort fokus på at bidrage med dokumentation og GIS-kortlægning af det havorienterede friluftsliv, så dette kan indgå som en sektor i den igangværende maritime fysiske planlægning (MSP), som EU har pålagt alle medlemslande at gennemføre inden 2021. Vi forsøger også at inddrage turisme, der er den største økonomiske sektor på havet.
Et Innovationsfondsprojekt om udvikling af bynær økoturisme i National Park Skjoldungernes Land and Naturpark Amager er startet i januar 2017.
Ansvarlig for undervisningen i turisme på Natur- og Kulturformidleruddannelsen på Skovskolen i Nødebo (5 ECTS). Herudover bidrager jeg til undervisningsmoduler på kurset Outdoor Recreation. Vejleder en bred vifte af studerende i specialer, bacheloropgaver m.m.
Dansk, Engelsk, noget tysk, noget fransk
Curricumum Vitae
Berit Charlotte Kaae, Senior Researcher, PhD.
Scientific Education:
2000 PhD in Tourism, KVL.
1990 Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
1989 Master of Landscape Architecture, Royal Vet. And Agricultural University, Copenhagen
Current and Previous Positions:
2002 - Senior tourism researcher at University of Copenhagen.
1995-02 Tourism researcher at the Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute.
1995 Visiting scientist at University of Washington, Forestry Department, 5 months.
1994-95 Visiting scientist at Centre for Tourism Policy and Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, 6 months.
1992-95 Ph.D. student at Royal Vet. And Agricultural University, Copenhagen
1992 Visiting scientist at University of Washington, Forestry Department, 3 months.
1991 Long Range Planner, Island County Planning Department, Washington State, USA, 10 months
Academic appointments:
2017 - Chair of Tourism Researchers in Denmark (TiD)
2014 - Danish representative in EEA - EIONET Tourism expert working group on tourism indicators.
2014 - Member of advisory group on Nature Parks in Denmark (The Danish Outdoor Council)
2015 - Member of Expert group on bicycling tourism in Denmark (Vejdirektoratet)
1998-02 Appointed the representative of the Danish National Research Councils in the Nature Council.
Current and recently finished research projects
• ØKOMAR Recreation and tourism data for cross-disciplinary cummulative impact assessment project in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) (ongoing)
• Part of EU MSP-projects Basmati and Pan Baltic Scope as consultant for Nordregio, Stockholm.
• Havplan Øresund. Tourism and recreation component of project on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)
• Kystfriluftsfaciliteter. Documentation and mapping of coastal recreation facilities in Denmark.
• Havfriluftsliv – National mapping of marine recreation and tourism activities in Denmark.
• Water-oriented outdoor recreation and waterbirds. Project with Aarhus University.
• Innovation and Development of Urban Ecotourism (INUT). With Roskilde University & Norrøn.
• Status report on MSP and ICM in Denmark incl. scenarios. For the Danish Nature Agency 2013.
• Öreferie project on sustainable tourism in the Öresund region. Vice-project leader of this 10 mill. kr. Interreg. Project on developing experiences for tourists. Marine = key topic. See:
• Nordic Council of Ministries project on good practices of sustainable and innovative tourism development as inspiration for Nordic peripheral areas.
• ERNEST-project: European Research NEtwork on Sustainable Tourism. Joint research activities among 15 European tourism regions. In cooperation w. the Danish Forest and Nature Agency, North Zealand. See
• Project ”Economic growth in rural areas – new innovative activation of landscape and cultural resources.” Mapping and GIS analysis of the development potentials and scenarios for tourism and experience economy in rural areas. In cooperation with Copenhagen Business School.
• The tourism component of EU project Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions, SENSOR (EU).
• COST Action 33: Forest for Recreation and Nature Tourism. Particular focus on establishing a best practice catalogue for forest recreation and nature tourism.
• Participant in two projects on the experience economic opportunities of Danish private forests in cooperation with the S&L forestry department and CopenhagenBusinessSchool.
• Analysis of regional planning of tourism and outdoor recreation in Danish counties. Problems and best practices in regional planning + develop new planning methods.
• A national survey of the perceptions of nature by Danes. For the Danish Nature Council.
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Berit Charlotte Kaae (Oplægsholder)
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Berit Charlotte Kaae (Oplægsholder)
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Berit Charlotte Kaae (Oplægsholder)
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Berit Charlotte Kaae (Oplægsholder)
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Berit Charlotte Kaae (Oplægsholder)
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Berit Charlotte Kaae (Oplægsholder)
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