Intet billede af Bjarne Andresen

Bjarne Andresen

cand., lic. et dr. scient.

  • Universitetsparken 5, bygn. D

    2100 København Ø


  • Kilde: Scopus
1971 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


                    Highest Qualification
1984          Dr. scient. fra Københavns Universitet.
1974          Lic. scient. (= Ph.D.) i teoretisk kemi fra Kemisk Laboratorium 3,
                  Københavns Universitet.
1971          Cand. scient. i kemi fra Kemisk Laboratorium 3,
                  Københavns Universitet.

                       Elected Appointments
1979 –1981    President of the Section for Theoretical Chemistry
                       of the Danish Chemical Society.
1980 – date    Employees’ spokesman (tillidsmand) at all
                       levels of the University of Copenhagen.
1988 –1991    Member of the executive council of the
                       Danish Union of University Teachers.
1988 –1991    Deputy director of Physics Laboratory,
                       University of Copenhagen.
1991 –1993    Executive secretary of the Danish Physical Society.
1992 –1997    Vice chairman of the Danish Forum for
                       University Policy and Planning.
1993 –1998    Member of the board of directors
                        ofthe Danish Association of Masters
                        and Ph.D.s (Dansk Magisterforening).
1996 – date   Member of the Danish Academy of Natural Sciences.
1997 – 2000   Chairman of the committee on research
                       and education of the Danish Confederation
                        of Professional Associations (AC).
1997 – 2008   Chairman of the Danish Forum for
                       University Policy and Planning.
2006 – 2009   Member of the board of directors
                       of MP pension,the largest academic
                       pension fund in Denmark.
2007 – 2009   Vice chairman of MP pension.
                       Previous Academic Appointments
1975 – 1976    Guest at The University of Chicago.
1983 – 1984    Visiting professor at Stanford University
                         and San Diego State University.
2001           Visiting professor at San Diego State University.
2009           Visiting professor at University of
                    New South Wales at ADFA.
2011           Visiting professor at San Diego State University.

                          Outward Academic Activities
Principal organizer of several international conferences, including Gordon Research and UNESCO.
Principal organizer of JETC 10 (Joint European Thermodynamics Conference), Copenhagen 22–24 June 2009.
Member of The European Thermodynamics Network (ETN) coordinated by Wolfgang Muschik, Technical University of Berlin, funded by EU.
Member of The Thermodynamics of Energy Conversion Network (Carnet) coordinated by Alexis De Vos, Gent, funded by EU.
Coordinator of INTAS grants Limits on Performance of Irreversible Thermodynamic Processes, with Program Systems Institute, Russia, funded by EU.

Primære forskningsområder

Endelig-tids termodynamik (irreversibel termodynamik), statistisk mekanik, optimeringsteori.

Aktuel forskning

Optimering af cytochrom kæden. Optrimering af harmonisk og kvartisk oscillator.


Dansk: modersmål

Engelsk: flydende

Tysk: rimeligt

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Optimering, statistisk mekanik, termodynamik, klassisk mekanik, kvantemekanik, fysiske undervisningsforsøg.

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