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Arbejdsmarkedet i danske og komparativ perspektiv, Kollektive overenskomster; overenskomstforhandlinger, industrielle relationer, EU og det europæiske arbejdsmarked, Social stratifikation (, Medicinsk sociologi (Antibiotikabrug og resistensudvikling i regulativt perspektiv (
Office hours: Friday 12.15-13.15 in 16.1.63 by agreement in advance.
Vejledning på af BA-opgaver og Specialer, Carsten Strøby Jensen
Mine egne forskningsmæssige hovedområder handler om politisk sociologi, stratifikation og ulighed/marginalisering, arbejdsmarked, international politik, sundhedspolitik/opfattelser, men jeg vejleder i mange områder, teorier, metoder og emner.
Blandt de emner jeg har vejledt i de senere år er for eksempel: Betydningen af etnicitet på gymnasieområdet, Sociale protester i Catalonien, Erfaringer med sundhedssystemet blandt mennesker der søger alternative behandling i forbindelse med kræftdiagnoser, Sexuel risikoadfærd, Forandringer i arbejdsmarkedspolitikken i Sverige, Fagbevægelsens internationale arbejde, Hindringer for implementering af madspilds-politikker i virksomheder, Hjemløshed og identitet ifm. salg af ’Hus Forbi’, Konspirationsteorier og Covid-19.
I vejledningen lægger jeg vægt på at BA-opgaverne og specialerne kommer solidt rundt om de dimensioner, der ’skal med’ i sådanne opgaver. Er metoderne beskrevet tydeligt nok? Bliver teorierne brugt tilstrækkeligt i analyserne? Er analyserne klare, skarpe og forståelige? Hvad findes der ud af (konklusion)? Svares der på problemstillingen i konklusionen osv. Osv. Jeg kommenterer løbende på de tekster der skrives og kommer med forslag til litteratur, metoder osv.
Jeg vejleder både kvantitative og kvalitative BA-opgaver og specialer
a) Stratification in late modern society (, b) Europæisering af arbejdsmarkedet. I projektet analyseres udviklingstendenser i EU specifikt i relation til arbejdsmarkedet. Fokus er på karakteren af de reguleringsformer, der er under udvikling i EU-sammenhæng, c) Arbejdsmarkedsrelationer i Danmark - fra konfliktbaseret konsensus til konsensusbaseret konflikt. I projektet analyseres grundkarakteristika ved den danske arbejdsmarkedsmodel, d) antibiotikabrug og resistensudvikling - mellem brugere og udskrivere af antibiotika (
Date of birth:
3. January 1961
High school (1980).
BA in Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen (1982).
MA in Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen (1987).
Degree in Journalism from Danish School of Journalism, Århus (1988).
Dr. Scient. Soc. in Sociology (1998).
A number of different courses in research management and teaching pedagogy.
Head of Department (2006-2014), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
Head of Ph.d.-study (2005-2006), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
Associate professor (1999- ), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
Associate research professor, (1996-1999), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, FAOS.
Assistant research professor (1993-1996) ), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen,, FAOS.
Research fellow (1990-1993) ), Department of Cutural Sociology, University of Copenhagen, FAOS.
External lecturer, Copenhagen Business School, CBS (1989, 1995-2000).
Teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (1988).
Academic assistant, Ministry of Taxation (1987-1988).
Professional positions and memberships
Member of ASA (American Sociological Association).
Member of ESA (European Sociological Association).
Member of Danish Sociological Association.
Member of the Danish European Research Community (Dansk Selskab for Europaforskning).
Representative for Danish Sociological Association in ESA (2002-2005).
Member of the board of Nordic Sociological Association (1998-2002).
President of Danish Sociological Association, (2000-2001)
Managerial positions
Head of Department, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (2006-2014).
Member of Managerial team at the Faculty of Social Science, University of Copenhagen (2006-2014).
Head of Ph.d. study, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
Teaching courses
TACK course in communication,
Course in teaching pedagogy, CBS
Course in Ph.d. supervision, UC.
Reseach management
1) WP in UC-Care (University Copenhagen – Center for antibiotic resistance). A 2016 excellence research program. Head of WP 6 (antibiotic resistance and its societal impact). Member of Management Committee (2012-2016), (25 million in all WP, 5 million dkr. in WP6 -
2) Head of research project about segmentation in the Danish Labour market, combining register and survey data (2012-2013). (1. million dkr.)
3) Heading Faculty of Social Science participation in SDC (Sino Danish Center for Education and Research). Participated in the development of educational and research program for SDC’ social science part (“Welfare and social innovation’) (2009-2011).
4) Responsible developing a new research strategy within University of Copenhagen focusing on ‘democracy and welfare’ (2. Million (2007).
5) Head of research stream at Department of Sociology, ‘Organisation and work’. Department of Sociology (2004-2009).
6) Heading research project about ‘Employer’s Associations in the Nordic countries’, financed by Nordic Council of Ministers. The participating researchers were from the other Nordic countries. (500.000 dkr.) (1999-2000).
7) Head of research project concerning ’Changes in management-employee relation in the public sector (2000) (700.000 dkr.).
8) Head of research project concerning ‘Shop stewards and Danish trade unions’, financed by Danish LO (2. million dkr.)((1998)
9) Head of research project concerning ‘EU and the Danish labour market model’, FAOS financed by the Danish research council, the Ministry of labour and a number of trade unions and employer’s associations (3. million dkr.) (1995-1998).
Study management
Head of line of educational specialization in ’Organisation, labour market and management’ (2004-)
Head of Ph.D. study (2005-2006)
Responsible for accreditation of the BA and MA education in sociology, 2012.
Teaching activities
(both in Danish and English)
Political Sociology (BA courses), 10 ECTS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
Social Differentiation I (BA courses) 7 1/2 ETCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Social Differentiation II (BA courses) 7 1/2 ETCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
The European Union in Institutional Perspective (MA-courses), 10 ECTS 2003
EU in an institutional perspective (MA-courses), 10 ECTS, 2002
Industrial Relation in a Danish and European perspective (MA-subjects), 10 ETCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010.
Globalisation and the political order in Denmark (MA-course), 5 ETCS, 2006
Welfare inequality and mobility (MA-course), 15 ETCS, 2015 (forthcoming, together with Peter Abrahamson).
Permanent guest lecturer at various other courses at the University, for example, the course 'Danish Society' (BA), 'Theories about European integration and Denmark in the EU, ‘Jean Monnet Lectures on' European integration and labor market ', etc.
Around 35 completed MA since 2001. Mainly within the EU and within labour market and organisation.
Internet-based teaching and in 2010 ran a purely Internet based course ('Industrial Relations'). The course was based on the video filmed lectures / presentations.
Ph.D. Supervision
Ph.D. Courses: Participation in various Ph.D. evaluation training at the Department of Sociology with scientific commentary to Ph.D. drafts etc. Ph.D. courses on 'Social differences and stratification theory', 2012 and 2014 the Department of Sociology. Ph.D. course on society and antibiotic resistance University, 2014.
Completed Ph.D. guidance, Six finished Ph.D. students. All focused on the labor market (EU integration, labour market development, etc.).
Membership (and chairmanship) of a number of Ph.D. committees at Department of Sociology and at other universities.
Participation in international research activity.
International conference participation with paper, last seven years:
1) Ilera world congress, Cape Town, Paper (forthcoming), Paper, “Public sector unionization professions as determinants of unionization in the public sector – Denmark as a case.”
2) Participation in ASA congress, Chicago, August 2015. Paper about ‘Employment relations, flexicurity and risk – Explaining the risk profile of the Danish flexicuritymodel’
1) Participation in New York State Political Science Association Conference, April, New York. Paper about ‘Diplomacy and labour market’.
2) Participation in ASA conference (American Sociological Association) with paper, August 2014, San Francisco.
1) Participation in ASA conference (American Sociological Association) with paper, August, New York. Paper ‘Industrial relations after the death of class’
2) Participation in ESA conference (European Sociological Association), august, Torino. Paper about ’Climate change and the labour market parties in EU’
3) Participation in LAWCHA conference (Labor and Working-class History Association), June, New York. Paper about ‘Diplomacy the third party actors’.
1) Participation in IREC conference (Industrial Relations Congres), Lisabon, Paper about Segmentation and wage formation at the Danish labour market’
2) Participation in ASA conference (American Sociological Association) with paper. August, Denver. Paper about ’Industrial relations Theory’
3) Participation in Eastern Sociological society conference, Marts, New York, with paper. Papaer about ’Climate change and tensions between trade unions and environmental movements’.
1) Participation in BSA (British Sociological Association) congres, London, paper about ”Climate change auropean labour market”.
2) Participation in ASA conference (American Sociological Association) with paper. August, Las Vegas. Paper about ’Social stratification in a global perspective – a comparative perspective on US, Japan and Europe’.
3) Participation in ESA (European Sociological Association) Congres, Geneve, paper about ’climate change and reactions from trade unions and employers associations’.
1) Participation in SDC (Sino Danish Center) seminar in Beijing at Gucas University. Lecture about: Industrial relations and welfare states in a Chinese/Scandinavian perspective.
2) Participation in the congress ‘Labour & Sustainable Development, 7th congress, regional & Local Development of Work and Labour’, Renmin University, Beijing, June 2010 (paper about ‘Climate change and industrial relations in Europe’.
3) Participation in IIRA (International Industrial Relations Association) European regional Congres, Copenhagen, about ‘Changing labour markets and its theoretical consequences’
1) Participation in IIRA (International Industrial Relations Association) congres, Sydney, paper about ‘Flexicurity and the Danish model of Industrial Relations’
2) Participation in ASA (American Sociological Association) conference, San Francisco with paper about ’Theorising Industrial Relations’.
1) Participation in ASA (American Sociological Association) conference, Boston, Paper about The Danish flexicutiry model’.
2) Participation in IREC (Industrial Relations European Community) conference, University of Greenwich, London, Paper about ‘Theorising Industrial Relation’.
1) Participation in ASA (American Sociological Association) conference, New York, with paper.
2) Participation in ESA (European Sociological Association) congress, Glasgow, paper about ’Weak and strong trade unions – a comparative perspective’.
Before 2007 also extensive participation in a number of different international conferences. Research in Belgium, Germany and the Netherland in connection with collection of empirical data.
Ongoing and finished research projects
Ongoing research projects
1) Europeanisation of the labour market – institutional developments at transnational level.
2) The Danish model of employment relations – changing relations between the social partners.
3) Segmentation and institutional structures preventing labour market mobility (project based on register date.
4) Social stratification in Europe – differences and similarities.
5) From Managerial Capitalism to Hedge fund Capitalism.
6) Antibiotic use and development of resistance - Governance of antibiotic use in a comparative perspective (UC-Care).
7) Trade unionism in changing societies.
Finished research projects (selected projects):
1) Social differences and social stratification in Denmark (2011-2015)
2) Industrial relations in Denmark – from conflict-based consensus to consensus-based conflict (2006-2012)
3) Flexicurity (2008-2012).
4) Trade unionism in a global and comparative perspective (2003-2006).
5) Nordic employer’s Associations – a Comparative analysis (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) (1998-2001)
6) Industrial relations models in Europe – Comparative perspectives on the national IR-systems (1997-2000).
7) Trade unions and shop stewards in Denmark (1997-1999).
8) Toward the establishment of a European Labour market model (1995-1998).
9) Internationalisaton and the Danish labour market – consequences for the system of industrial relations (1993-1995).
Research evaluation and review
Participation in a number of assessment committees in connection with staff recruitment (both as chairman and member, at different universities)
Member of evaluation committee at University of Karlstad. Research evaluation of Department of Sociology and Department of Working life (2005).
Reviewer in a number of different journals: Dansk Sociologi, Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, Industrial Relations Journal, British Journal of Industrial Relations, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Acta Sociology, Scandinavian Political Journal, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Journal of Common Market Studies.
Published at a number of different national and international publishers: Routhledge, Peter Lang, Oxford University Press, DJØF Publishing, Palgrave, Hans Reitzels Forlag, Berghahn Books, Århus Universitetsforlag, Ashgate and John Benjamins Publishing.
Dissemination of research etc.
Frequent participation in different media (television, radio, newspapers) about labour market, collective bargaining etc., Chronicles about labour market development.
I have been consultant for a number of trade unions and employers associations.
Kultursociologi, sociologi, & Dr. Scient. Soc
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Carsten Strøby Jensen (Oplægsholder) & Anna Ilsøe (Oplægsholder)
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