Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My core research lays in the development of biomarkers of food intake as dietary assessment tools, from discovery to implementation, striving to increase precision in nutrition studies. I have a broad experience in metabolomics and in conducting human intervention studies. 

Roles within NEXS:

  • Member of the Study Board for Food, Nutrition and Physical activity educations
  • Co-founder and chair of the network: The Power of Food (KU-Initiative)

Aktuel forskning


  • Shift2Health: prevention of obesity in shift workers, EU Horizon, co-PI Danish arm (
  • HotFacets: a Danish trial on the effects of moderate alcohol intake, co-PI


  • PREVIEW: prevention of diabetes through lifestyle interventions, EU Horizon, PhD fellow responsible for metabolomics analyses (
  • FOODBALL: food biomarker alliance - discovery, review, validation strategy for dietary biomarkers (JPI HDHL), affiliated PhD fellow 

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder


  • Bioactives Food Components and Health (MSc course): course responsible and main teacher
  • Metabolomics (MSc course): course co-respomsible and teacher.
  • Tools and Techniques in Nutrition Research: teacher


Supervising PhD, MSc and BSc students within nutrition, metabolomics, biomarkers, diet-microbiome interactions, omics integration.


Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

MSc Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen

aug. 2011nov. 2013

Dimissionsdato: 11 nov. 2013

BSc Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania.

sep. 2003jul. 2008

Dimissionsdato: 11 jul. 2008

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