Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
MSc (byplanlægning), PhD Byplanlægning
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
Tysk, Dansk, Engelsk
I am associate professor in urban and regional planning at IGN and member of the research groups Spatial Change and Planning and GIScience and Geodesign.
Research and teaching topics include spatial planning, sustainable urban development, resource and energy efficient cities, land use change, urban sprawl, functional regions, small towns, spatial analysis, digital planning.
I am always interested in good ideas for research and/or teaching collaborations. I am and have been involved in several national and international projects, including
I am currently co-supervising two PhD students: Mette Juhl Jessen working with climate adaptation and regional planning, and Junyu Hu working with e-biking in urban and rural areas. Previously I have co-supervised Tongyun Du working with social networks during urban renewal (finished 2021), Liang Xiao working with agriculture and migration in Southwest China (guest PhD 2019-2020), Lu Sun working with Bejing's green belts (paused) and Juliane Große working with travel behaviour and urban structure (finished in 2017).
I teach in several courses in the Landscape Architecture programme, primarily in "Byplan Studio" (Urban Planning Studio) with Gertrud Jørgensen, Lise Herslund, Trine Carstensen, Helle Tegner Anker and more. In research and teaching I enjoy collaborating with several good colleagues from different research groups and sections within IGN.
Feel free to contact me. I speak English, German and Danish. You can also find me on LinkedIn and ResearchGate or pass by my blog on (which is not that often updated anymore as it once was).
Below you can see an outline of professional employments since my degree.
Since Feb 2017
Associate professor at Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
See a list of main research and teaching activities under general presentation.
Sep 2012 - Jan 2017
Assistant professor at Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (former Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning), University of Copenhagen
See a list of main research and teaching activities under general presentation.
Sep 2007 - Aug 2012
PhD student at Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of Copenhagen
See a list of main research and teaching activities under general presentation.
- PhD project "Urbanisation, urban growth and planning" (2008-2012), supervised by Gertrud Jørgensen, Thomas Sick Nielsen and Stephan Pauleit.
April – Nov 2007
Research assistant for the project "Smart Cities: Ranking of European medium-sized cities" at the Centre of Regional Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
May – July 2007
Assistant for the Interreg III B project PolyDev at the Regional Environmental Centre in Bratislava, Slovakia
Sep – Nov 2006
Assistant for the EU-FP6 project MATISSE at the Institute of Social Ecology, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Aug – Sep 2006
Intern at the Department of Urban Planning, City of St. Pölten, Austria
June 2006
MSc in Urban and Regional Planning at TU Wien, Austria
- Thesis on cross-border co-operation in city-regions - Copenhagen-Malmö and Vienna-Bratislava
By- og Regionalplanlægning, Ph.D., Københavns Universitet
2008 → 2012
Dimissionsdato: 30 aug. 2012
By- og Regionalplanlægning, Cand. science, Vienna University of Technology
2000 → 2006
Dimissionsdato: 20 jun. 2006
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Konferenceabstrakt til konference › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Andet › Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation › Formidling
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Konferenceabstrakt til konference › Forskning
Publikation: Andet › Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation › Formidling
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Formidling
Christian Fertner (Vært)
Aktivitet: Vært for en besøgende - typer › Vært for en akademisk besøgende
Christian Fertner (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christian Fertner (Vært)
Aktivitet: Vært for en besøgende - typer › Vært for en akademisk besøgende
Christian Fertner (Arrangør)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Christian Fertner (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christian Fertner (Medlem af redaktionsgruppen)
Aktivitet: Peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde - typer › Redaktør af tidsskrift › Forskning
Christian Fertner (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christian Fertner (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
1 Mediebidrag