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Karen Blixens Plads 16
2300 København S
LinkedIn Profile:
Academic Qualifications
Scholarships, Honors and Awards
Honor Societies and Bar Associations
US Federal and State-Level Bar Licensing
Academic and Professional Experience
Visiting Academic Placement
Select Humanitarian Placement and Legal/Business Internship Experience (Compensated and Uncompensated)
Christy L. Kollmar, Esq. has been a licensed practicing attorney in the United States since 2007 and is a member of the District of Columbia, Wyoming, Montana and Washington bars, including five federal court jurisdictions. From a practitioner perspective, she spent four years as a prosecuting attorney focused on drug and familial abuse crimes, and currently maintains her own US federal and state-level criminal defense practice (Kollmar Law Office, PLLC.) focused on felony criminal litigation.
After obtaining her Baccalaureate of Arts (BA) from University of Montana, a Juris Doctorate (JD) from Nova Southeastern University, a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from College of William & Mary, and a Masters of Global Management (MGM) from Thunderbird School of Global Management, she relocated to Europe and attained a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Riga Graduate School of Law and a Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Ph.D.) from University of Copenhagen focused in comparative antitrust law and economics. In September 2021 she was conferred her Ph.D. title after successfully defending her dissertation entitled Vertical Restraints in the Digital Age: Best Practices in the Assessment, Application and Enforcement of Resale Price Maintenance.
The aim of the dissertation was to directly examine the economic theoretical models, historical origins, political influences and current legal structures of both the US and EU antitrust/competition regimes to develop strategic proposals on how to modify the EU’s current legal structure to ensure the proper assessment, application and enforcement of resale price maintenance. To this end, the dissertation scrutinized the concepts of appreciability, by-object agreements and hardcore restraints, to implement strategic modifications to EU’s current regulatory framework to ensure vertical pricing restraints receive fair, reasonable and equitable treatment in line with current economic theory and to right the wrong the current legal regime inflicts on efficient RPM usages in the digital age. Here, the dissertation proposed five solutions to ultimately decrease Type I/Type II errors and to assist with the creation of a more efficacious, reliable, predictable and transparent RPM regime that actually enhances legal certainty through a more unified and aligned approach at the national level.
In November 2021, Christy joined the Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL) at University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law as a postdoctoral researcher. Her research will analyze the COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst of change with a particular focus on competition/antitrust law perspectives and how the crisis provided stimulus for new antitrust approaches to promote enhanced collaboration, improved global pharmaceutical innovation and the attainment of greater legal, economic and humanitarian impact. Her research also aims to inquire how the lessons learned could be used for the future of biomedical innovation and pandemic preparedness, as well as, for other ‘grand challenges’, such as climate change and antimicrobial resistance.
Areas of Lecturing
Areas of Thesis Supervision (past topics)
Areas of Research Interest and Keywords
** Open to supervising Masters and Bachelor’s-level thesis projects in any of the above lecturing and/or research areas, including other comparative US/EU legal topics.
Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Antitrust Law and Economics - University of Copenhagen
2017 → 2021
LL.M. - Master of Laws in Law and Finance - Riga Graduate School of Law
2014 → 2016
MGM - Master of Global Management in International Strategy - Thunderbird School of Global Management
2013 → 2014
MBA - Master of Business Administration - College of William and Mary
2011 → 2014
JD - Juris Doctorate in Law - Nova Southeastern University
2003 → 2006
BA - Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - University of Montana
2001 → 2002
AA and AS - Associate of Arts and Associate of Sciences - College of DuPage
1998 → 2001
Principal / Director, Kollmar Law Office, PLLC.
2010 → …
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Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Ph.d.-afhandling › Forskning
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Bog › Forskning › peer review
Timo Minssen (Arrangør), Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci (Arrangør), Maryna Pagels (Arrangør), Verda Sigura (Arrangør), Louise Druedahl (Arrangør), Michelle Goncalves Kjærulff (Arrangør), Christy Lynne Kollmar (Arrangør) & Suzan Duran (Arrangør)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet) & Donnacha Hennessy (Oplægsholder)
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Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Christy Lynne Kollmar (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag