Intet billede af Constance Elaine Duncombe
  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Constance Duncombe’s research explores the links between representation, technology and practice across three key areas: diplomacy and foreign policy; social media in global politics; and diversity and inclusion in security studies. Duncombe’s work in these areas has been published in leading International Relations journals such as European Journal of International Relations, International Affairs, Security Studies and International Political Sociology. Her book Representation, Recognition and Respect in World Politics: The Case of Iran-US Relations is published with Manchester University Press.


Constance Duncombe is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, funded by the European Commission, and her project VISUAL analyses the role of images in enhancing or undermining diplomatic relations between nations. She collaborates with scholars internationally as CI on projects investigating the role of social media in diplomacy (Marcus and Marianne Wallenberg Grant 2018-2023) and diversity and inclusion in national security and security studies (International Studies Association-International Security Studies Section Grant 2019 and Canadian Armed Forces MINDS Grant 2020).

Kort præsentation

Træffetid: Mandag 10 - 12


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • International politik
  • diplomati
  • sikkerhedsstudier
  • følelser
  • images
  • sociale medier
  • identitetspolitik
  • kvalitativ metode
  • køn
  • diversitet og inklusionsforskning

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