Personlig profil
Kort præsentation
My research is mostly concerned with political behavior. Though my interests are on the behavior of political elites more broadly, I am particularly focused on the processes that influence elites' understanding of constituent preferences. My PhD project aims to learn more about the cognitive and unconscious factors that influence elites' attention to information and its effect on their (mis)perceptions, as well as the role interest groups play in this process.
My project is part of the Advocacy in Digital Democracy project, which is led by Anne Rasmussen who is also my supervisor, and is co-supervised by Gregory Eady.
I hold a Master's degree in Social Science Research from the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and a BA in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Primary fields of research
- Political Behavior
- Political Psychology
- Political Elites
- Heuristics and Biases
- Quantitative Methods
- Latin American Politics
- Survey experiments
Træffetid: Onsdag 13-15
Primære forskningsområder
- Political Behavior
- Political Psychology
- Political Elites
- Heuristics and Biases
- Quantitative Methods
- Latin American Politics
- Survey experiments
- Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
- Politisk adfærd
- politisk psykologi
- politiske eliter
- Latin Amerikansk politik
- survey-eksperimenter