Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Researcher ID: D-9453-2012


2010-: PhD Student, Dept. Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen
2010: M.Sc. in Medicine (MD), University of Copenhagen

2007: Pregraduate research diploma in epidemiology, University of Copenhagen


2008-2009: Bachelor, Dept. Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen
2007-2008: Student Assistant, Dept. of Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen
2007: Student Assistant, Dept. of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen
2005-2006: Assistant Surgeon, Orthopedics, Hørsholm Hospital
2001-2005: FADL Assistant, Hospitals in Copenhagen

Work abroad

2006: Research & Field Work, National Institute of Medical Research, Mwanza, Tanzania
2004: Medical Doctor Assistant, Clinic and Hospital, Antigua, Guatemala
2003: Medical Doctor Assistant, Landssjúkrahúsið, Torshavn, Faroe Islands

Research areas

Communicable and non-communicable diseases in low-income countries. Especially diabetes mellitus among patients infected with tuberculosis (TB) and HIV. Level of physical activity among patients in low-income countries. Epidemiology.

Statitical software used


Teaching areas

Introduction to Stata

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