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Personlig profil



Curriculum vitae


Dorthe Dahl-Jensen


September, 8, 1958, Copenhagen, Denmark



Present position

Professor, Niels Bohr Institute, Juliane Maries Vej 30, 2300 Copenhagen OE, Denmark; Tel: +45 35 32 05 56; Fax: +45 35 36 53 57; e-mail: [email protected]


1984, M.Sc. in Geophysics, Copenhagen University; 1988, Ph.D. in Geophysics, Copenhagen University.

Research areas

Reconstruction of climate records from ice cores and borehole data. Ice flow models to date ice cores. Continuum mechanical properties of anisotropic ice. Ice in the solar system. The history and evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Professional Experience

March.-August 1988: Visiting Post Doc, University of Melbourne; Jan 1989-Dec.1997: Assistant Research Professor, Geophysics Institute; Dec 1996 –April 1997: Guest Researcher, University of Hobart; Jan 1997- Dec 2001 Associate Professor, Niels Bohr Institute; Jan 2002 – present: Professor, Niels Bohr Institute; Dec 2002 – April 2003: Visiting professor, University of Hobart. Centre of Exellence for Ice and Climate; April 2007 – April 2012. Coordinator of EU FP7 Past4Future, . 2010-2014  ; ERC Advanced Investigators Grant WATERundertheICE 2010-2014.

Invited talks

4-5 talks per year. Plenum talk at the Goldschmidt conference, 2004; Science lesson at the OECD Global Science Forum, 2005; Science lesson at the Greenland Dialogue Meeting for 25 Environmental Ministers, 2005: Science lesson for The Presidents Science and Technology Advisory Board, The White House, 2005; Key Note Speak at the Arctic Science Summit Meeting, 2006;2007 and 2009; Science lesson Videnskabernes Selskab, European Energy Agency, Tallberg Foundation 2007,2008,2009, SCAR symposium 2007; Danish Government; French Presidency Conference; The Arctic, Observing the environmental changes and facing challenges, Monaco, Nov 2008; Arctic Council; Tromsø March 2009. COP15 Melting Ice Dec 2010



Organized International Symposium on Ice Core and Climate for the International Glaciological Society, 2001; Organized and participated in 7 international summer schools for PhD students 1998-; Organized and chaired international deep drilling programs like NGRIP 2000-2006 and 2005 and IPY NEEM 2007-2011; Participated in the Advisory Board for BBC global Warming 2006; Climate expert in Greenland for US senator MacCain, DK prime minister, G chancellor, Organized ESF conferences and sessions at EGU, AGU and Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009; Lead Author on chapter on the Greenland Ice Sheet, Arctic Council AMAP report on the Cryosphere 2007; Arranged visits at the ice camp NEEM for ministers, IPCC authors, media, chancellors, heads of science foundations.

Honors and awards

Honors from Inge Lehmans Fond, Christine Meyers Fond, Ole Rømers Fond, Cand. Theol Nicolai Michelsens and Valborg Michelsens Fond, Julie Von Müllens Fond, Lektor Løngaards Rejselegat, Willum Kann-Rasmussens Årslegat for Teknisk Forskning; Direktør N. Bang og hustru Yrsa Bang født Troensegaards Legat; EU Descartes Price 2008; VEGA medal 2008; Amalienborgprisen 2009; Munch prisen 2009.

Professional activities

Chairman of the NGRIP Steering Committee; Leader of the Ice and Climate Research Group, NBI; Chairman of NBI PhD School (-2005); Member of the Research Council for Natural Science (2006-2007); Member of the boards for The Polar Center; GEUS; Danish Space Center; IPEV Polar Science Committee, France; Chairman of the Danish National Committee for IPY and SCAR; Cluster leader of the IPY cluster ‘Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet’; Member of ATV, co-chair of region 2; Member of Scientific Council of the ISAC; Chairman of the NEEM Steering Committee, Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, Member of the Danish Climate Commission; Member of IPICS, EuroPICS, and the Advisory Board for IDPO and  IGERT C-Change. Lead author of the AMAP SWIPA chapters on “The Greenland Ice Sheet in a Changing Climate” and “Sea Level Change”.

Teaching and outreach

Undergraduate, graduate and PhD Courses in Climate, Glaciology and Planetary Science since 1995. 3-5 popular talks each year for high schools, evening schools. Participated in 5-10 television and radio programs each year.

Total number of PhD and Master students advised: 38

At present: 4 PhD students and 2 Master Students  

Experience in leadership

Nationally, I have been PI for the FREJA program ‘Ice in the Solar System’, I have been head for the Center for Planetary Science and I have been chairman for the PhD school in Physics at the University of Copenhagen. I head the Centre of Excellence for Ice and Climate. I have gained an overview of Danish Research as member of the Commission for Research on Greenland 2000-2004 and as member of the Research Council for Natural Science. As chairman of the Danish Committee for the International Polar Year 2007-2009, I have collaborated with all polar researchers in Denmark on formulating projects and joining international polar programs. I have joined the first formal course in Research Leadership in 2003 offered by Handelshøjskolen. Internationally I have been field leader of the deep drilling programs and been chairman of the NGRIP program and other working groups in the NGRIP and EPICA programs. I have been selected as leader of the IPY cluster on stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet and I have been accepted to be on the British and Canadian IPY evaluation boards. I am leading the international new deep drilling program, the NEEM deep drilling as a IPY activity with 14 participating nations. I have just been granted the EU FP7 project Past4Future and the ERC Advanced Investigators Grant for the project WATERundertheICE.


Peer reviewed: 89; (nr. of citations: 1729,438,331,308,290 (total: 4937)); H-index: 24)




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Primære forskningsområder

Jeg forsker fortrinsvis i rekonstruktionen af fortidens klima ved brug af iskernedata og borehulsdata. Jeg anvender isflydemodeller og observerede radio echo lag gennem isen til at datere de dybe iskerner. Jeg udvikler anisotrope flydelove til beskrivelse af isens derformation når iskrystallerne orienterer sig efter det spændingsfeltet. Jeg har også forsket en del i isen i vores solsystem. Gennem den senere tid har mine forskningsprogrammer fokuseret sig mere og mere på udviklingen af Grønlands Indlandsis. Det har særlig interesse i forbindelse med den globale opvarmning. Vores forskningsgruppe leder desuden en dybdeboring på Grønlands Indlandsis, NEEM, med det formål at skaffe is fro fortidens varme klimaperioder.

Aktuel forskning

Min aktuelle forskning knytter sig stærkt til de forskningsprojekter, som jeg leder: Grundforskningscenteret for Is og Klima bruger iskernedata til at lære mere om fortidens varme klimaperioder, særlig Eem tiden for 130.000 år til 115.000 år før nu. EU programmet Past4Future som jeg koordinerer, samler palaeoklimainformationer fra alle kilder, deriblandt iskernerne for at rekonstruere klimaet i varme klimaperioder og ERC projektet WATERundertheICE, hvor jeg ved brug af radio echo lag kortlægger vandet under isen,  øger forståelsen af hvordan Indlandsisens udvikling påvirkes af vandet. Se vores hjemsider , og

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Jeg underviser og vejleder mest i klima og is, samt is på planeterne. Jeg arbejder fortrinsvis med teoretisk modellering og har en baggrund i geofysik og vejleder derfor også ind i mellem i mere geofysiske og geologiske modelleringsprojekter.


Jeg er så priviligeret at mine interesseområder er sammenfaldende med min nuværende forskning. Jeg syntes at det er meget vigtigt at kunne bidrage i både den videnskabelige som den offentlige debat. Udviklingen af vores klima og af Indlandsisens tab af masse er et meget aktuelt område og vores is og klima forskning er en meget vigtig komponent i at forstå vores klima.

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