Billede af Emil Børty Nielsen
  • Karen Blixens Plads 16

    2300 København S

Personlig profil

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Research projects overview

Science and faith

To understand the world we need both science and faith. The sciences provide important knowledge about the world. Still, science alone is not enough. To understand the world we also need faith. Faith in this context is difficult to define. It encompasses both traditional religions and secular worldviews but also spirituality and existentiality. It encompasses that which is beyond traditional science but which is nevertheless important to talk about both for scientists and ordinary people. As part of this research project, we work to stimulate a conversation on faith (broadly understood) among researchers from all fields of the sciences.

Animal theology

The animal question has been overlooked by most theologians and church denominations. In recent decades work has begun among theologians on constructing and discussing animal theologies: How should the relation between God, humans, and non-human animals be understood? As part of this research project, I work to establish a Danish network for work on animal theology and stimulate a conversation on animals among Christian denominations in Denmark.

Veterinarians, euthanization, and moral distress

Moral distress (or even moral injury) takes place when a person violates his or her own deeply held moral values. Veterinarians often find themselves in a situation where they have to euthanize a healthy dog on the owner's request or a situation where they cannot euthanize a suffering dog because the owner will not allow it. This is a cause of moral distress that lowers work satisfaction and retention in the field. Is it also a reason that veterinarians have an increased risk of depression and suicide? As part of this research project, I work to develop a model that can help veterinarians navigate these moral conflicts.

Research interests

Animals, Animal theology, Consciousness, Companion Animals, moral distress, science and religion, epistemology, faith and reason, Christian apologetics, ethics, arguments for the existence of God, faith and science, meaning, emotions and cognition, agnosticism, persuasion, cognitive bias. 

David Clough, Andrew Linzey, Alister McGrath, Richard Swinburne, Stanley Hauerwas, C. S. Lewis

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

PhD in systematic theology, Det Teologiske Menighetsfakultet, Oslo

Dimissionsdato: 18 aug. 2022

Kandidat i teologi, Aarhus Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 1 jul. 2016

Bachelor i teologi, Menighedsfakultetet

Dimissionsdato: 1 jul. 2013

Eksterne ansættelser

Leder, Center for Kristen Apologetik, Menighedsfakultetet

2021 → …

Koordinator, Veritas Forum Denmark


Studentermedhjælper, Center for Kristen Apologetik, Menighedsfakultetet



  • Det Teologiske Fakultet
  • Science and Religion
  • Animal welfare
  • Ecology
  • animal ethics
  • apologetics

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