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Øster Voldgade 5-7
1350 København K
I use high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) to sequence ancient protein residues recovered from paleontological and cultural heritage materials. I am actively involved in methodological development to push reliable recovery of ancient proteins further back in time, to minimise starting sample quantities and to improve data analysis and interpretation.
Initially trained in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Turin (Italy), I then expanded my expertise in proteomics and investigation of ancient proteins and DNA. I was trained in analysis of ancient DNA from archaeological human remains (Cappellini et al., Journal of Archaeological Science 2004) and I received my PhD at the University of Florence (Italy) in 2003. During my post-doctoral activity in at the University of York (UK) I continued working on ancient DNA and started characterisation of ancient protein residues by amino acid racemisation analysis and MS-based proteomics (Willerslev, Cappellini et al., Science 2007, Cappellini et al., Naturwissenschaften 2010). I moved to the Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark (SNM), University of Copenhagen (DK), in 2009 and I continued applying proteomics techniques to ancient samples in collaboration with colleagues at the Novo Nordisk Foundation center for Protein Research (CPR). We published published the first ancient proteome (Cappellini et al., JPR, 2012) and the first ancient oral metaproteome (Warinner et al., Nature Genetics, 2014). As a demonstration of his prominent role in paleoproteomics investigation he was invited to submit a “Perspective” piece by the multidisciplinary scientific magazine “Science”.
In October 2016 I was appointed Associate Professor in Paleoproteomics at SNM to start my own research group.
2016-2021 Coordinator of the European Training Network "TEMPERA".
Since 2015: Co-cordinator of the “Ancient DNA, Paleoenvironments, Megafauna and Domestication” 7.5 ECTS credits master courses, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Since 2015: Co-cordinator of the “Palaeogenomic Perspectives on Human Evolution and Population History” 7.5 ECTS credits master courses, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Since 2009: Teacher in the “Evolution and Ancient DNA: Practice and Theory” 7.5 ECTS credits master course, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2016-2021: Associate Professor, at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, PI.
2014-2016: Assistant Professor, at the Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, PI.
2011-2014: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at the Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen (PI: Prof. Tom Gilbert).
2009-2011: Marie Curie Intra European Fellow, at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen (Denmark): “Biomolecular investigation on archaeological grape seeds: a genetic time capsule from the past.” (hosts: Prof. Tom Gilbert and Eske Willerslev), contract 237227 -192,000 €.
2009-2012: NERC Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at the Department of Chemistry, University of York (United Kingdom): “Building a better Egg Timer?” (declined)
2006-2008: NERC Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at the Department of Biology, University of York (United Kingdom): “Palaeoproteomics: a revolution in ancient biomolecular studies?” (PI: Prof. Matthew Collins).
2004-2005: Marie Curie Intra European Fellow, at the Department of Biology, University of York (United Kingdom): “Restoration of the past genetic heritage” (host: Prof. Matthew Collins), contract 501340 -159,613€.
1999-2000: Internship in the Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Florence, Italy.
2016-2021 Coordinator of the European Training Network "TEMPERA".
Since 2013 Group Leader of the “Ancient proteomics” team at the Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen.
2006-2008 Coordinator of the ancient proteomic laboratory at the BioArCh center, at the University of York.
2004 Doctorate in Anthropological Sciences; University of Florence, Italy.
1999 MSc (110/110 magna cum laude) in Biology, major: molecular biology; University of Turin, Italy. Thesis in biochemistry: “Purification and Partial Characterization of the Reductasic Component of the Enzyme Benzoate 1-2 Dioxigenase from Acineobacter radioresistens”
1993 Bachelor, Liceo Scientifico “Carlo Cattaneo”; Turin, Italy. Final evaluation: 50/60.
Sept. 2016 1,000,000 DKK. Recognition from UCPH for having “TEMPERA” ETN funding granted.
May 2016 2,186,975 €. “TEMPERA” European Training Network (ETN), contract n. 722606, Main Applicant and network Coordinator.
May 2015 174,049.75 € (15% quota). “ArchSci 2020” European Joint Doctoral Programme, Co-Supervisor of two PhD fellows.
Feb. 2015 200,000 €. Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship, contract n. 661641, Supervisor.
Jan. 2013 36,187,000 DKK (approx. 4,85 million Euro) UCPH Excellence Programme for Interdisciplinary Research (2016 Funds) for the project: “The Genomic History of Denmark”, Co-I.
June 2009 192,000 €. Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship, contract 237227, PI.
Dec. 2008 491,880.05 £. NERC standard grant: “Building a better Egg Timer?”, Co-I (declined).
Jan. 2007 5,993 £. University of York research priming fund for the project: “Protecting the organic heritage, baseline studies of plant decay using proteomics”, PI.
Dec 2003 159,613 €. Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship, contract 501340, PI.
Referee for the following peer-reviewed journals: Nature Communications, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of Proteome Research, Analytical Chemistry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Scientific Reports, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Journal of Human Evolution, PlosOne, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Antiquity, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Journal of Archaeological Sciences, Science and Technology of Archaeological Research, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.
Expert evaluator for the following public and private funding bodies:
2016 1,000,000 DKK bonus prize from the University of Copenhagen, as recognition for Marie Skłodowska Curie, European Training Network (ETN) funding.
2012- Research Affiliate at the Centre for Evolutionary Medicine, Institute for Anatomy, University of Zürich hosted by PhD Frank Rühli.
2009- Associate fellow at the Department of Archaeology, University of York (United Kingdom)
2009-2011: Marie Curie Intra European Fellow
2004-2005 Marie Curie Intra European Fellow
1999 “Optime” award, from the Industrial Union of Turin to the best-graduated students in the Piedmont region.
2014 Chairman of the “Ancient Proteins” session at the 6th International Symposium in Biomolecular Archaeology, Basel 27th – 30th August 2014
2010 4th International Symposium in Biomolecular Archaeology, Copenhagen, 8-10 September 2010.
2008 3rd International Symposium in Biomolecular Archaeology, York, 14-16 September 2008.
2015-2016 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme (Universitetspædagogikum). Course successfully attended.
2015 Coordinator of the “Ancient DNA, Paleoenvironments, Megafauna and Domestication” and “Palaeogenomic Perspectives on Human Evolution and Population History”, 7.5 ECTS credits master courses, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2015-2017 Co-supervisor for a PhD candidate at the Centre of GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2014-2016 Co-supervisor for a joined Centre of GeoGenetics (CGG)- Centre for Protein Research (CPR) PhD position at the University of Copenhagen.
2011-2012 External co-supervisor for a Master thesis on Sciences for Preservation of Cultural Heritage at the University of Turin, Italy.
So far: Supervision of 6 PhD students, 7 Master students and 10 undergraduate students.
2009- Teaching part of the “Evolution and Ancient DNA: Practice and Theory” 7.5 ECTS credits master course, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2010 International theoretical-practical course on ancient DNA August 2-6, Irapuato, Mexico
2006-2007 “Protein residue investigation on ancient samples” invited seminar; University of Parma, Italy.
2006 “Sample preparation for MS”: Marie Curie “Genetime” training network workshop
2004-2005 “Application of ancient DNA analysis of archaeological specimens: Kinship reconstruction”, as part of the “Ancient Biomolecules” course at the Department of Biology, University of York.
2002 Anthropology (teaching assistant), University of Florence, Italy.
2001-2003 Bioethics laboratory (PG 010333001), University of Perugia, Italy.
2015 10th April. Science Night, Behind the SNM Scenes with the Museum's Experts.
2014 12th April. Invited speaker at Italian Embassy in Denmark.
2014 12th February. Invited speaker at Italian Institute of Culture in Copenhagen.
2013 27th November. Invited speaker at the Natural History Museum of Denmark Science gala evening 2013 (Videnskabsgalla), Copenhagen.
2007 10th September. Invited speaker at the BA Festival of Science, York, UK.
2003 9th April, Foligno (Perugia) Italy. Talk: “Le biotecnologie applicate all’indagine archeologica” during the conference “Dal DNA al genoma umano: 50 anni di conquiste alla scoperta del mistero della vita”, for the XIII Week for the Scientific and Technologinal Culture.
2001 20 hours hands-on course “Genetic Engineering and Biotechnologies”, at the Liceo Scientifico (scientific High School) Carlo Cattaneo; Turin, Italy.
1996-2005 Supervisor for the activities of the “Science and Nature” section for Paideia’92 ltd., a company involved in development of new solutions for teaching and educational entertainment for kids, Milan, Italy.
Italian (mother tongue)
English (IELTS Proficiency)
Danish (beginner)
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme , Course successfully attended
Dimissionsdato: 29 jan. 2016
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