Intet billede af Erik Mygind
  • Kilde: Scopus
1987 …2023

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

CV, Ph.D.,
Date of birth: 16-03-1951

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences (DESS)
Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen
Tel: +45 28750894
E-mail: [email protected]


1994   Ph.D. degree, Faculty of Science, August Krogh Institute/ DHL, University of Copenhagen, DK. Title of dissertation: Præstationsevne og fysiologiske krav i langrend: En sammenlignende analyse af dansk og international langrendselite. [Performance and physiological demands in cross-country skiing. Analyzing Danish and international elite cross-country skiers] (160 ECTS - Written in Danish). Focus was on development of new test methods and testing equipment in laboratory and during simulated competition in practise (field tests) and (maximal aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, muscle fibre distribution, enzyme activity and time studies).

1980, Faculty of Science, August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK. Major in Physical Education (PE) and minor in Biology. Title of dissertation in Physical Education (PE): Metabolsk og enzymatisk aktivitet i musculus gastrocnemius hos patienter med claudicatio intermittens. [Metabolic and enzymatic activity in musculus gastrocnemius in patients with claudicatio intermittens].

1970   High School graduate from Birkerød Statskole.

Employment history - full time employment - teaching activities
2010-2011  Present position: Teaching associate professor with main focus on administration, leadership, development, teaching and research in the field of outdoor education. Joint employment shared between DESS (50 %) and Forest & Landscape, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (50 %).

1982-2010  Full time employed at Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences with main focus on European handball, athletics, winter sport activities (alpine skiing, c-c skiing and outdoor mountain activities) and outdoor education. Lecturing in physiology mainly related to performance and endurance training, training planning and the use of diaries.

Employment history - part time employment - teaching activities

1978-1982  Instructor at the August Krogh Institute in Human Physiology (Physiology and aerobic capacity, planning of training and analyzing training programmes)

1981-1985  Engaged on a part-time contract teaching volleyball at DESS (DHL)
1976-1982  Engaged on a part-time contract teaching athletic at DESS (DHL)
1974-1982  Engaged on a part-time contract teaching European handball at DESS (DHL)
1974-1980  Part time teaching: Physical education in high school (Marie Kruses Skole, Farum)

In service-training outdoor education courses and educational programmes

1993-2011  Since 1994 promoter and head of a one year full time outdoor education study (60 ECTS) (‘Friluftsvejlederuddannelsen’) with a staff ranging between 22-24 part-time employed persons running the different courses. Personal teaching areas during the mentioned period are Sea kayak, pedagogy, environment/ nature conservation and policy in Denmark and winter outdoor mountain activities in Norway. Since 2010 Friluftsvejlederuddannelsen has been administrated from Skovskolen (

1982-2011  Development and head of OE in-service training programmes at the Department of Exercise and Sport and Sciences. I have administrated, planned and taught more than 100 Outdoor Education in service-training courses since 1982 ranging between a few lessons up to 5 days in Denmark, Norway and Sweden – summer and winter. Target groups are pedagogues, teachers in the (public and private) primary and lower secondary schools and high schools, as well as lecturers from teacher training colleges.

University outdoor education programmes in Denmark

2011  Took initiative to develop a new flexible master in Outdoor Education (60 ECTS) back in 2006 and started first module in co-operation with the institute of Forest & Landscape, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen in February 2011.

2007-2011  Development of 7.5 ECTS Outdoor Education course at bachelor level including teachers/ researchers from Forest & Landscape and the Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark.

2004-2011  Development and head of new 15 ECTS Outdoor Education course at bachelor level including teachers/ researchers from Forest & Landscape and the Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark.

1982-2011  Head of developing outdoor education programmes for PE students since 1982. I have lectured, administrated, planned and completed shorter lasting OE courses and for undergraduate students up to bachelor level since 1982.

1994-1999  A one year OE course was developed and offered university PE students (optional).

Nordic and international outdoor education programmes

2003-2011  In co-operation with the Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark a Nordic Outdoor Education a one year OE programme has been developed at bachelor level and since 2003 a total of 8 universities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark have been involved. The main focus is a comparative perspective on ‘outdoor life’ in the Nordic countries in theory and practise where the students travel between Denmark/ Iceland, Sweden and Norway during one year. Lecturing about cultural and nature in a Nordic and international comparative perspective.

1998  One year sabbatical leave: Teaching sea kayak and winter activities at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.  Research: Analysing outdoor activity patterns among New Zealand and Danish physical education students; A comparative culture study.

Selected coach/trainer qualifications with relevance to employment at DESS

1987-1990  Danish national coach: Male junior A + B Cross-Country Ski Team.

1983-1987  Danish national coach: Male senior A + B Cross-Country Ski Team.

1983  Norwegian elite trainer certificate in cross-country skiing (D level - highest trainer level in Norway).

1982  Certificate in the Danish alpine instructor grade (instruktør niveau).

1979  Certificate in the Norwegian A+B trainer education.

Practise in sports at national and international level with relevance to employment at DESS

1981-1982  National Danish Male Cross-Country A Ski Team, World Cup participation.

1975-1979  Athletic: Pool vault, sprint (100 m), relay (100 m) and long jump in the Danish elite division. 1976 Danish champion in 100 m relay and Nordic record in 1000 meter relay.

1971-1973  National team player in European handball (ynglinge og ungdoms landshold). European handball at elite senior level during ten years from 1970-1980.

Selected external course activity of relevance to employment at DESS

1980-1990  Head of a Danish c-c skiing education concept developed during a ten year period in The Danish Ski Federation (DSKIF) (A + B + C levels).

Research activity

2000-2010  Quantitative and qualitative studies were made in primary school comparing teaching in two educational contexts (classroom and natural areas/ forest).  Data were collected among primary school children, parents, teachers and leaders in the Danish Folkschool.

2009-2010  A three month training study was performed among Vasalop c-c skiers using skiergometer and field test on roller skies combined with different training concepts (high and low intensity training).

1998-2000  Analysing outdoor recreational activity patterns among New Zealand and Danish physical education students. A comparative culture study.

1989-1994  Altitude training response among c-c skiers (Tignes, France). Developing upperbody c-c ski ergometer in laboratory. Test methods. Submax and maximal performance tests among Danish male elite c-c skiers. Data included respiratory variables (maximal oxygen uptake), blood lactate, aerobic and anaerobic enzyme activity and muscle morphology. Development of field test procedures. Data collection during simulated competition with c-c elite skiers from Denmark and Sweden. Data included respiratory variables (maximal oxygen uptake), blood lactate, aerobic and anaerobic enzyme activity, muscle morphology and time studies.

Conference presentations and media 

1995-2011  Conference presentations have been made a number of times in Denmark and in international contexts: Norway (1), Sweden (1), France (1), Slovenia (1), Wales (1), Australia (2), Canada (1), New Zealand (1).

1995-2011  Participation and debate a number of times in Radio and TV (DR1 and TV Midt & Vest) in Denmark and Sweden (Ph.D project).

Organizing seminars - selected events

2011  5th International Outdoor Education Research Conference: Different places, critical perspectives and new possibilities, 4-8 July 2011, in Denmark. Organized in partnership with University of Southern Denmark.

2009  Organized a Nordic 4 day Ph.D. course with economic support from Research Education Program Sciences (REPS)

1999-2001  Organized six seminars from with economic support from FRILUFTSRÅDET. Seminar title: ‘Networking and development of outdoor education and research’.

1993  Outdoor education in Denmark. Why, how, where and when? A one day seminar at the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences.

1987-1989  Organized nine seminars with economic support from TEAM DENMARK. Seminar content: Training physiology, test procedures and performance in endurance sports, overtraining, strength training, etc.

Applied and granted externel resources since 2000

Research project – udeskole – teaching outside the classroom  (Friluftsrådet, 2000)   600.000 kr.

Book on sea kayaking   (Friluftsrådet, 2006)   40.000 kr.

Udeskole – teaching outside the classroom   (Friluftsrådet, 2006)   250.000 kr.

Udeskole i bymiljø [Teaching outside the classroom in urban setting]. In cooperation with Forest & Landscape, LIFE   (Friluftsrådet, 2006)   650.000 kr.

Master i Natur og friluftsliv. In cooperation with Forest & Landscape, LIFE   (2007)   214.000 kr.

Organizing Ph.d. course – Research Education Program Sciences (REPS)   (2008)   60.000 kr.

KIF funding: International OE conference Fuglsø, July 4th-8th 2011   89.000 kr.

Friluftsrådet: International OE conference Fuglsø, July 4th-8th 2011   35.000 kr.

New application 2010

Physical activity and learning in udeskole. Project proposal by Erik Mygind, Peter Bentsen & Glen Nielsen. The total external cost of the application submitted to TRYG Foundation is 6.427.000 kr.
At present the project is neither rejected nor accepted but in a rewriting process.

Primære forskningsområder

Forsker i fænomenet udeskole og udgav i 2005 som leder af en forskergruppe antologien 'Udeundervisning i folkeskolen' - et casestudie om en naturklasse på Rødkilde skole og virkningerne af en ugentlig obligatorisk naturdag på yngste klassetrin i perioden 2000-2003'.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Leder og koordinater af alle friluftsliv uddannelser ved Institut for Idræt, KU og arbejder pt på udvikling af en masteruddannelse i Natur og Friluftsliv i samarbejde med Center for Skov og Landskab, LIFE, KU.

Undervisning: Havkajak, vinterfjeld, vinteraktiviteter, naturforvaltning & friluftspolitik, udeskole.


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Naturklasser
  • Udeskole
  • Friluftsliv
  • Felt test
  • Præstationsevne
  • Laboratorie test
  • Udholdenhedstræning

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