Intet billede af Erik Skjoldan Mortensen

Erik Skjoldan Mortensen

  • Øster Farimagsgade 2A

    1350 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Træffetid: Tirsdage kl. 11:00-15:00

My goal in my PhD project is to investigate motor skill learning with a special focus on the role of sensory perception as well as transferability of skills acquired in a virtual environment.

The tools I will use in my experimental setups will include VR, EEG, EMG, TMS, kinematic tracking, as well as tactile and proprioceptive illusions.

The project will be completed in collaboration with the with the Human-Computer Interaction group at the Department of Computer Science.

My primary project supervisor is Mark Schram Christensen. 


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Motorkontrol
  • færdighedslæring
  • perception
  • sensorisk bearbejdning
  • EEG
  • EMG
  • TMS
  • VR
  • eye tracking