Intet billede af Eske Willerslev
  • Øster Voldgade 5-7

    1350 København K

Personlig profil


(As of December 2017)

Date of Birth 5 June 1971
Nationality Danish


Centre for GeoGenetics
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 5-7, DK-1350
Phone: +45 35321309/ +45 28751309
E-mail: [email protected], Webpage:

Current positions

Prince Philip Chair of Ecology and Evolution, University of Cambridge (2015-) 
Wellcome Trust Sanger Associate Reseachers (2015-) 
Lundbeck Foundation Professor, University of Copenhagen (2014-20)
Director, Program Pathogens as cause of cancer (2011-2016) 
Director, Centre of Excellence in GeoGenetics (2009-)
Director, National Tissue Bank and Sequencing Facility (2009-)
Professor National History Museum, University of Copenhagen (2009-)

Previous appointments

Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Copenhagen (2006-2011)
Chief Director, FNU Centre for Ancient Genetics (2005-2009)
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Zoology, Oxford University, UK (2005-2007)
Professor (MSO) of Ancient DNA, the Niels Bohr Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen (2005-2006)
Wellcome Trust Fellow, Dept. of Zoology, Oxford University, UK (2003-2005)
Research visitor MD Anderson Cancer Research Centre, University of Texas, US (2002)

Education and Qualifications

DSc (dr. scient.), Ancient DNA, Dept. of Biology, University of Copenhagen (2004)
Cand. Scient. (Masters level degree), Dept. of Zoology, University of Copenhagen (Jan 1998)

Honours Awards, Scholarly Achievements

Honorary Doctor, University of Tartu (2017) 
Order of the Dannebrog (issued by her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark)
The Preservation Hero Award, The Department of Archaeology and Historical preservation, Washington State (2017)
Ørsted Prize (unsolicited) (2016)
Shanghai Archaeology Forum (SAF) Award (2015)
Adopted member of the Crow tribe, Montana (Apsaalooke), got the name ChiitdeeXia’ssee (meaning well known scout) (2014) 
Foreign associate member, National Academy of Sciences USA (2014) 
Honorary Doctor, University of Oslo (2014) 
UC Berkeley Miller Visiting Professorship (2014)
Lundbeck Professorship (2013)
Ib Hendriksen Foundation Award (unsolicited) (2013)
The Rosenkjær Award (unsolicited) (2012)
The Lundbeck Foundation Young Scientists Award (unsolicited) (2011)
The DM Researchers Prize (unsolicited) (2011)
The Danish Independent Research Councils Research Communication Prize, Danish Ministry of Science and Education (unsolicited) (2011)
The Danish Independent Research Councils Major EliteForsk (Elite Research) Prize, Danish Ministry of Science and Education (unsolicited) (2011)
Antiquity Prize for the best paper in the Journal Antiquity in 2009 (Hebsgaard et al. ’The Farm Beneath the Sand’ – an archaeological case study on ancient ‘dirt’ DNA') (unsolicited) (2010)
The Ellen and Hans Hermes Science Award (unsolicited) (2010)
The Genius Scientific Communication Prize (unsolicited) (2009)
Elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (2008)
The Danish Independent Research Councils' Young Researcher's Award, Danish Ministry of Science and Education (unsolicited) (2005)
The Hartmanns Science Prize (unsolicited) (2004)
Wellcome Trust Fellowship (2003-2005)
Copenhagen Global Change Initiative (COGCI) PhD Student Fellowship (2000-2003)

Memberships of Scholarly Societies & Academic Boards

The National Academy of Sciences USA
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
The Earth Microbiome Project Consortium
International Science Advisory Board, First Ancient Biomaterials
The International Mars Cryoscout drilling Team (NASA)
The Planetary Permafrost and Astrobiology Working Group of the IPA (under Chris McKay, NASA Ames Space Centre)
International Science Advisory Board, First Ancient Biomaterials Conference, 2009

Editorial & Funding Review Panels & Committees

Editor PNAS, Associate Editor for Molecular Ecology, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Editorial board member for BMC Evolutionary Biology, The Open Evolution Journal, Zoological Research, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, the journal Insects, and The International Journal of Forensic Anthropology and Ad hoc reviewer for more than 40 grants agencies and journals, including the NSF (US), Nature, Science, and PNAS.

Collaboration with Industry

Bavarian Nordic (collaboration on vaccine development)
BGI Europe (collaboration on sequencing cancer pathogens)

Research Field Expeditions

2010: Expedition to Qajaa at the Isfjord, Northwest Greenland. Collected sediment samples and archaeological remains for DNA analyses for Centre for GeoGenetics, Uni. Copenhagen 
2009: Expedition to Qajaa at the Isfjord, Northwest Greenland. Collected sediment samples and archaeological remains for DNA analyses for Centre for GeoGenetics, Uni. Copenhagen
2006: One-month expedition to Pearly Land, North Greenland. Collected megafauna fossils (musk ox and reindeer), and sediment samples for DNA analyses for Ancient DNA and Evolution Group, Biological Institute, Uni. Copenhagen.
2005: One-month expedition to Taymyr, North East Siberia. Collected megafauna fossils (woolly mammoth, horse, and musk ox), and sediment samples for DNA analyses for Ancient DNA and Evolution Group, Niels Bohr Institute, Uni. Copenhagen.
2004: Two-month expedition to Yukon, Northern Canada and Chukotka, North East Siberia. Collected Megafauna fossils (woolly mammoth, horse, bison, lions, bears, and wolfs), ancient coprolites and sediment samples for DNA analyses for Dept. Zool. Uni. Oxford, UK and Inst. Biol. Uni. Copenhagen.
2003: One-month expedition to Yukon, Northern Canada. Collected Megafauna fossils (woolly mammoth, horse, bison, lions, bears, and wolfs), ancient coprolites and sediment samples for DNA analyses for Dept. Zool. Uni. Oxford, UK
2001: Led one-month expedition to Jakobs Havn, Western Greenland. Collected glacier ice for DNA studies, for the Zoo. Inst. Uni. Copenhagen, Denmark.
2000: One-month expedition to the North GRIP drilling site, Northern Greenland, drilling ice cores for the Niels Bohr Inst. Uni. Copenhagen, Denmark
1996: One-month expedition to Disko Island, Western Greenland. Collected miofauna in Davis Strait for Zoo. Inst. Uni. Copenhagen.
1993-94: Lived for six-months as trapper among the Yukagihr people, Yakutia, Northeastern Siberia.
1993: Led four-month expedition to Yakutia and Magadan, North Eastern Siberia for Uni. Copenhagen, Uni. Aarhus. Collected megafauna fossils (woolly mammoth, horse, and bison) and entogaphic material from the Yukagihr, Yakut, and Even people and did a documentary film in collaboration with Nordic Film A/S.
1992: Led two-month expedition to Kamchatka, North Eastern Siberia for Uni. Copenhagen and Uni. Aarhus. Collected entogaphic material from the Chuckchi, Koryak, and Even people.
1991: Led three-month expedition to Yakutia, North Eastern Siberia. Collected megafauna fossils (woolly mammoth, horse, and bison) and entogaphic material from the Yakut and Even people for Moesgaard Mus. Uni. Aarhus, Denmark

Administrative Duties

Board member University of Copenhagen (2016-)
Section head, Natural History Museum of Denmark (2013-15) 
Board member Zoological Garden of Denmark (2011-)
External Scientific Committee Member, Inst. of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2010-)
Chief Director, Shino-Danish Sequencing Centre (2009-)
Chief Director, Centre for GeoGenetics (2009-)
Chief Director, National Tissue Bank and Sequencing Facility (2009-)
Head Ancient DNA and Environments Group (2009-)
Head: the Evolutionary Biology Section (2007-2008)
Head: the Ancient DNA and Evolution Group (2005-2009)
Member: the Fusion Committee (Dept. of Molecular Biology and Dept. of Biology) (2007-08)
Member: the Laboratory Committee, Department of Biology (2005-09)
Chief Director, FNU Center for Ancient Genetics (2005-09) 

Teaching, Univ. of Copenhagen and Cambridge (2004-)

Human Evolution (undergraduate course) Department of Zoology, Cambridge, (2016-), Ancient DNA and Evolution (graduate course, Copenhagen), Natural History Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen, 2010) Ancient DNA and Evolution (graduate course), Dept. of Biology (Copenhagen, 2007-10) Introduction to population biology (undergraduate course), Dept. of Biology (Copenhagen, 2005) Molecular Evolution (graduate course), Dept. of Evolutionary Biology (Copenhagen, 1996-02) Evolutionary Biology (undergraduate course), Dept. of Evolutionary Biology (Copenhagen, 1996-02) Occasionally lecturing in evolutionary biology, nationally and internationally (undergraduates and graduates) (Copenhagen, 2005-2017)


Supervision of Post-Doctoral Research: 37 post-doctoral projects

Dr. Junxia Wuhanyjx (visiting Post doc), Beijing University, China
Dr. Henrik Glenner, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Martin Vinter Sørensen, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Tom Gilbert, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Jaco Weinstock, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Tobias Mourier, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Kasper Munch, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Mette Elstrup Steemand, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Erik Axelsson, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Helena Malmström, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Mette Vestergaard Madsen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Paula Campos, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Cristina Valdiosera, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. James Haile, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Tracy Pierre, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Aurelien Ginolhac, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Enrico Cappellini, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Morten Rasmussen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Eline Lorenzen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Morten Allentoft, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Lasse Vinner, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Helena Fridholm, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Anne Ahlmann Nielsen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Sarah Mollerup, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Maanasa Raghaven, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Astrid Schmidt, Niels Bohr/ Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Klaus Hammes, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Lasse Vinner, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Søren Overballe-Pedersen Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Klaus Hammes Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen 
Dr. Ann Micaela Hellström History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Johan Spence History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Philip Francis Thomsen History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Xing Ych, Uni. Copenhagen
Dr. Maanasa Raghavan, Uni. Cambridge
Dr. Ana Ana Prohaska, Uni. Cambridge

25 PhD theses; 14 visiting students

Mr. Martin Hebsgaard, Niels Bohr Institute, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Jonas Binladen, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Paula Campos, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Astrid Schmidt, Niels Bohr/ Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Isabelle Savignac da Piedade, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Morten Rasmussen, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Eva Garde, Biology, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Maanasa Raghavan, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Jesper Stennerup, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. David Alquezar, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Søren Overballe-Petersen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Jakob Holm, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Tina Jørgensen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Phillip Francis Thomson Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Kenneth Andersen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Mikkel Pedersen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Victor Moreno Mayar, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Thorfinn Sand Korneliussen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Ashot Margaryan, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Mellissa Ilardo, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Sarah Stewart Johnson (visiting PhD stud.), MIT, USA
Mr. Andrew David Foote (visiting PhD stud.), University of Durham, UK
Ms. Helena Malmström (visiting PhD stud.), Uppsala University, Sweden 
Ms. Lourdes Sampietro (visiting PhD stud.), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Ms. Emma Svensson (visiting PhD stud.), Uppsala University, Sweden
Ms. Maanasa Raghavan (visiting PhD stud.), University of Oxford, UK 
Ms. Nuria Naveran (visiting PhD stud.), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Ms. Anna Juras (visiting PhD stud.), Institute of Anthropology University of Poznan, Poland
Ms. Eleanor Jones (visiting PhD stud), University of York, UK
Mr. Andrew David Foote, (visiting PhD stud), UK
Ms. Vanessa Oliveira, (visiting PhD stud), Brasil
Ms. Elena Gigli (visiting PhD stud), Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain
Ms. Maren Schrölkamp (visiting PhD stud), Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany
Ms. Melissa E. Kemp, (visiting PhD stud), Stanford, US 
Ms. Melissa IIardo Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Constanza P de la Fuente Castro Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Peter de Barros Damgaard Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Yucheng Wang Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Hugh McColl Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen

Graduate Supervision: 14 MSc theses

Mr. Jonas Binladen, Dept. of Biology Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Sophia Gardner, The Royal Danish Academy of fine art School of Conservation
Mr. Jonas Jacobsen, Novozymes & Dept. of Biology Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Magnus Lydolph, Novozymes & Dept. of Biology Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Sarah Stewart Johnson, Dept. Zoology, Uni. Oxford
Mr. Tommy Kristensen, Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Christina Faerch, Niels Bohr, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Phillip Francis Thomson Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Kenneth Andersen Dept. Biology, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Fernando HR Guadiana, Uni. Guanajuato, Mexico 
Ms. Nynne Hjort Nielsen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Mikkel Pedersen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Kasper Lykke Hansen, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Mr. Peter de Barros Damsgård, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen 
Ms. Constanza De La Fuente, Stanford, US (visiting student)

Undergraduate Supervision: 5 theses

Mr. Malte Thodberg, Uni. Copenhagen, 
Mr. Fernando Ramírez, University of Guanajuato, Mexico 
Ms. Gerith Parmo, Dept. of Biology Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Hlif Ivy Linnetved, Natural History Museum, Uni. Copenhagen
Ms. Roberta Corsi (visiting BSc student), University of Barcelona, Spain

Laboratory Technicians, Univ. of Copenhagen

Ms. Tina B Brand, Ms. Lise Rask McKay, Ms. Jette Agnete Sørensen, Ms. Camilla Friis, Ms. Pernille Selmer Olsen, Mr. Kim Magnussen, Ms. Karen Oliver (Univ. of Oxford), Ms. Lillian Anne Nissen Petersen, Ms. Cecilie Demring Mortensen

Invited talks and seminars 


What we can learn from ancient genomics, Talk at Tartu University, Estonia.
How ancient population genomics changes modern views on human history. Talk at ISABS2017, Dubrovnik Croatia.
Early peopling of the Americas and extinction of the Late Quaternary megafauna. Talk at University in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
The BioSciences master is organized by the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Talk at PRES Université de Lyon, Lyon.
Hunting the past with ancient genomics. Talk and horisont lecture in Bergen, Norge.
My way into the past. Talk at Sanger postdoc retreat, Sanger Institute, Dunston Hall, Norfolk.
What we can learn from ancient genomics. Talk + meetings at UCL Genetics Institute. University College London.
What we can learn from the genetic past. UCL Lecture on Climate and Human History + reception and dinner. UCL Institute of Archaeology, London.
What we can learn from ancient genetics. The Dahlem Colloquium lectures, talk at Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics.
Human migrations and megafaunal extinctions The Haldane Lecture, John Innes Centre. Innes Centre, Norwich


Human migration and mega faunal extinctions” The Twenty-eighth McDonald Lecture, Cambridge 
What we can learn from ancient genetics The Dahlem Colloquium lectures, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin
What we can learn from the genetic past, University College London Lecture on Climate and Human History. Institute of Archaeology, London.
What we can learn from ancient genomics
University College London
The Kennewick Man and other ancient genomic studies, Brown Bag talk, Smithsonian National Museum of American Indian.
Genomics of Vikings and the importance of the involvement of the Salme material. Tallinn University
What we can learn from Ancient genomics. Institute of Science and Technology, Austria


Use of modern and ancient DNA in discovering human health, migration and development, University of Medicine Mandalay, Myanmar
Use of modern and ancient DNA in discovering human health, migration and development, Archaeological Office, Upper Myanmar
What we can learn from ancient genetics and genomics, University of Montana, Missoula, USA 
Ancient human genomics, Miller Institute, UC Berkeley, USA
What we can learn from ancient genetics and genomics, Life science seminars, Sanger, UK 


What we can learn from ancient genetics and genomics, Life science seminars, EPFL, Lausanne, Swiss 
Hunting the molecular past, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway 
Modern and ancient genetics and genomics as tools for understanding population dynamics and community changes, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK. 
Hunting the Molecular Past, Department of Biology, Illinois University, USA. 
Hunting our Molecular Past, Department of Genetics, Harvard University, USA.
Hunting our Molecular Past, Faculty of Life Science, Manchester University, Manchester UK. 


Hunting our Molecular Past, Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London, London UK. 
Hunting our Molecular Past with Ancient DNA, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute in Australia. Melbourne, Australia 
Hunting our Molecular Past with Ancient DNA, Statistics, University of Oxford, UK 
Hunting our Molecular Past with Ancient DNA, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. 
Ancient DNA, Oslo University, Centre for Ecology, University of Oslo, Norway 
Hunting our Molecular Past by Ancient DNA, Museu da Ciência, Coimbra University, 
Hunting our Molecular Past by Ancient DNA, Department of Anthropology, SMU 
Dallas, USA 
Aboriginal Australians – The First Human Explorers. Archaeology, The University of 
Western Australia, Australia


Aboriginal Australians – The First Human Explorers. Morrison Institute for 
Population and Resource Studies, Stanford University, US
Reconstructing the Past from Ancient DNA. Dept. of Biosciences, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland


Aboriginal Australians-First Explorers, Murdoch Univ., Australia
Present and Future of Ancient DNA, Aberdeen Univ., UK


Extinction of the Ice Age Megafauna, Univ. of Aberdeen, UK
Hunting Molecular Past, King Saud Univ., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Hunting Molecular Past, Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland
Hunting Molecular Past, Goteborg Univ., Sweden
Hunting Molecular Past, Atapuerca, Spain
Hunting Molecular Past, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, USA
Three Recent Ancient DNA studies on Early Peopling of the New World and Mammoth Extinction, Texas Archaeological Research Lab., Univ. of Texas, USA


Ancient DNA, CNRS Lyon, France
Retrieval of Ancient DNA from Fossil Remains, Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC), Nijmegen, Netherlands
Ancient DNA, Forensic Science, Linköbing, Sweden
Ancient DNA, Penn State University USA


Revealing the secrets of the 454 sequencing platform, The Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, Oslo University
Four talks on ancient DNA, Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan
Geologically ancient DNA –fact or artefact? Stockholm University
Ancient DNA possibilities and pitfalls, Lund University, Sweden
Ancient Dirt DNA and Ancient DN, Univ. of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Texas


Ancient DNA, Uppsala Univ., Sweden
Ancient Dirt DNA, Leiden Univ., Leiden the Netherlands
Ancient DNA from Sediments, University College of London, UK


Ancient DNA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Boston USA
Ancient DNA, Danish Centre for Scientific Computing, DCSC
Ancient Sedimentary DNA, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany
Climate reconstruction from ancient DNA preserved in fossil ice and permafrost, Univ. of Oslo, Norway
Ancient DNA from Sediments and Fossil Remains, UCL, UK


Ancient DNA, CNRS Univ. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Cedex, France
Ancient DNA from Ice, Sediments and Fossil Remains, Centre for Diversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Portugal


Ancient DNA, Dept. of Physical Geography, Lund University, Sweden


Perspectives for Ancient DNA in Ice and Permafrost, Opening of the Centre for Planetary Science, 1 Feb. 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark


Invited talks at Conferences, Congresses & Workshops


Human migrations and megafaunal extinctions, Population Genetics Group conference, Cambridge, UK.
Peopling of the world. Speaker ESHG 2017 at Bella Center, Copenhagen. 
Illumina Customer Service and Support Meeting. Conference at Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Malaga.


What we can learn from ancient genetics, DEIC conference, October 5, 2016 
Hunting for the Past with Ancient DNA. Science and Society conference in Heidelberg, EMBL/EMBO SCIENCE AND SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Heidelberg
The Crafoord Academy Lecture (related to the Crafoord prize), Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences. EW gave the keynote lecture on ancient genetics.
Human migrations and megafaunal extinction. Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference (SMBE), July 3-7 2016, Queensland’s Gold Coast, Australia. 
How we developed our biological and cultural diversity. EW gave a keynote presentation: Advances in Genome Biology and Technology" (AGBT), Orlando Florida.


How we settled the world and developed our cultural, Major transitions in human evolution, Royal Society, UK, October 22-23. 
How we settled the world and developed our cultural, The XI Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology, October 20-23, Helsinki, Finland
How we settled the world and developed cultural and biological diversity. 2nd Joint Kyoto Prize Symposium, Inamori Foundation, Kyoto University, July 11-12. 


“What we can learn from ancient genomics”, VIP, Brussels, Belgium 
“What we can learn from ancient genomics”, Kidney week, American Society of Nephrology, Philadelphia, Nov. 11-16 
Advances in DNA Research Revealing the Patterns of Early Human Movements. Santa Barbara Symposium on Human Origins II, September 12-13
What we can learn from ancient human genetics and genomics. Cell Symposia: Evolution of modern humans, March 16 – 18.


Ancient Human Genomics: What can we learn from the Past. World Diabetes Congress Melbourne, Australia, December 9-13.
Genetic Origins of Native Americans. Paleoamerican Odyssey, Sante Fe, New Mexico, US, October 16-19.

Archeological Genomics – What Our Ancient Ancestors and Cousins Can Teach Us. Global Technology Community (GTC) NGS & Bioinformatics, Berlin, Germany.
Hunting the Molecular Past. The First International Environmental Omics Synthesis Conference, Cardiff, UK, September 9-11. 
Hunting the Molecular Past. World Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics 2013, Melbourne, Australia, September 2-7. 
Paleogenetics and Ancient DNA Sequencing. CTC 3rdNext-generation Sequencing Conference, San Francisco, US, June 19-22. 
Hunting the Molecular Past. Genome, Disease and Evolution CIG Symposium. Lausanne, Swiss, June 6 and 7. 
Past Genomics and Environmental DNA. Omics Australasia 2012 Symposium, Perth, Australia, November 27-30.


Hunting the Molecular Past. Science Festival, Genova, October 25- November 4. 
Ancient Genomics. SMBE, Dublin, June 23-26.


Ancient Human Genomics. The 12th Gene Forum, Estonia, June 8-9. 
Theories on Human Evolution. Turkana, Kenya May 25-27.
“Diabetes Type 2 Association Mapping in Aboriginal Australians”, FAHCSIA/PLO conference, Sydney, Australia, Marts 22-23.
“Understanding Historical Human Migration Patterns and Interbreeding Using the Ancient Genomes of a Palaeo-Eskimo and an Aboriginal Australian”, DOE Joint Genome Institute User Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Marts 20-22. 
“Ancient Human Genomics”, Horizons in Molecular Life Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, Sept 29-30
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, Molecular Frontiers Symposium, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 23-25 
“Early peopling of the New World", Human Evolution – plagues, pathogens and selection, The Royal Society, London UK June, 8-9 
“Geological Ancient DNA”, Satellite Mtg, Kavli Royal Society Centre, 8 - 9 June 
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, Pop Group 44 Mtg, Univ of Hull, UK, Jan 4-7


“Hunting the Molecular Past”, Population Genetics Group, Univ of Hull, UK, 5 Dec 
“Early Peopling of the New World and the Megafauna Extinction”, DNA, Genetics, and Human Evolution, Cold Spring Harbour, USA, Nov 28-30
”Sequencing of Ancient DNA”, Int. Ancient Genomic Research Conference, Shenzen, China, October 25-27-
“Second-Generation Sequencing in Ancient DNA”, ISBA 4, Copenhagen, Sept 6- 10 
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, NERC Workshop on ‘Omics Technology into NERC Science, , Cardiff, UK, May 19-20 
“Ancient DNA and Metagenomics”, 7th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Bioinformatics, Bari, Italy, 14-14 April 
“Ancient DNA and Peopling of the New World ", Paleo-Indians: Origins & Issues Panel Discussion, Santa Fe, USA, April 12
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, Southwest Seminars, Santa Fe, USA, April 11
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, Colloquium Series, Ancient Biomaterials Institute, West Chester University, Philadelphia, USA, 26 March


“Ancient Fungi DNA”, Fungi in Time, NVvM Section Mycology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nov 27 
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, Third International Barcode of Life Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, Nov 7-13 
“The Saqqaq Genome”, Int Conf on Genomics (ICG-IV), Shenzhen, China, 2-5Nov
“Hunting the Molecular Past”, First Int. Symposium on Ancient DNA, National Lab of Genomics for Biodiversity (Langebio), Cinvestav-IPN, 24-25 Sep., Mexico
“Hunting the Molecular Past in Sediments”, Ancient DNA from Mitochondria to Nuclear DNA, from the Evolution of Populations to the Selection of Characters, 14-16 Sep, Paris
“DNA Retrieval from Fossil Remains", Basel Computational Biology Conference, Basel, 18 Jun 
“Three Recent Case Studies on the Early Peopling of the New World and the megafauna extinction”, International Science Conference on the Early Peopling of the Americas, Los Angeles, USA, 13-17 May


“Ancient DNA”, ECCB’08 Eur Conf Computational Biol, Sardinia Italy, 22-26 Sep
“Ancient microbial DNA from permafrost settings”, Banff Polar Microbial Conference Canada, 11-15 May 
“Ancient DNA for reconstructing past population dynamics and ecosystems”, Grandes Conférences de l’Observatoire des Sciences, l’Univ de Grenoble 22 May
“Ancient DNA from Coprolites Reveal Pre-Clovis Human Presence in North America”, Paleoamerican Origins Workshop, 14-16 Feb, Austin, Texas, US


“Ancient Dirt DNA”, AGU meeting, San Francisco USA, 10-14 Dec. 
“Ancient Dirt", Archaeology Meeting, Houston Texas, 27 Feb.


"Geological Ancient DNA Fact or Artefact?", Geological Society of America, Philadelphia USA, 24 Oct. 
"Ancient DNA from Native American Coprolites", The Great Basin Anthropological Association (GBAC), Las Vegas, USA, 19-22 Oct. 
"Ancient DNA from Ice and Permafrost", Second International Palaeontological Congress (IPC), Beijing 17 - 21 Jun. 
"Long-term DNA survival and its implications for finding life on Mars and Europa", Origin and Distribution of Life in the Universe: A Nordic Perspective, Stockholm, 8-11 May, 
"DNA degradation and stability", Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE): Advanced Science and Technology Planning" Grenoble, France, 24 - 26 April
"Ancient DNA", Ancient DNA and Paleopatology, Rome 31 Mar. - 1 April


"DNA from Lakes and Glacial Ice", AGU meeting, San Fransisco USA, 5-9 Dec. 
"Geologically Ancient DNA", Astrobiology: Life in extreme conditions, Olso, 21 –22 Nov.


“Progress, Pitfalls and Prospects in Ancient DNA Studies”, Pittsburgh Conference Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7 - 12 Mar


“Ancient DNA in Ice and Permafrost and the Exploration of Nucleic acid based Life on Mars”, 3rd Int Conf on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 13-17 Oct, Canada
“Ancient DNA from sediments”, [NEWW/AR] Plant ancient DNA Symposium 2003, 4-6 Sep, Bordeaux, France


“Ancient plant and bacteria diversity in ancient Siberian permafrost”, 2nd Mtg on Ancient DNA – Preservation, Damage and Repair, 16-17 Nov, Univ of Oxford, UK


"Ancient Bacteria DNA from Permafrost Soils", Life in Ancient Ice: A workshop, 30 Jun. - 4 Jul, Oregon, USA


"DNA investigations of ice cores from the Southern Hemisphere", Southern ice fields seminar II, 21-26 Mar. Valdivia, Chile


"Ice core genetics", Southern ice fields seminar I, 9-10 Nov. Santiago, Chile
"DNA in ice cores and its perspectives", International Workshop on the Martian Ice Caps, 30 Aug. -1 Sep Copenhagen, Denmark


Organisation of International Conferences

2010 International Ancient Genomic Research Conference, Shenzen, China.
2010 ISB4, Copenhagen, Denmark
2006 Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, Davos Congress Centre, Davos Switzerland
2003 Third International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada

Media & Public


The last of the Yukagihr people
   Manuscript: E. Willerslev & T Sonne
   Production: The Nordic Film Company A/S
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
How to Build an Ancient Man - The Hair That Changed History
   Manuscript: Noel Dockstader & Quinn Kanaly
   Production: National Geographic Television
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
Search for the Head of John the Baptist 
   Manuscript: Noel Dockstader & Quinn Kanaly
   Production: National Geographic Television
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
Code Breakers
   Manuscript: Brian Mckechnie
   Production: CBC
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
The DNA Detective 
   Director: Linus Mork
   Production: DR
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
PBS First Peoples
   Director: Tim Lambert
   Production: PBS
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
The Great Human Odyssey 
   Director: Niobe Thomson
   Production: Clear Water
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev
The history of Denmark
   Director: Denmark’s Radio
   Production: Denmark’s Radio 
   Featuring: Eske Willerslev



På rejse i Sibirien (Traveling in Siberia), Moesgård Museum, Århus 4/3-28/5 1995
   Arrangement: Willerslev, E., Willerslev, R., Pedersen, M. Asmussen, I. H, in collaboration with Moesgård Museum, Århus
Klima Ustilling (Climate Exhibition), Natural History Museum of Denmark, 2009-
   Consultant: E Willerslev
Udstilling om Dronningens store interesse for arkæologi (The Queen of Denmark Margret II and her interest for archaeology), 
   Moesgård Museum 25/3-29/8-2010, National Museum October 2011. Consultant: E Willerslev
Arctic, Louisiana 2013, Consultant: E Willerslev


Kort præsentation


Eske Willerslev holds a Lundbeck Foundation Professorship at University of Copenhagen and is the director for Centre of Excellence in GeoGenetics. He also holds the Prince Philip Chair in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Cambridge, UK. Additionally, Willerslev is a research associate the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Willerslev is an evolutionary geneticist. He is particularly known for sequencing the first ancient human genome and establishing the field of environmental DNA, where modern and ancient DNA from higher plants and animals are obtained directly from environmental samples. Willerslev was born in Denmark in 1971. After spending his youth as explorer and fur trapper in Siberia, he established the first ancient DNA laboratory in Denmark and obtained his DSc at University of Copenhagen in 2004. At the age of 33, Willerslev became Full Professor at University of Copenhagen - the youngest in Denmark at the time. Willerslev has been visiting researcher at the MD Anderson Cancer Research Centre in Austin, Texas, independent Welcome Trust Fellow at Oxford, have been Visiting Professor at Oxford University, and a Miller Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley. Willerslev is a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences (US), member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, horary doctor at University of Oslo Norway, and University of Tartu, Estonia and holds the Order of the Dannebrog (issued by her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark).



Willerslev has broad research interest in the fields of ecology and evolution. He started out as an environmental microbiologist, then moved into the field of invertebrate systematics, and later into mammalian population genetics and community ecology. Over the past seven years Willerslev has focused major parts of his research in understanding processes forming contemporary human genetic diversity, distribution, and disease load. In his research, Willerslev is known for his multidisciplinary approach collaborating with researchers from many different fields such as archaeology, anthropology, palaeontology, chemistry, physics, statistics, and mathematics, but also philosophy. However, his primary experimental approach is ancient DNA: He was the first to establish the field of Ice Core Genetics (PNAS 1999), the field of ancient and modern Environmental DNA (Science 2003), and Ancient Human Genomics (Nature 2010), large-scale past population genetics/genomics (Nature 2011; Science 2014; Nature 2015), and large-scale past disease population genomics (Cell 2015).He has more than 200-peer-reviewed papers (first publication 1999), of which 50 are in the journals Nature and Science (3 in press, 31 as first or last author). He has supervised more than 60 students and post docs. He has communicated his scientific work to the public through multiple films, popular books. Among his scientific achievements are:


  • Establishing the field of ‘Ice Core Genetics’ - today a widely recognized and active research field
  • (PNAS 1999).
  • Establishing the field of ‘Environmental DNA’. Today widely recognized field (Science 2003).
  • Heading the team establishing a new theory of insect origins (Science 2006).
  • Heading team showing forested Greenland 400 thousand years ago from environmental DNA and showing survival of the Greenland ice sheet through the last interglacial opposite common beliefs at the time (Science 2007).
  • Heading the team finding oldest reproducible evidence of viable cells (bacteria) dating back ½ million years (PNAS 2007).
  • Heading team sequencing the first ancient human mitochondrial genome (Science 2008).
  • Heading team finding oldest evidence of human presence in North America – more than 14
  • thousand years ago, thereby establishing pre-Clovis occupation in North America (Science 2008).
  • Heading team sequencing the first ancient human nuclear genome, kick starting the field of ancient human genomics (Nature 2010).
  • Heading team sequencing first Aboriginal Australian genome revealing divergence of Aboriginal Australians 20-30 thousand years prior to the split of Europeans and Asians (Science 2011).
  • Heading the team conducting the first large-scale past population genetic study revealing that Late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions was largely driven by climatic changes rather than human overkill (Nature 2011).
  • Heading team finding evidence of trees in glaciated Scandinavia, contradicting common views that contemporary flora in Scandinavia derives from migrating species only that settled in Scandinavia after the last glaciation (Science 2012).
  • Heading the team (with Dennis Jenkins) finding evidence for multiple early cultures and pre-Clovis human DNA evidence in North America (Science 2012).
  • Heading team (with Ludovic Orlando) sequencing the oldest genome to date from a c. 700-thousand-year old horse pushing back long-term DNA survival more than 8-fold and revealing survival of full blooded wild Pavelski horses (Nature, 2013).
  • Heading the team establishing evidence of natural lateral gene transfer in bacteria of degraded and ancient DNA establishing that bacteria can regain ancient genetic profiles previously lost in evolution (PNAS, 2013).
  • Heading team discovering a dual origin for Native Americans showing a genetic connection between Western Eurasians and Native Americans (Nature, 2014).
  • Heading team establishing the first large-scale environmental DNA study revealing severe vegetational changes in the northern hemisphere over the past 50,000 years including loss of herbs associated with the extinction of the ice age megafauna (Nature, 2014).
  • Heading team sequencing the ancient Clovis genome showing contemporary Native Americans to derive directly from Paleo Americans and rejecting the Solutrian Hypothesis clamming Clovis to derive from Europeans (Nature, 2014).
  • Heading team establishing ancient genetic structure in Europe and establishing the divergence of Europeans and Asians to take place prior to 36,000 years ago (Science, 2014).
  • Heading team conducing the first large-scale population genomic study of the New World Arctic establishing two distinct migration waves into the New World Arctic (Science, 2014).
  • Heading team conducting the first true ancient population genomic study (Eurasia) (< 100 ancient genome sequences) revealing the Bronze Age Yamnaya expansion into northern Europe and Central Asia followed by a Late Bronze Age expansion from Europe into Asia, and timing the establishment of various phenotypic traits (Nature, 2015).
  • Heading team sequencing the genome of Kennewick Man showing him to be closely related to contemporary Native Americans and not Ainu or Polynesians as claimed, and resulting in President Obama signing document giving the remains back to the 5 Native American tribes that have claimed the remains for the past 20 years (Nature, 2015).
  • Heading team conducting the first large-scale genome study on peopling of the Americas showing divergence dates between Native Americans to date back 23 thousand years and basal split among Native American groups to happen south of the north American ice caps some 14 thousand years ago (Science, 2015).
  • Heading team finding the oldest direct evidence of plaque revealing plaque epidemics dating back at least 3 millennia years before commonly thought, but only acquired the genetic changes making it a highly virulent, flea-borne bubonic strain 3,000 years ago (Cell, 2015).
  • Heading team conducting the first metagenomics study on ancient sediments showing the succession history of Americas ice free corridor and excluding as route for the earliest Americans (Nature, 2016).
  • Heading first population genomic study of Aboriginal Australians revealing population structure dating back more than 30 thousand years (Nature, 2016).
  • Heading team conducting first study of sexual behaviour among early modern humans using genomics showing active avoiding of inbreeding among hunter gathers 34 thousand years ago (Science 2017) 

Kommentarer til publikationsliste

Some selected publications:


Moreno-Mayar VJ, Potter BA, Vinner L, Steinrücken M, Rasmussen S, Terhorst J, Kamm JA, Albrechtsen A, Malaspinas A-S, Sikora M, Reuther JD, Irish JD, Malhi RS, Orlando L, Song YS, Nielsen R, Meltzer DJ and Eske Willerslev. Terminal Pleistocene Alaskan genome reveals first founding population of Native Americans. Nature (in press).


Nielsen R, Akey JM, Jakobsson M, Pritchard JK, Tishkoff S, and Willerslev E. Tracing the peopling of the world through genomics. Nature. (2017)


Sikora M, Seguin-Orlando A, Sousa VC, Albrechtsen A, Korneliussen T, Ko A, Rasmussen S, Dupanloup I, Nigst PR, Bosch MD, Renaud G, Allentoft ME, Margaryan A, Vasilyev SV, Veselovskaya E, Borutskaya SB, Deviese T, Comeskey D, Higham T, Manica A, Foley R, Meltzer DJ, Nielsen R, Excoffier L, Lahr MM, Orlando LA, Willerslev E. Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Paleolithic foragers. Science, eaao1807. (2017)


Malaspinas A-S, Westaway MC, Mulle C, Sousa VC, Lao O, Alves I, Bergström A, Athanasiadis G, Cheng JY, Crawford JE, Heupink TH, Macholdt E, Peisch S, Rasmussen S, Schiffels S, Subramanian S, Wright JL, Albrechtsen A, Barbieri C, Dupanloup I, Eriksson A, Margaryan A, Moltke I, Pugach I, Korneliussen TS, Levkivskyi IP, Moreno-Mayar JV, Ni S, Racimo F, Sikora M, YaliXue, Aghakhanian FA, Brucato N, Brunak S, Campos PF, Clark W, Ellingvåg S, Fourmile G, Gerbault P, Injie D, Kok G, Leavesley M, Logan B, Lynch A, Matisoo-Smith EA, McAllister PJ, Mentzer AJ, Metspalu M, Migliano AB, Murgha L, Phipps ME, Pomat W, Reynolds D, Ricaut F-X, Siba P, Thomas MG, Wales T, Wall C, Oppenheimer SJ, Tyler-Smith C, Durbin R, Dortch J, Manica A, Schierup MH, Foley R Lahr MM, Bowern C, Wall JD, Mailund T, Stoneking M, Nielsen R, Sandhu MS, Excoffier L, Lambert DM, and Willerslev E. A Genomic History of Aboriginal Australia. Nature (2016)


Pedersen MW, Overballe-Petersen S, Ermini L, Der Sarkissian C, Haile J, Hellstrom M, Spens J, Thomsen, Kristine PF, Bohmann K, Cappellini E, Schnell IB, Wales NA, Carøe C, Campos PF, Schmidt AMZ, Gilbert MTP, Hansen AJH, Orlando L, and Willerslev E (2015) Phil. Trans. B. Ancient and modern environmental DNA 370, Article Number: 20130383


Raghavan M, Steinrücken M, Harris K, Schiffels S, Rasmussen S, DeGiorgio M, Albrechtsen A, Valdiosera C, Ávila-Arcos MC, Malaspinas AS, Eriksson A, Moltke I, Metspalu M, Homburger JR, Wall J, Cornejo OE, Moreno-Mayar JV, Korneliussen TS, Pierre T, Rasmussen M, Campos PF, Damgaard PB, Allentoft ME, Lindo J, Metspalu E, Rodríguez-Varela R, Mansilla J, Henrickson C, Seguin-Orlando A, Malmström H, Stafford T Jr, Shringarpure SS, Moreno-Estrada A, Karmin M, Tambets K, Bergström A, Xue Y, Warmuth V, Friend AD, Singarayer J, Valdes P, Balloux F, Leboreiro I, Vera JL, Rangel-Villalobos H, Pettener D, Luiselli D, Davis LG, Heyer E, Zollikofer CP, Ponce de León MS, Smith CI, Grimes V, Pike KA, Deal M, Fuller BT, Arriaza B, Standen V, Luz MF, Ricaut F, Guidon N, Osipova L, Voevoda MI, Posukh OL, Balanovsky O, Lavryashina M, Bogunov Y, Khusnutdinova E, Gubina M, Balanovska E, Fedorova S, Litvinov S, Malyarchuk B, Derenko M, Mosher MJ, Archer D, Cybulski J, Petzelt B, Mitchell J, Worl R, Norman PJ, Parham P, Kemp BM, Kivisild T, Tyler-Smith C, Sandhu MS, Crawford M, Villems R, Smith DG, Waters MR, Goebel T, Johnson JR, Malhi RS, Jakobsson M, Meltzer DJ, Manica A, Durbin R, Bustamante CD, Song YS, Nielsen R, Willerslev E. Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans (2015) Science. Jul 21. pii: aab3884.


Rasmussen M, Sikora M, Albrechtsen A, Korneliussen TS, Moreno-Mayar JV, Poznik GD, Zollikofer CPE, Ponce de León MS, Allentoft ME, Moltke I, Jónsson H, Valdiosera C, Malhi RS, Orlando L, Bustamante CD, Stafford Jr T, Meltzer DJ, Nielsen R, and Willerslev E (2015) The ancestry and affiliations of Kennewick Man. Nature doi:10.1038/nature14625


Rasmussen SAllentoft ME, Nielsen HB, Brunak S, Avetisyan P, Epimakhov A, Gnuni A, Kriiska A, Lasak I, Metspalu M, Moiseyev V, Gromov A, Pokutta D, Saag L, Varul L, Yepiskoposyan L, Sicheritz-Pontén T, Foley RA, Lahr MM, Nielsen R, Kristiansen K., Willerslev E. (2015) Early Divergent strains of Yersinia pestis in Eurasia five thousands years ago. Cell, 163, 571–582


Allentoft ME, Sikora M, Sjögren K-G, Rasmussen S, Rasmussen M, Stenderup J, Damgaard PB, Schroeder H, Ahlström T, Vinner L, Malaspinas A-S, Margaryan A, Higham T, Chivall D, Lynnerup N, Harvig L, Baron J, Casa PD, Dąbrowski P, Duffy PR, Ebel AV, Epimakhov A, Frei K, Furmanek M, Gralak T, Gromov A, Gronkiewicz S, Grupe G, Hajdu T, Jarysz R, Khartanovich V, Khokhlov A, Kiss V, Kolář J, Kriiska A, Lasak I, Longhi C, McGlynn G, Merkevicius A, Merkyte I, Metspalu M, Mkrtchyan R, Moiseyev V, Paja L, Pálfi G, Pokutta D, Pospieszny L, Price TD, Saag L, Sablin M, Shishlina N, Smrčka VC, Soenov VI, Szeverényi V, Tóth G, Trifanova SV, Varul L, Vicze M, Yepiskoposyan L, Zhitenev V, Orlando L, Sicheritz-Pontén T, Brunak S, Nielsen R, Kristiansen K and Eske Willerslev (2015). Population genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia. Nature 522, 167–172


Seguin-Orlando A, Korneliussen TS, Sikora M, Malaspinas AS, Manica A, Moltke I, Albrechtsen A, Ko A, Margaryan A, Moiseyev V, Goebel T, Westaway M, Lambert D, Khartanovich V, Wall JD, Nigst PR, Foley RA, Lahr MM, Nielsen R, Orlando L, and Willerslev E (2014) Genomic structure in Europeans dating back at least 36,200 years. Science. Nov 6. pii: aaa0114.


Raghavan M, DeGiorgio M, Albrechtsen A, Moltke I, Skoglund P, Korneliussen TS, Grønnow B, Appelt M, Gulløv HC, Friesen TM, Fitzhugh W, Malmström H, Rasmussen S, Olsen J, Melchior L, Fuller BT, Fahrni SM, Stafford Jr. T, Grimes V, Renouf MAP, Cybulski J, Lynnerup N, Lahr MM, Britton K, Knecht R, Arneborg J, Metspalu M, Cornejo OE, Malaspinas A-S, Wang Y, Rasmussen M, Raghavan V, Hansen TVO, Khusnutdinova E, Pierre T, Dneprovsky K, Andreasen C, Lange H, Hayes MG, Coltrain J, Spitsyn VA, Götherström A, Orlando L, Kivisild T, Villems R, Crawford MH, Nielsen FC, Dissing J, Heinemeier J, Meldgaard M, Bustamante C, O’Rourke DH, Jakobsson M, Gilbert MTP, Nielsen R, and Willerslev E (2014) The Genetic Prehistory of the New World Arctic Science 345 6200-6204.


Rasmussen. M, Anzick SL, Waters MR, Skoglund P, DeGiorgio M, Stafford Jr. TW, Rasmussen S, Moltke I, Albrechtsen A, Doyle SM, Poznik GD, Gudmundsdottir V, Yadav R, Malaspinas A-S, White SS, Allentoft ME, Cornejo OE, Tambets K, Eriksson A, Heintzman PD, Karmin M, Korneliussen TS, Meltzer DJ, Pierre TL, Stenderup J, Saag L, Warmuth V, Lopes MC, Malhi RS, Brunak S, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Barnes I, Collins M, Orlando L, Balloux F, Manica A, Gupta R, Metspalu M, Bustamante CD, Jakobsson M, Nielsen R, and Willerslev E (2014)  The genome of a late Pleistocene human from a Clovis burial site in western Montana Nature 506, 225-229.


Willerslev E, Davison J, Moora M, Zobel M, Coissac E, Edwards ME, Lorenzen ED, Vestergård M, Gussarova G, Haile H, Craine J, Bergmann G, Gielly L, Boessenkool S, Epp LS, Pearman PB, Cheddadi R, Murray D, Bråthen KA Yoccoz N, Binney H, Cruaud C, Wincker P, Goslar T, Alsos IG, Bellemain E, Brysting AK, Elven R, Sønstebø JH, Murton J, Sher A, Rasmussen M, Rønn R, Mourier T, Cooper A, Austin J, Möller P, Froese D, Zazula G, Pompanon F, Rioux D, Niderkorn V, Tikhonov A, Savvinov G, Roberts RG, MacPhee RDE, Gilbert MTP, Kjær K, Orlando L, Brochmann C, Taberlet P. (2014)  Fifty thousand years of arctic vegetation and megafaunal diet Nature 506, 47-51.


Raghavan M, Skoglund P, Graf K, Metspalu M, Albrechtsen A, Moltke I, Rasmussen S, Stafford TW, Orlando O, Metspalu E, Karmin M, Tambets K, Rootsi S, Mägi R, Campos PF, Balanovska E, Balanovsky O, Khusnutdinova E, Litvinov S, Osipova LP, Fedorova SA, Voevoda MI, DeGiorgio M, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Brunak S, Demeshchenko S, Kivisild T, Villems  R,Nielsen R, Jakobsson M, and Willerslev E (2014) Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans Nature 505, 87-91.


Overballe-Petersen S, Harms K, Orlando LAA, Mayar JVM, Rasmussen S, Dahl TW, Rosing MT, Poole AM, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Brunak B, Inselmann S, de Vries J, Wackernagel W, Pybus OG, Nielsen R, Johnsen PJ, Nielsen KM, and Eske Willerslev (2013) Bacterial Natural Transformation by Highly Fragmented and Damaged DNA Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110, 19860-19865.


Orlando L, Ginolhac A, Zhang G, Froese D, Albrechtsen A, Stiller M, Schubert M, Cappellini E, Petersen B, Moltke I, Johnson PLF, Fumagalli M, Vilstrup JT, Raghavan M, Korneliussen T, Malaspinas A-S, Vogt S, Szklarczyk D, Kelstrup CD, Vinther J, Dolocan A, Stenderup J, Missael A, Velazquez A, Cahill J, Rasmussen M, Wang X, Min J, Zazula G, Seguin-Orlando A, Mortensen C, Magnussen K, Thompson JF, Weinstock J, Gregersen K, Røed KH, Eisenmann V, Rubin C-J, Miller DC, Antczak D, Bertelsen MF, Brunak S, Khaled AL-R, Ryder O, Andersson L, Mundy J, Krogh A, Gilbert MTP, Kjær K, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Jensen LJ, Olsen JV, Hofreiter M, Nielsen R, Shapiro B, Jun W, and Willerslev E. (2013) Recalibrating Equus evolution using the genome sequence of an early Middle Pleistocene horse. Nature 499, 74-77 


Kjær K, Khan SA, Korsgaard NJ, Wahr J, Bamber JL, Hurkmans R, van den Broeke M, Timm LH, Kjeldsen KK, Bjørk AA, Larsen NK, Jørgensen LT, Færch-Jensen A, and Willerslev E. (2012). Aerial Photographs Reveal Late–20th-Century Dynamic Ice Loss in Northwestern Greenland Science 337, 569-573.


Jenkins DJ, Davis LG, Stafford Jr. T, Campos PF, Hockett B, Jones GT, Cummings LS, Yost C, Connolly TJ, Yohe II RM, Gibbons SC, Raghavan M, Rasmussen M, Paijmans JLA, Hofreiter M, Kemp BM, Barta JL, Monroe C, Gilbert MTP, and Willerslev E. (2012) Clovis Age Western Stemmed Projectile Points and Human Coprolites at the Paisley Caves Science 337, 223-228.


Parducci L, Jørgensen T, Tollefsrud MM, Elverland E, Alm T, Fontana SL, Bennett KD, Haile JH, Matetovici I, Suyama Y, Edwards ME, Andersen K, Rasmussen M, Boessenkool S, Coissac E, Christian Brochmann, Pierre Taberlet, Michael Houmark-Nielsen, Nicolaj Krog Larsen, Orlando L, Gilbert MTP, Kjær KH, Alsos IG, and Willerslev E. (2012) Glacial Survival of Boreal Trees in Northern Scandinavia. Science 335, 1083-1086


Waters MR, Stafford TW Jr, McDonald HG, Gustafson C, Rasmussen M, Cappellini E, Olsen JV, Szklarczyk D, Jensen LJ, Gilbert MTP, and Willerslev E. (2011) Pre-Clovis Mastodon Hunting 13,800 Years Ago at the Manis Site, Washington. Science 334, 351-353 


Lorenzen ED, Nogués-Bravo D, Orlando L, Weinstock J, Binladen J, Marske KA, Ugan A, Borregaard MK, Gilbert MT, Nielsen R, Ho SY, Goebel T, Graf KE, Byers D, Stenderup JT, Rasmussen M, Campos PF, Leonard JA, Koepfli KP, Froese D, Zazula G, Stafford TW Jr, Aaris-Sørensen K, Batra P, Haywood AM, Singarayer JS, Valdes PJ, Boeskorov G, Burns JA, Davydov SP, Haile J, Jenkins DL, Kosintsev P, Kuznetsova T, Lai X, Martin LD, McDonald HG, Mol D, Meldgaard M, Munch K, Stephan E, Sablin M, Sommer RS, Sipko T, Scott E, Suchard MA, Tikhonov A, Willerslev R, Wayne RK, Cooper A, Hofreiter M, Sher A, Shapiro B, Rahbek C, Willerslev E. 2011: Species-specific responses of Late Quaternary magefauna to climate and humans. Nature 479,359-64.


Funder S, Gosse H, Jepsen, Kaas E, Kjær KJ, Koesgaard NJ, Larsen NK, Linderson H, Lyså A, Möller P, Olsen J, and Willerslev E.  (2011) A 10,000-year record of Arctic Ocean sea ice variability – View from the beach Science 333, 747-750. 


Rasmussen M, Guo X, Wang Y, Lohmueller KE, Rasmussen S, Albrechtsen A, Skotte L, Lindgreen S, Metspalu M, Jombart T, Kivisild T, Zhai W, Eriksson A, Manica A, Orlando L, De La Vega F, Tridico S, Metspalu E, Nielsen K, Ávila-Arcos MC, Moreno-Mayar JV, Muller C, Dortch J, Gilbert MTP, Lund O, Wesolowska A, Karmin M, Weiner LA, Wang B, Li J, Tai S, Xiao F, Hanihara T, van Driem G, Jha AR, Ricaut F-X, de Knijff P, Migliano AB, Gallego-Romero I, Kristiansen K, Lambert DM, Brunak S, Forster P, Brinkmann B, Nehlich O, Bunce M, Richards M, Gupta R, Bustamante C, Krogh A, Foley RA, Lahr MM, Balloux F, Sicheritz-Pontén T, Villems R, Nielsen R, Jun W, Willerslev E. 2012. An Aboriginal Australian genome reveals separate human dispersals into Asia. Science 334,94-98.


Rasmussen M, Li Y, Lindgreen S, JS Pedersen, Albrechtsen A, Moltke I, Metspalu M, Metspalu E, Kivisild T, Gupta R, Bertalan M, Nielsen K, Gilbert MTP, Wang Y, Raghavan M, Campos PF, Kamp HM, Wilson AS, Gledhill A, Tridico S, Bunce M, Lorenzen ED, Binladen J, Guo X, Zhao J, Zhang X, Zhang H, Li Z, Chen M, Orlando L, Kristiansen K, Bak M, Tommerup N, Bendixen C, Pierre T, Grønnow B, Meldgaard M, Andreasen C, Fedorova SA, Osipova LP, Higham T, Ramsey CB, Hansen vO, Nielsen FC, Crawford MH, Brunak S, Sicheritz-Pontén T, Villems R, Nielsen R, Krogh A, Wang J, and Willerslev E. (2010) Ancient genome sequence of an extinct palaeo-eskimo. Nature 463, 757–762.


Gilbert MT, Kivisild T, Grønnow B, Andersen PK, Metspalu E, Reidla M, Tamm E, Axelsson E, Götherström A, Campos PF, Rasmussen M, Metspalu M, Higham TF, Schwenninger JL, Nathan R, De Hoog CJ, Koch A, Møller LN, Andreasen C, Meldgaard M, Villems R, Bendixen C, Willerslev E. (2008) Paleo-Eskimo mtDNA Genome Reveals Matrilineal Discontinuity in Greenland. Science 320, 1787-1789.


Johnson SS, Hebsgaard MB, Christensen T, Mastepanov M, Nielsen R, Munch K, Brand TB. Gilbert MTP, Zuber MT, Bunce M, Rønn R, Gilichinsky D, Froese D, and Willerslev E. (2007) Ancient bacteria show evidence of DNA repair. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 14401-14405 


Willerslev E, Cappellini E, Boomsma W, Nielsen R, Hebsgaard MB, Brand TB, Hofreiter M, Bunce M, Poinar HN, Dahl-Jensen D, Johnsen S, Steffensen JP, Bennike O, Funder S, Schwenninger J-L, Nathan R, Armitage S, Barker J, Sharp M, Penkman KEH, Haile J, Taberlet P, MTP Gilbert, Casoli A, Campani E, Collins MJ. (2007) Ancient Biomolecules from Deep Ice Cores Reveal a Forested Southern Greenland. Science 317, 111-114


Willerslev E, Hansen AJ, Røn R, Brand TB, Wiuf C, Barnes I, Gilichinsky DA, Mitchell D, Cooper A. (2004) Long-term survival of bacterial DNA. Curr. Biol. 14, R9-R10


Willerslev E, and Cooper A. (2005) Ancient DNA. Proc. Royal Soc. Lon. B 272, 3-16


Glenner H, Hansen AJ, Sørensen MV, Ronquist F, Huelsenbeck JP, Willerslev E. (2004) Bayesian Inference of the metazoan phylogeny: A combined molecular and morphological approach. Curr. Biol. 14, 1644-1649


Willerslev E, Hansen AJ, Brand T, Binladen J, Gilbert TMP, Shapiro BA, Wiuf C, Gilichinsky DA, Cooper A. (2003) Diverse plant and animal DNA from Holocene and Pleistocene sedimentary records Science 300, 791-795


Willerslev E, Hansen AJ, Nielsen KK, Adsersen H (2002) Number of endemic and native plant species in the Galápagos Archipelago in relation to geographical parameters. Ecography 25, 109-119


Willerslev E, Hansen AJ, Christensen B, Steffensen JP, Arctander P. (1999) Diversity of Holocene life-forms in fossil glacier ice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 8017-8021

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