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Dyrlægevej 68
1870 Frederiksberg C
Research profile
I have worked exclusively with epigenetic regulation on mammalian development and diseases, using cutting-edge next-generation sequencing based multi-omics (genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics, etc) technologies and bioinformatics tools. For the past five years, the main focused area has been to how diet and microbiota in early life influence organ function and pathology via epigenetic mechanisms. Together with colleagues in the Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition, we have studied the gastrointestinal-, liver-, brain-, immune-, and circulatory systems using specialized pig models to reflect human disease in early life.
Three aspects were focused: 1) development of novel next-generation sequencing based technologies and bioinformatic tools; 2) profiling of epigenomic landscape of development and disease states of mammas; and 3) epigenetic effects of the environmental factors (e.g. nutrients, microbes, oxygen) on mammalian development and diseases.
Teaching and supervision
Research funding
2018-2021 Co-PI “Fecal microbiota transplantation to support gut colonization and to prevent infection and antimicrobial resistance in newborn pigs”, Independent Research Fund Denmark, 5.5 mio. DKK.
2018-2021 PI “Talented Youth Scientist Program at CAAS”,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 3 mio. CNY
2017-2021 Co-PI “Colostrum for Newborn Infants, NEOCOL”Danmarks Innovationsfond,33.7 mio. DKK
2015- 2025 PI “Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program ASTIP”, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 15 mio. CNY
2016- 2019 Co-PI, “Bioactive milk to stimulate gut immune defense in infants born with perinatal inflammation, STIMMUNE”, Arla Foods for Health, 10.2 mio. DKK
2013-2018 Co-PI “Early milk and microbiota to stimulate later immunity, NEOMUNE”,The Danish Council for Strategic Research, 60 mio. DKK
Other activities and qualifications
Member of Youth Committee and Member of Epigenetics Committee, the Genetics Society of China(2012-2018)
Deputy director of Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetic Data Analysis, Ministry of Agriculture, China
Co-founder of the biotechnology company E-GENE Co.,Ltd. in China (2013-)
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Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review