Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

  • Genetik og fysiologi af mælkesyrebakterier (LAB)
  • Bakteriofag-vært interaktioner
  • Stress-reaktion i Lactococcus og Listeria monocytogenes
  • Bakteriocinproduktion og indflydelse af denne på tarmens mikrobiota
  • Pasmidreplikation og inkompatibilitet
  • Autolyse
  • Typning af LAB.
  • Tarmfloraens og probioticas indflydelse på autoimmune sygdomme.

Aktuel forskning

Nuværende forskning er centreret omkring mælkesyrebakterier, bakteriofager i fermentering af fødevarer, gastrointestinale miljø, og ostemodning.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Responsible for the Master course Dairy Microbiology and the PhD course Molecular Food Microbiology

Participate in teaching of the courses Microbiology of fermented Foods and Beverages, Food Microbiology and Introduction to Dairy Technology



The Royal Veterinary and Agri­cultural University, Dairy Scien­ce, M.Sc., 1979



Sept. 1979 - July 1980:      PhD study (Dairy Microbiology)

Aug. 1980 - June 1982:     Vacancy for assistant professor (Dairy Microbiology)

July 1982 - Jan. 1983:       PhD study (Dairy Microbiology)

Feb. 1983 - Nov. 1987:      Assistant Professor (Dairy Microbiolo­gy).

Nov. 1987 - :                      Associated Professor (Dairy Microbiolo­gy).

Jan. 1984 - Dec. 1984:      Leave from teaching, Reseach Grant.

July 1992 - Aug. 1993:      Leave from teaching, Reseach Grant.


Research activities:

Research within genetics and physiology of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) with emphasis on bacteriophage-host interactions, stress-response in Lactococcus and Listeria monocytogenes, bacteriocin production and influence of bacteriocin production on the intestinal microbiota, plasmid replication and incompati­bility, auto­lysis, non-starter LAB and molecular identification and typing typing of LAB. Research on influence of gatrointestinal microbiome and probiotica on autoimmune diseases.

Co-author on 2 book chapters, 93 published or accepted papers (45 in the period 2009-2014) in international journals with peer review, 4 EPO patents or patent applications and numerous poster abstracts.


Visiting research stays:

Jan. 1984 - July 1984:       Institut für Mikrobiologie, Bundesan­stalt für Milchfor­schung, Kiel, Germa­ny

Jan 1987:                           VALIO, Helsinki, Finland

Juli 1992 - aug. 1993:        Dept. Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


Project management:

Supervisor for 8 graduated Ph.D., and 7 Post.Doc. Co-supervisor for 16 graduated Ph.D. and 5 Post.Doc. Presently supervisor for 1 post.doc, 2 Ph.D. students and co-supervisor for 8 Ph.D. students. Experience in project management or co-management from 1 EU-project, 1 Nordforsk project, and 8 National funded projects. Member of the board for Center for Lactic Acid Bacteria (1991-1994).


Other scientific assignments:

Member of the subcommittee on Dairy Bacteriophages in the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) since 2006. From September 2014 Chair of the subcommittee on Dairy Bacteriophages. From October 2014 Member of prokaryotic subcommittee of ICTV.

Member of evaluation committees of Ph.D. thesis’s in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Canada.



  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
  • mejeriprodukter
  • mikroorganismer med sundhedsfremmende effekt
  • Syrnede mejeriprodukter
  • mejeriproduktion
  • Bakteriekulturer
  • Mikrobiologi
  • Molekylær Biologi
  • mælkesyrebakterier
  • Fermentering af fødevarer

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