Billede af Gabriele Scorrano

Gabriele Scorrano


  • Øster Voldgade 5-7

    1350 København K

Personlig profil


Academic Appointments

2022 – to date, Assistant Professor, Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), (PI: Prof. Eske Willerslev).

2019 – 2022, post-doc fellow, Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), (PI: Prof. Eske Willerslev).

2017 – 2019, Marie Curie post-doc fellow, Natural History Museum of Denmark University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Marie Curie – Genomic and proteomic analysis of Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age humans from Central-Southern Italy. “PALAEO-ENEO” (Host: Prof. Enrico Cappellini).

2016 – 2017, Postdoctoral fellow, Center of Molecular Anthropology for Ancient DNA Studies, Dept. of Biology University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy): Smart Campus – Evoluzione della celiachia. (PI: Prof. Olga Rickards).

2015: Scholarship at the Nutramed S.c.a.r.l., University "Magna Grecia" of Catanzaro.

2013 – 2015: post-doc fellow, Center of Molecular Anthropology for Ancient DNA Studies, Dept. of Biology University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy): “Eredità biologica e culturale lungo 30 mila anni nella popolazione dell'Italia centro-meridionale. EPIC (Eredità della Popolazione dell'Italia Centro-meridionale)” (PI: Prof. Olga Rickards).

2013 – 2013: post-doc fellow, Center of Molecular Anthropology for Ancient DNA Studies, Dept. of Biology University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy): “Eredità biologica e culturale lungo 30 mila anni nella popolazione dell'Italia centro-meridionale. EPIC (Eredità della Popolazione dell'Italia Centro-meridionale)” (PI: Prof. Olga Rickards).

2008 – 2010: Leonardo da Vinci Programme, BioArCh; University of York; York, (UK) (host: Prof. Matthew J. Collins and Dr. Kirsty Penkman).

Academic and non-academic teaching

2014 – 2018: Master course: “Biomolecular methodologies applied to the study of ancient remains”, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome (Italy).

2017: Lecturer: “Molecular Anthropology” to the School of Paleoanthropology, Department of Earth Sciences University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy).

2014: Workshop: “Stable isotope analysis in the study of ancient populations”, Ecole Francaise de Rome, Rome (Italy).

2013 – 2016: Undergraduate course: “Evolutionary Biology”, UniD S.r.l. private tuition company (San Marino Repubblic).

2013: Lecturer to the School of Paleoanthropology, Department of Earth Sciences University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy).

2007 – 2012: Tutorial supervisor, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy).


2009-2012:   PhD in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Doctoral thesis: ”Biomolecular Characterization of a Early Neolithic Population From Central Italy”. Thesis advisor: Prof. Olga Rickards.

2008:            MSc (110/110 cum laude) in Biology and Human Evolution at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Diploma thesis: “Analysis of the bone preservation state of some prehistoric sites”. Thesis advisor: Prof. Olga Rickards and Prof. Giuseppe Palleschi.

2005:            Bachelor degree in Human Biology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Diploma thesis: “Mitochondrial DNA variability in Balkan peninsula”. Thesis advisor: Prof. Olga Rickards.

Conference Organizer

Organizing Committee member of the 51st Symposium of the Society for the Study of Human Biology “Human dispersals” Rome, 18-20 June 2009.

Organizing Committee member of the XXII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Antropologia “Destinazione Uomo” Rome, 6-8 September 2017.

Public outreach activities and interview

  • 2017: Oral presentation: TOURISMA, Florence, Italy
  • 2015: interviewed by the on-line magazine Frascati Scienza. Interview available at:

  • 2015: High school student winter internship supervisor.
  • 2015: September, 25 The European Researchers' Night.
  • 2014 interviewed by Ewen Callaway for Nature News in 2014: “Ancient bones show signs of struggle with celiac disease”. Interview available at:


  • Co-Principal Investigator in Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden) project: P22-0641. 2022.     


  • Collaborator in MIUR-PRIN: 2020HJXCK9 allotted to David Caramelli, University of Florence, Italy. 2020.

  • Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (IF), H2020-MSCA-IF-2016, application ref: 751349: Genomic and proteomic analysis of Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age humans from Central-Southern Italy. “PALAEO-ENEO”
  • Synthesys project, application ref: DK-TAF-6432: Metaproteomic analysis of human dental calculus from late Palaeolithic to Eneolithic in Central-Southern Italy.
  • Consolidate Foundations 2015 University of Rome Tor Vergata, application CUP: E82F16000480005: COMbusted BOnes physical-chemical toolkit for enabling DNA analysis.
  • Collaborator in the MIUR-PRIN n.prot. 2010EL8TXP allotted to O.R.: "Eredità biologica e culturale della popolazione italiana centro-meridionale lungo 30 mila anni. EPIC (Eredità della Popolazione dell’Italia Centro-meridionale)"
  • Collaborator in the MIUR-PRIN n. prot.2008B4J2HS allotted to O.R.: "Origine e diffusione dell'agricoltura nell'Italia centro-meridionale: un approccio multidisciplinare" 


  • The paper Scorrano et al., 2021. The genetic and cultural impact of the Steppe migration into Europe. Ann. Hum. Biol., 48: 223-233; has been awarded with the Nick Norgan Award 2022.

  • Best poster at the Congress in Zagreb, Croatia, August 24th - 28th 2016. Feeding in Imperial Rome (I-III centuries CE): isotope variation in several communities of the Roman Suburbium. Varano S., Battistini A., Caldarini C., De Angelis F., Di Giannantonio S., Mosticone R., Pantano W., Scorrano G., Zavaroni F., Catalano P., Rickards O.

    Best oral communications at the Congress in Monteporzio Catone (Rome), Italy, September 6th – 8th 2017. I minatori dell’allume: Ricostruzione paleobiologica della comunità di La Bianca. Baldoni M., Scorrano G., Gismondi A., D’Agostino A., Tibaldi D., Vallelonga F., Alexander M., Canini A., Rickards O., Martínez-Labarga C.

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