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Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 København K
Ghita Dragsdahl Lauritzen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and External Lecturer at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School. She is leading the research group Culture and Civil Society and is Member of the Living Lab Management group under the UCPH Green Solutions Centre with focus on plant-based food and food systems. Ghita also participates as University Expert in the Policy Fellowship at the Queen Mary’s Centre and is Member of the Faculty of Social Sciences’ Research Ethics Committee.
Her research focuses on developing in-depth empirical and theoretical understanding of the social dynamics and paradoxes arising from new and collective forms of social, scientific, and technological innovation, such as crowdsourcing, open source, online innovation communities, university-industry projects, and public-citizen partnerships.
Ghita’s work on innovation paradoxes has received the Albert L. Page Award for Outstanding Professional Contribution (2019), two top cited paper awards from the Journal of Product Innovation Management, and a Best Paper nomination form the Academy of Management. Her teaching has been recognized with the Financial Times Responsible Education Award (2023).
Prior to joining the Department of Sociology, she has held research positions at the Department of Food and Resource Economics at UCPH Science; Department of Business, Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School; Centre for Technology Management at the University of Cambridge; MIT Sloan School of Management; and the Department of Technology, Management and Economics at DTU, where she also obtained her PhD.
Prior to academia, Ghita worked as innovation consultant and game designer specializing in user involvement, gamification and leadership simulations.
Primary research areas
Teaching areas
Office hours: Tuesdays 1-2pm in room 16.1.47. All are welcome.
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