Billede af Hans Houe
  • Grønnegårdsvej 8, 1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Grønnegårdsvej 8

    1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Kilde: Scopus
1992 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation


1980 June

High school certificate

1986 January

DVM (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)

1991 April

PhD (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)

1996 August (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)

Diplomate status

Diplomate of European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH)

Diplomate of European College of bovine health management (ECBHM)


1986 Feb.-1988 April

Employed in veterinary practice

1988 May-1991 April

Scholarship for PhD-study at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, (RVAU)

1991 June-1995 May

Assistant professor at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, RVAU

1995 June-1995 Aug.

Assistant lecturer at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, RVAU

1995 Sept.-1997 Sept.

Associate professor at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, RVAU

1997 Sept. 2001 Nov.

Director of Research Centre for the Management of Animal Production and Health

2001 November

Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology

From 2004:

Head of Group of Population Biology

Primære forskningsområder

Epidemiologiske studier med vægt på

  • Studiedesign
  • Smittedynamik
  • Sygdomskontrol og bekæmpelse
  • Monitorering af dyrevelfærd

Mulige interessekonflikter

Hans Houe is head of the veterinary consultancy unit at department coordinating the research based public sector services.

He has collaboration with industry including being supervisor for industrial PhD students. This includes different branches of Danish animal production and the pharmaceutical industry.

These activities are conducted with due consideration of the arm’s-length principle as outlined in “Manual for quality assurance of research-based consultancy at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen”.


Personal details

Name:                               Hans Houe
Date of birth:                    June 21, 1961
Place of birth:                   Humlum, Struer, Denmark

Present position:               Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology

Business address:

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Section for Animal Welfare and Disease Control
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University Of Copenhagen
Grønnegårdsvej 8
1870 Frederiksberg C

Phone: +45 21489735; + 45 3533 3014; Fax: + 45 3533 3022; e-mail: [email protected]

Residence address: Jacobys Allé 8, 1 th., 1806 Frederiksberg C

Marital status: Married to Susanne Margrethe Myrup Houe; Nurse in diabetics, Steno diabetes Center


November 2016
Awarded Knighthood of “The Order of the Dannebrog” by H.M. The Queen of Denmark;

Scientific awards

  • 1993 March - Awarded the prize from Professor C.O. Jensens Memorial Foundation (6000 Kr).
  • 1993 December - Awarded the prize from Aage and Edith Dyssegårds Foundation (40,000 Kr).
  • 1995 December - Awarded the prize from Ellen and Hans Hermers Foundation (75,000 Kr).


  • 1980 June - High school certificate
  • 1986 January - DVM (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)
  • 1991 April - PhD (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)
  • 1996 August - (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University) 

Diplomate status

  • Diplomate of European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH)
  • Diplomate of European College of bovine health management (ECBHM)


  • 1986 Feb.-1988 April - Employed in veterinary practice
  • 1988 May-1991 April - Scholarship for PhD-study at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, (RVAU)
  • 1991 June-1995 May - Assistant professor at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, RVAU
  • 1995 June-1995 Aug. - Assistant lecturer at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, RVAU
  • 1995 Sept.-1997 Sept. - Associate professor at the Department of Clinical Studies, Di­vi­sion of Large Animal Medicine, RVAU
  • 1997 Sept. 2001 Nov. - Director of Research Centre for the Management of Animal Production and Health.
  • From 2001 November - Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology
  • 2007 January Promoted from the common Full Professor salary level (civil servant level 37) to the extra-ordinary level (civil servant level 38).
  • 2004-2012 - Head of Group of Population Biology
  • From 2014 - Head of Section for Animal Welfare and Disease Control


  • Erhvervssamarbejde
  • Husdyrvelfærd
  • Kvæg
  • Kvægsygdomme
  • Sygdomsepidemier blandt dyr
  • Sygdomskontrolprogrammer

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