Billede af Helle Porsdam
  • Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S, 6B Bygning 6B (Afsnit 3), 6B-4-17

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S

  • Karen Blixens Plads 16

    2300 København S

  • Kilde: Scopus
1988 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation



Primære forskningsområder

Human rights, especially cultural human rights

United States history, with special emphasis on the role of the courts, law and lawyers.






Family name: Porsdam

First name: Helle

Nationality: Danish



1999    Dr.phil., University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

1987    PhD, Dept. of American Studies, Yale University, USA

1984    MA, Dept. of American Studies, Yale University, USA

1983    MA, English Department, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



2022    Professor of History and Cultural Rights, University of Copenhagen, Dept. of History and Faculty of Law

2017    UNESCO Chair in cultural rights



2016 – 2022    Professor of Law and Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Dept. of History and Faculty of Law

2008 – 2016    Professor (mso), SAXO Institute, Dept. of History, University of Copenhagen

2005 – 2008    Professor (mso), Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark

1991 – 2005    Associate Professor, Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark

1987 – 1991    Assistant Professor, Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark



2021    Leverhulme Visiting Professor, CRASSH, University of Cambridge (


2011 – 2014    Carnegie Council Global Ethics Fellow, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, New York



2012    Visiting Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), Ludwig Maximilians University




2011    Arcadia Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge



2000 – 2001    Liberal Arts Fellow, Harvard Law School

1992 – 1993    American Council of Learned Societies Fellow


1992 – 1993    Liberal Arts Fellow, Harvard Law School


1985 – 1987    Yale American Studies Fellow, Yale University


1984 – 1985    Yale University Fellow, Yale University


1983 – 1984    Denmark-America Foundation scholarship + Fulbright Scholar, Yale University




2014 – 2016    Member of research committee, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen


2008 – 2012    Member of central coordination committee, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen


1994 – 1998    Member of the Humanities Faculty Senate, University of Southern Denmark


1994 – 1998    Head of the English Department, University of Southern Denmark




2021 to date    Board member of Humanities in Action (HIA) Denmark


2021 to date    Committee member, Scholars at Risk Europe


2021    Independent, invited reviewer, Swiss Research Council


2019 to date    Member of the Editorial Review Board for the Global Epistemics Book Series, published by Rowman & Littlefield International (


2019 to date    Member of the Advisory Board, Centre for Global Knowledge Studies (gloknos) (


2018    Invited discussant on the Day of general discussion, 9 October, on the new UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights General Comment on Art. 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva


2018    Independent external peer reviewer of scientific proposal, submitted to the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant 2018 Call and having passed to step 2 of the two-step peer review evaluation


2018    Independent external reviewer and assessor of a Full Proposal research application, submitted under the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Joint Research Programme “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe” (HERA JRP PS)


2017    Nominated for “Årets Harald,” the teaching prize of the University of Copenhagen


2016    Review panel member, International Review Panel for the HERA Joint Research Programme “Uses of the Past” (HERA JRP UP) Board


2005    Member of board of representatives, “Humanity in Action”, Denmark


2012    Scientific Board member, Law and Literature, De Gruyter (Berlin and Boston)


2011    Review panel member, Tidsskriftet Politik (published by DJØF)


2000 – 2008 Scientific Advisory Board member, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark




2021 to date    Joint research group leader, Cambridge-Harvard Right to Science Study Group, University of Cambridge (


2019 – 2020    Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Grant


2017 to date    Co-organizer of research network on ‘the right to science’, Center for Bioethics, Harvard Medical School


2016 – 2019    Core member of the research project “A Narratology of the Criminal Case”, funded by the University of Bergen and the Research Council of Norway


2016 – 2019    Law and Humanities professorship funded, in part, by the Augustinus Foundation, Denmark


2015 – 2019    Project Leader of “The Past’s Future: Digital Transformations and Cultural Heritage Institutions” funded by the Velux Foundation (involving a PhD student and 2 postdocs)


2010 – 2013    Project Leader of “Copyrighting Creativity: Creative Values, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Systems of Intellectual Property (CULTIVATE), funded by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area, European Science Foundation, -involving research partners from 4 other European countries, 2 PhD-students and 2 postdocs)


2008 – 2013    Steering committee member, CAST, Centre for Advanced Security Theory (Centre of Excellence), University of Copenhagen, Denmark (


2010 – 2013    Steering committee member of the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication funded, ‘An epoch-making decade: “The long 1970s” and European-transatlantic transformation processes in political culture, discourse and power,’ University of Copenhagen, Denmark (


2008 – 2011    Core member of the Leverhulme Trust funded, ’You, the People: National location and the writing of American history – the example of Europe’ (


2004 – 2009    Core member of NordForsk, Nordic Research Board funded, ’Research network on law and literature in the Nordic countries’ (


2003 – 2006    Core member of the British Arts and Humanities Research Council funded, ’Research network on new directions in copyright law’ (



INVITED PRESENTATIONS (Selected and most relevant, since 2014)

(2022) Talk on my research on cultural rights, February 16, invited by the organizers, Colloquium at Global Affairs program (GLOA), George Mason University


(2022) Talk on my research on science as a cultural human rights, February 15, invited by the organizers, Humanities Society, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge


(2021) Keynote, December 16, at the International Council for Philosophy and the Humanities (CIPSH) conference, “Sustainability, Social Relevance, and the Humanities: Opportunities and Challenges,” held at the University of Southern Denmark


(2021) Leverhulme lecture: “The Human Right to Science,” November 18, invited by the organizers, Intellectual Forum at Jesus College, University of Cambridge (


(2021) Keynote, “Science Diplomacy and the Right to Science,” November 4, Fulbright Day, Denmark: “From Soft Diplomacy to Science Diplomacy” to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright Program globally, and the 70th anniversary of Fulbright Denmark, Copenhagen (


(2021) Keynote, “Academic Freedom as a Public Good,” October 29, Copenhagen. Seminar on Academic Freedom, jointly organized by the Federation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne), the Committee for The Protection of Scientific and Scholarly Work (UBVA), the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (DM), the Young Academy under The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, and the Danish National Commission for UNESCO (


(2021) Leverhulme lecture: “Science as a Cultural Human Right,” October 13, invited by the organizers, Dundee Law School Seminars (


(2021) “From Civil to Human Rights – But What Kind of Human Rights?,” September 8, invited by the organizers of the conference, “Human Dignity and Human Rights: The Legacy of the Black Civil Rights Movement in the Transatlantic World” (


(2019) “Law in context: Contemporary American politics and the U.S. Constitution,” March 5, invited by the Cambridge University Law Society, Cambridge


(2018) “Cultural rights: A promising global discourse?”, September 7, Keynote talk at the conference, “The Humanities and the Challenges of Society,” organized by the University of Agder and the Norwegian Research Council


(2017) “Digitization and the right to participate in cultural life,” September 7, Re-launch event: Information Studies University of Glasgow


(2016) “Cultural Rights: The New Human Rights Frontier?,” February 15, International Master’s program in Museology at the Reinwardt Academy, Faculty of Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam School of the Arts, the Netherlands


(2015) Participant in plenary panel on “The possibility of global ethics,” June 6, at the conference in Tokyo, Japan, “Technology and risk,” co-organized by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, International Christian University (ICU), Waseda University, and Hosei University


(2015) “Rights talk: American exceptionalist or global ethical discourse?,” May 21, at the conference, “A Great Divide?,” Center for Advanced Studies, University of Munich, Germany


(2015) “Cultural Rights: The New Human Rights Frontier?,” May 7, at CRASSH, University of Cambridge (


(2015) Participant in plenary panel on ‘Creativity and Cultural Heritage,’ May 5 in London, at the final workshop of the EU funded Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities (, organized by the AHRC Digital Transformations theme


(2015) “Cultural rights,” April 23, at the conference in Athens, Greece, “How Democratic Societies Foster Shared Values and Hold Leaders to Account,” co-organized by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and the Global Thinkers Forum


(2015)  “Building Common Ground: Cultural Human Rights,” Global Politics Guest Lecture, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany  


(2014)  “Copywriting Creativity: Creative Values, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Systems of Intellectual Property,” February 26 in Athens, Greece, at the event on “Achieving Impact- Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020,” organized by National Hellenic Research Foundation together with the European Union (



Aktuel forskning

Helle Porsdam is currently working on the right to science - one of the cultural rights mentioned in both the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. She is the co-editor (with Sebastian Porsdam Mann) of The Right to Science: Then and Now (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Her monograph Science as a Cultural Human Rights was published in the University of Pennsylvania Press Studies in Human Rights Series in 2022.

She also has a scholarly interest in science diplomacy and scientific freedom.

Kort præsentation

Helle Porsdam is Professor of History and Cultural Rights at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law (CIS), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. She teaches American culture and history in the SAXO Department, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen, and law and humanities, the culture and history of human rights and cultural rights at the Faculty of Law. She also holds a UNESCO Chair in Cultural Rights. She did her PhD in American Studies at Yale University, has been a Liberal Arts Fellow twice at the Harvard Law School as well as a fellow at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, and the University of Munich.

She received funding from HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) for a project on copyright, creativity and cultural heritage institutions (2010-13) and headed the project, The Past's Future (2015-19), which was funded by the Velux Foundation. She received a Carlsberg Foundation Semper Ardens Monograph Grant in 2019 and was a Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge in 2021.

Among her monographs and edited volumes may be mentioned Legally Speaking: Contemporary Culture and the Law (1999), From Civil to Human Rights: Dialogues on Law and Humanities in the United States and Europe (2009), Copyright and Other Fairy Tales: Hans Christian Andersen and the Commodification of Creativity (2006). Her edited volume (together with Lucky Belder), Negotiating Cultural Rights: Issues at Stake, Challenges and Recommendations, came in 2017, and her monograph, The Transforming Power of Cultural Rights: A Promising Law and Humanities Approach, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2019.

She co-edited The Right to Science: Then and Now (Cambridge University Press, 2021), and her monograph Science as a Cultural Human Right was published in the University of Pennsylvania Press Studies in Human Rights Series in 2022.


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