Intet billede af Henning Otte Hansen
  • Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Kilde: Scopus

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

MSc in Agricultural Economics from KVL in 1983 in International business management from CBS in 1984
PhD in Agricultural Policy from KVL in 1986
MSc in Commercial Science from CBS in 1988
Seniorrådgiver, Afdeling for Production and Technology Division, IFRO
Agribusiness economics,
Globalization and food markets
Ad hoc teaching
Supervisor for MSc students
External presentations for stakeholders
Administrative tasks, committees, etc.
Editor of “Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi”


Mulige interessekonflikter

Henning Otte Hansen collaborates with employees and companies within the agri-food industry for purposes such as:

· Inviting guest lecturers from companies to give presentation for students,

· Writing case studies based on specific companies og industries (to be published and mostly peer reviewed).

· Writing papers, articles etc. involving specific companies and industries (to be published and peer or non-peer reviewed).

· Oral presentations for companies, industries and stakeholders.

Specific roles (all temporary):

  • He is chairman of the board of Økologisk Komplemantarselskab ApS, and board member of SEGES Innovations Fonden.

  • He is board member of PJD pension (pension company), Dansk Agronomforening and revisor Oluf Christian Olsen og hustru Julie Rasmine Olsens mindefond

  • He is censor at different universities in Denmark

  • He is an assessment expert in tax disputes cases appointed by the University of Copenhagen.

  • Henning Otte Hansen does receive salaries for board memberships, external presentations, writings, textbooks etc. in some cases.

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