• Stigbøjlen 4, 1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Stigbøjlen 4

    1870 Frederiksberg C

  • Kilde: Scopus
1989 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder


> Microbiota, 16S amplicon, metagenomics

> Populationsgenetik og populationsgenomiske undersøgelser af bakterier

> Sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier i fjerkræ

> Taksonomi af bakterier

> Pasteurellaceae: Pasteurella, Rodentibacter, Actinobacillus, Gallibacterium, Mannheimia

> Serotypning Mannheimia haemolytica og Pasteurella multocida (baseret, helgenom)

> Probiotika



> Bioinformatik og populationsgenetik på master og ph. d. niveauer

> Bakterie-diagnostik og typning

> Svampe af veterinær betydning 


Internationale societies:

> Formand for ICSP Subcommitee on Pasteurellaceae

> Vise-formand Judicial Commision of ICSP

> Medredaktør for Avian Pathology, IJSEM og review board Veterinary Microbiology, Avian Diseases

> Medlem af Judicial Commission ICSP (2018-)

> Medlem af ICSP (2023-) (co-opted)

> Medlem EFSA FEED panel og mikrobiologisk arbejdsgruppe (2018-)


Academic degrees

1987 MSc in biology (cand. scient.), Copenhagen University

1991 PhD, Copenhagen University

2006 DVSc (Dr. med. vet.), KVL


1987 Microbiologist, Danish Food Agency, S?borg, Denmark

1988 PhD student, Dept. Population Biology, Copenhagen University

1991 Post. doc., Biotechnological Institute, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark.

1995 Research assistant professor, Dept. Veterinary Microbiology (now IVP), KVL

1998 Research associate professor, IVP, KVL

2005 Professor with special duties within bioinformatics in veterinary microbiology

2013 Lektor

Kort præsentation

Mulige interessekonflikter

Collaborates with different branches of animal production and biotech industry in different countries including Denmark. This work occationally include externally funded projects. The representatives from the companies are occationally partners in the projects or serve as advisors to the projects. In all these relations I act as an employee of the University of Copenhagen and do not receive any renumeration from the external partners. 

I work as scientific expert for EFSA as a menber of the FEEDAP panel ( - 2029) and as member of the FEED microbiology group. I receive a salary for this work from EFSA. My DOI is published at EFSA

Eksterne ansættelser

EFSA external expert

1 jul. 202430 jun. 2029


  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • bakterietaksonomi
  • Kyllinger
  • høns
  • Bioinformatik
  • populationsgenetik
  • taksonomi af bakterier
  • Escherichia coli

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