Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

The research interest of H Nielsen group is RNA biology with emphasis on catalytic RNA and epitranscriptomics.

Primære forskningsområder

Epitranscriptomics with emphasis on specialized ribosomes in the immune system, during development, and in cancer. Ribozymes, RNA splicing and small non-coding RNA molecules.

Aktuel forskning

  • The flexibility and evolutionary adaptability of RNA-guided nucleotide modifications
  • Specialized ribosomes (including cancer ribosomes)
  • The role of helicases in ribosome biogenesis
  • New RNA cap structures
  • The lariat capping ribozyme
  • Characterization of the circularization pathway in group I introns


Name: Henrik Nielsen Born: November 25, 1955 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Address: Stenløsevej 18, 2700 Brønshøj, Denmark


• Cand. scient. (Masters) in Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen (1983).    • Lic. scient. (PhD) in Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen (1990).


"Teacher of the year 1998" at the Health Science Faculty, University of Copenhagen.


Aug. 1984 - Febr. 1991University fellowships and fellowship from the Danish Research at Dept. of Biochemistry,Univ.of Copenhagen.
Aug. 1988 - Nov. 1988Scientific adviser on TV-production ("Den Nye Arv"), DR-TV and Univ. of Copenhagen.
Febr. 1991 - Jan. 1995Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry,Univ.of Copenhagen.
Febr. 1995 – Sept. 2009 Associate Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry (now Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine),Univ.ofCopenhagen.
July 2004 - June 2008Associate Professor 2, Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology, Univ. of Tromsø, Norway
October 2009 -Professor MSO, Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Univ. of Copenhagen.
November 2009 - December 2021Professor 2, Universities in Tromsø and Bodø, Norway (totaling 9 years).  


Key research topics: Epitranscriptomics with emphasis on specialized ribosomes in the immune system, during development, and in cancer. Ribozymes, RNA splicing and small non-coding RNA molecules.

Present networks: InnControl funded by The Research council of Norway and COST network Translacore.

Main collaborators:  Anders Lund (BRIC, Copenhagen), Kirsten Grønbæk and Fazila Asmar (Copenhagen), Markus Bohnsack (Göttingen), Jérôme Cavaillé (Toulouse), Carsten Geisler (Copenhagen), Steinar D. Johansen (Bodø), Peter Brodersen (Copenhagen), and Ferdinand von Walden (Stockholm).



  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • RNA biology
  • Functional genomics
  • Epitranscriptomics
  • Ribozymes
  • Lariat capping

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