Holger Schulze

Dr. Phil.

    • Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 København S

    • Karen Blixens Vej 1

      2300 København S

    Personlig profil



    • Since 2014 Professor in Musicology, Københavns Universitet
    • 2024 Research Fellow, POETRY IN THE DIGITAL AGE, ERC Advanced Grant Project, Universität Hamburg 
    • 2023 Senior Fellow, CINEPOETICS - Center for Advanced Film Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin
    • 2019 Visiting Professor in Sound Studies, University of New South Wales, Sydney
    • 2014 Visiting Professor in Sound Studies, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
    • 2011-2013 Visiting Professor in Sound Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • 2010 Visiting Professor in Sound Studies, Musashino Art University Tokyo
    • 2006-2009 Visiting Professor in Sonic Anthropology & Ecology, Universität der Künste Berlin


    • 2007 Habilitation in Cultural Theory and Cultural History, Universität der Künste Berlin
    • 1998 Dr. phil. in Comparative Literature, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • 1995 Magister Artium in Comparative Literature, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg



    • since 2023 The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Sound Studies (editors-in-chief: Michael Bull, Jennifer Stoever & Holger Schulze)
    • since 2020 Meme Music: History, Aesthetics & Theory of a Musical Practice, Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies Berlin
    • since 2019 Reembodying Technology: Skills and Sensibilites​ in Transformative Economies, University of New South Wales Sydney, Aston University Birmingham, University of Copenhagen
    • since 2017 Smart Speakers & Smart Headphones: Listening in the 21st Century (pilot study), University of Copenhagen
    • 20​17/​18​ The Amen Break: 100 Jahre Beat​, ​​Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin
    • ​2015/16 Krieg Singen: Singing The War​​, ​​Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin
    • 2013–201​6​ Analog Storage Media, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung
    • 20​13/​14​ Inhuman Music - Evil Music - Stupid Music​, ​​Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin
    • 2012​-16 Functional Sounds​, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin​ &​ Leuphana Universität Lüneburg​
    • 2010-16 Sound in Media Culture, Universität der Künste Berlin
    • 2008-15 Aural City: Signalstadt, Universität der Künste Berlin & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin​
    • 2007-14 Anthropology of Sound, Universität der Künste Berlin & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin​ 


    • Founding Editor Book Series "​Sound Studies"
    • ​Editorial Board Journal "Seismograf"
    • Editorial Board Journal "​Paragrana"
    • Editorial Board "Bloomsbury Music & Sound"
    • Editorial Board Journal "Sound Studies" (2014-2020)
    • Advisory Board Journal "Pop. Kultur und Kritik"​
    • Advisory Board Book Series "Poetry in the Digital Age"
    • ​Advisory Board Book Series "Popkulturwissenschaft"
    • Vice Chair European Sound Studies Association ESSA (since 2012)
    • ​Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Historische Anthropologie​, Freie Universität​ Berlin 
    • Berliner ​Gesellschaft für ​Neue ​Musik (​Steering Committee 2007/08)
    • ​International Association for the Study of Popular Music IASPM
    • ​Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft GfM
    • Interdisziplinäre Studiengesellschaft ISG (2009-2014)
    • Steering Committee graduate school "F​ür die K​ünste und die Wissenschaften", Universität der Künste Berlin (2009-2013)
    • ​Nordic ​Research Network for Sound Studies (2012-2014)​
    • Jury ​Member Berliner Schinkelpreis für Architektur (2012-2014)
    • ​​Jury Member International Symposium on Electronic Arts ISEA (2010)
    • Jury ​Member ​NEU/NOW Festival of the European League of Institutes of Art (2010)
    • ​Jury ​Member ​Digital Sparks – German award for students' works in media art (2008)
    • Jury ​Member German Audiobooks Award/Deutscher Hörbuchpreis (2007-2010)​



    • for national and international research funding institutions, e.g. DFF, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, ERC, European Science Foundation, MSCA, DFG, SNSF, FWF, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
    • for international publishers, e.g. MIT-Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Routledge Publishing, Bloomsbury Academic, Palgrave Macmillan
    • for international peer-reviewed journals, e.g. Leonardo Music Journal, Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, Journal for Interdisciplinary Voices Studies, Unlikely – Journal for Creative Arts, Journal of Sonic Studies, Seismograf, Sound Studies, SoundEffects, Fibreculture, Space and Culture, Sexualities



    1. Das aleatorische Spiel. Erkundung und Anwendung der nichtintentionalen Werkgenese im 20. Jahrhundert − Theorie der Werkgenese, Bd. 1, Wilhelm Fink Verlag München 2000. ​406​pp. [dissertation]

    2. Heuristik. Theorie der intentionalen Werkgenese − Theorie der Werkgenese, Bd. 2, transcript Verlag Bielefeld 2005​. 205pp.​

    3. Intimität und Medialität. Eine Anthropologie der Medien − Theorie der Werkgenese, Bd. 3, AVINUS-Verlag Berlin 2012​. 466pp. [habilitation]

    4. Gespür. Eine Einzelstimmung, Textem Verlag Hamburg 2014 (Kleiner Stimmungs-Atlas in Einzelbänden, Bd. 9; hg. von Jan-Frederik Bandel & Nora Sdun).​ 109pp​.

    5. American Progress. Nerd culture, comic acrobatics & commedia dell’arte by Tina Fey – Reihe Serienkulturen: herausgegeben von Marcus S. Kleiner, Springer VS Verlag Wiesbaden 2015​. 88pp.​

    6. The Sonic Persona. An Anthropology of Sound, Bloomsbury Academic New York 2018​. 255pp.​

    7. Sound Works. A Cultural Theory of Sound Design, Bloomsbury Academic New York 2019​. 272pp.

    8. Sonic Fiction, Bloomsbury Academic New York 2020. 192pp.​

    9. Ubiquitäre Literatur. Eine Partikelpoetik, Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2020. 191pp.​

    10. Meme Music, Bloomsbury Academic New York 2026. approx. 190pp. (under contract)


    Edited Volumes (selected)

    ​1. ​Klanganthropologie. Performativität − Imagination − Narration (​ed. with Christoph Wulf)​,​ Akademie Verlag Berlin 2007 (=​Paragrana 16 (2007), H. 2​)​. ​246​pp.

    2. ​Sound Studies: Traditionen − Methoden − Desiderate. Eine Einführung, transcript Verlag Bielefeld 2008 (​=​Sound Studies Serie Volume 1). ​313​pp.​

    3. ​Sound Studies (ed. with​ Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Maria Hanáçek)​, Verlag Positionen ​Mühlenbeck 2011 ​(=​Positionen − Texte zur aktuellen Musik 24 (2011), H. 86​)​​.​ ​64pp.

    4. ​Gespür. Empfindung. Kleine Wahrnehmungen. Klanganthropologische Studien, transcript Verlag Bielefeld 2012 (​=​Sound Studies Serie Volume 3). ​267​pp.​

    5. ​Situation und Klang, Stauffenburg Verlag Tübingen 2012​ (=​Zeitschrift für Semiotik 34 (2012), H.1-2​). ​232​pp.

    ​6. ​Towards New Sonic Epistemologies ​(=​Journal of Sonic Studies 3 (2013) Vol. 4 (​ed. ​with Marcel Cobussen & Vincent Meelberg)​, ​Leiden University Press Leiden 2013.

    7. ​Functional Sounds​.​ Vol. 1 & 2​​ - Proceedings of the First International ESSA Conference 2013​ (=​Vol 1: Journal of Sonic Studies 4 (2014) Vol. 7​, ​ed. with Marcel Cobussen & Julia Krause)​; Vol.2: SoundEffects – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience Vol. 5 (2015), H.1 (​ed. ​with Carla J. Maier)​. ​Leiden University Press Leiden & The State and University Library Århus 2014/15

    8. ​SABOTAGE! Pop als dysfunktionale Internationale (​ed. with Marcus S. Kleiner), transcript Verlag Bielefeld 2013​. 254pp.​

    ​9. ​Sound as Popular Culture. A Research Companion (ed. ​with Jens Gerrit Papenburg), MIT-Press Cambridge/Massachusetts 2016. 432pp.​

    10. ​Anthropology of Sound​: Everybody's a Different Kind of Alien, Routledge Publishing London 2016 ​(=​The Senses and Society 11 (2016), no. 1​). 81pp.

    11. ​​Krieg Singen. Essays, Lyrics, Interviews (ed. with Detlef Diederichsen)​, Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2017. 132pp.

    ​12. Was erzählt Pop? Eine Ästhetik für das dritte Jahrtausend (ed. with Thomas Düllo & Florian Hadler), LIT-Verlag Berlin 2017​. 292pp.

    ​13. Out of Space: Sensory Practices and Placemaking. (​ed. with Christiane Brosius)​,​ Walter de Gruyter Verlag Berlin 2019 (=​Paragrana 28 (2019), H. 1​)​. ​201pp.

    14. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art. (ed. with Sanne Krogh Groth) Bloomsbury Academic New York 2020. 571pp. 

    15. ​The Bloomsbury Handbook​ of the Anthropology of Sound. Bloomsbury Academic New York 2021. 580pp.

    16. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound in Museums (ed. with Alcina Cortez, Eric de Visscher & Gabriele Rossi Rognoni). Bloomsbury Academic New York 2026. approx. 550pp (under contract). 

    17. Arts, Practices, Theories (​ed. with Kristin Moriah) - Volume 2 of The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Sound Studies (ed. with Jennifer Stoever and Michael Bull). Bloomsbury Academic London 2028. approx. 700pp. (under contract).

    Kort præsentation


    Holger Schulze (*1970) is full professor in musicology at the University of Copenhagen and principal investigator at the Sound Studies Lab. He serves as co-editor of the international journal for historical anthropology Paragrana, as co-editor for the journal Seismograf Peer, and as founding editor of the book series Sound Studies. Together with Jennifer Stoever and Michael Bull, he is currently working on The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Sound Studies, a three-volume collection of over 150 articles by leading scholars and artists on the past, present and various possible futures of the field. 

    His research moves between a cultural history of the senses, sound in popular culture and the anthropology of media. He is a founding member of the European Sound Studies Association. Between 2012-2018 he was an associated investigator at the cluster of excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung: an interdisciplinary laboratory at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; between 2008-2016 he was director of the international research network Sound in Media Culture, and between 2000-2009 he was a co-founder and the first head of department of the first European MA-programme in Sound Studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin.

    He was invited visiting professor at the Musashino Art University in Tokyo, at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as well as senior fellow at CINEPOETICS at the Freie Universität Berlin. He served as a curator for the Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin and he produced radio features for Deutschlandradio Kultur. He writes for Merkur, Seismograf, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Positionen, Texte zur Kunst, taz - die tageszeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, der freitag.




    Portrait: „For Holger Schulze, immersive listening is his soundtrack to everyday life“ (2019)

    Interviews: Hordan sanser vi lyd? (DR P4 2023), Holger Schulze und sein Sound Studies Lab (SWR2 radio station 2022), The Sonic Persona and The Servant Class (Podcast SOUNDS ABSURD 2022), "​Schallwaffen sind im Grundsatz antidemokratisch​" (Philosophie Magazin 2021), "So ist für Nutzer klar: Die Position der Dienstmagd hat eine Frau" (DIE ZEIT 2019)


    Programmatic monograph: The Sonic Persona (Bloomsbury 2018)

    Programmatic journal article: Corpus – Dispositive – Persona: Formants of an Anthropology of Sound (Swedish Journal of Music Research 2018)


    Recent media contributions: The Seduction of Meme Music (Norient 2021), The Sound Politics of Videocalls (Norient 2020), The hands just carry on by themselves (Seismograf 2020), The Sound of Corona (Passive/Aggressive 2020)


    Join our biweekly Colloquium Sound & Sensory Studies (on Zoom)!

    More informations on the website of the Sound Studies Lab


    Currently supervising: the artistic PhD project Communicating Vessels by Jenny Gräf Sheppard (funded 2020-23 by a NovoNordisk Mads Øvlisen PhD Scholarship), the PhD project Sounding the Dissolution by Giada Dalla Bontà (funded 2021-24 by an IKK PhD grant), the postdoc project "Making Listening Audible" by Lílian Campesato (funded 2025-27 by the ERC’s Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions).

    Co-supervisor of the artistic PhD project "The Body as the Site for Composition" by Ragnhild May (funded 2023-26 by a NovoNordisk Mads Øvlisen PhD Scholarship) and the PhD project "Genre Practice In Online Left-Field Music Communities On TikTok" by Anders Bach (funded 2023-26 by an IKK PhD grant).




    Areas of teaching and supervision: 

    sound studies, popular music, sound design, sound art, game sound, music culture, aural architecture, music video, sensory studies, anthropology of sound.



    • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
    • Kulturhistorie sanser
    • Historisk antropologi medier
    • Lyd i populær kultur