Intet billede af Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt

Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt


  • Emil Holms Kanal 6

    2300 København S

  • Kilde: Scopus
1991 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Siegumfeldt leder The Paul Auster Reasearch Library

Hun og Auster har samforfattet dialogbogen, Auster&Siegumfeldt, ...en verden i ord. Paul Auster i samtale med I.B. Siegumfeldt, Lindhardt&Ringhof, 2016. Eng. udgave A Life in Words. Paul Auster in Dialogue with I.B. Siegumfeldt, Seven Stories Press, 2017.

Siegumfeldt arbejder nu på to teoretiske projekter med arbejdstitlerne Beginnings og Past Paradigms

Primære forskningsområder

Engelsk og Amerikansk litteratur i de 20. og 21. århundreder; litteraturteori.

Særligt fokus på Paul Auster, Nicole Krauss, Lawrence Durrell, Jeanette Winterson, Julian Barnes.

Aktuel forskning

 Et teoretisk perspektiv på tekstes begyndelse. Anglofon litteraturteori i det 21. århundrede



English, Hebrew

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Litteraturteori, Poststrukturalisme, 'Post-Postmodernisme', Moderne Amerikansk og Britisk litteratur, Jødisk Amerikansk litteratur, Videnskabsteori.

Træffetid: Efter aftale


Jacques Derrida, Dekonstruktion; Postmoderne teori; Postmoderne litteratur, Kabbalah, Midrash; Judaistik, Jødisk tænkning, Migration, Diaspora, Religionsfilosofi, Paul Auster, Lawrence Durrell, John Fowles, Jeanette Winterson, Julian Barnes; Philip Roth, Bernard Malmud, I.B. Singer; Jacques Derrida, Helene Cixous, Roland Barthes



Associate Professor (Lektor)
Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel: 45+ 40238588
Fax: 45+ 35328615
Email [email protected]

LANGUAGES Native: Danish, Hebrew, English.


2008-2015 Head of TRAMS, PhD Programme in Transnational and Migration Studies

1998 – 2001 Assistant Professor (Adjunkt), University of Copenhagen

1997 - 1998 Carlsberg Visiting Fellow, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University
1996 - 1997 Carlsberg Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University
1993 - 1996 Ph.D student, Dept. of Literature and Culture, Odense University
2008 – 2012 Head of the Ph.D. Programme in Transnational and Migration Studies, TRAMS, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

After studies and work in Israel (1980-1985) and Australia (1986)
1987 - 1991 MA in English Literature, Odense University,
1993 - 1996 Ph.D. student, Dept. of Literature and Culture, Odense University.
1997 Ph.D. "The Judaization of Postmodern Theory"

1991 Odense University's gold medal for the MA thesis 'The Influence of Gnosticism
and Kabbalah in the Writings of Harold Bloom'
1992 Elli og Peter Ove Christensen research grant of £5000
1997 Life Membership of Clare Hall, Cambridge University

1998 Maternity Leave
2004 Parental Leave

2009 PUMA kursus i Projektledelse for Forskere modul 1 og 2; Project management
for researchers module 1 and 2
2008 Research Management Course, University of Copenhagen
2008 - Founder and head of the Ph.D. Programme in Transnational and Migration Studies, Copenhagen University

ca 50 MA theses (KA specialer); 2 magisterkonferens-specialer (dissertations); 4 Ph.D. dissertations

13.5.2011 I.B. Siegumfeldt, "In Dialogue with Paul Auster" for TRAMS and
University of Copenhagen
13.5.2011 Jeppe Kirk Jørgensen, "Paul Auster modtager dansk ærestitel",
28.5.2011 Sune Anderberg, Tekstur radio-interview, Podcast

"Otherwise Jewish – Other Than Jewish", Conference in the International Society for Religion,
Literature and Culture, Oxford University, 2010
“Waiting for the Messiah” at the conference Derrida and America, School of Philosophy,
University College Dublin, 2009
”Tracing Sacrifice from Abraham to Derrida” at the 17th European Conference on
Philosophy of Religion Sacrifice, Oslo University, 2008
“Abraham's Pact”, at the seminar Abrahams spor (satsningsområdet "Religion i det 21 årh"),
University of Copenhagen, 2006
“Secrets and Sacrifices of Scission” at the American Academy of Religion and the Society of
Biblical Literature conference Derrida and Religion, Toronto University, 2002
“Glas: A Scissionist Operation” at the symposium Glossing Glas, Odense University, 2001
“Concepts of Text: Postmodern and Rabbinic”, Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge
University, 1997
“Is the Postmodern Mode Really New?”, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University, 1997
Panelist at the conference Philosophy and Literature, Tel Aviv University, 1996
“Resemblances between Jewish and Postmodern Thought” at The Sixth Nordic
Conference in Jewish Studies, Aarhus University, 1996
Chair of the panel "Literary Metamorphoses into Postmodernity" at the American Jewish Studies Conference, Boston, 1996
“Paul Auster and Postmodernism” at the seminar Landscapes of Postmodern America,
Odense University, 1995
“Paul Auster” for Engelsklærerforeningen Jylland [Danish Association of High School
Teachers of English], Vejle, 1995
“The Judaization of Postmodern Theory” at the 5th European Association of Jewish
Studies Congress Jewish Studies in a New Europe, Copenhagen, 1994



  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Litteraturteori
  • Postmodern literature
  • Paul Auster
  • jødisk religionsfilosofi og litteratur
  • Amerikansk litteratur
  • Poststrukturalisme
  • Dekonstruktion