Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
Specialtandlæge i ortodonti, dr.odont. et
Nørre Allé 20
2200 København N
Publikationer pr. år
1964: DDS, Dental degree from the Dental School, Copenhagen, Denmark
1961-1964: Instructor in anatomy for dental students at the Dental School, Copenhagen
1965-1967: Research Fellow and teaching assistant at the Medical Center of the University of California, San Francisco USA
1967-1970: Training for obtaining the degree” Specialist in Orthodontics” organized by the Danish National Health Board and The Dental School, Copenhagen
1970-1975: Fulltime research grants from the Dental School, Copenhagen.
1975-1986: Clinical manager in several municipalities, 2 years in orthodontics and for 9 years, responsible for 5,000 children's general dental care.
1986-2015: Associate professor and since 2002 full professor in orthodontics at the Dental School, University of Copenhagen
Since 2013 consultant at Rigshospitalet (University Hospital), Copenhagen for children suffering from rare diseases,
Since 2015 Professor emerita The Dental school, University of Copenhagen
Confidential positions
Since 1986, elected to a large number of positions of confidential character, both national and international. The aim of these positions has been to solve both professional scientific tasks and tasks concerning collaboration between colleagues. For several years, I was the director of international exchange programmes for dental and medical students and teachers. I have been head of the Orthodontic Institute at The Dental School and later elected to the administration of The Dental School, responsible for the research programmes.
1998-2002: Vice Dean at the Faculty of Medicine. During 6 years I represented the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Natural Sciences at “Konsistorium”, which is the governing body of the entire University, also named The Academic Council.
In the Ministry of Education, served at committees concerning international education programmes.
During 22 years, head of the Board for postgraduate specialist training in the Ministry of Health. My obligation was to formalize and provide guidelines for the dental specialties of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery. In addition, I had to approve individual training programmes.
1982: Received the Doctorate in Dentistry, Dr. Odont.
1999 Received the Doctorate in Medicine, Dr.Med.
In 2002 the Queen of Denmark awarded me “The Knight’s Cross of the Order, of the Dannebrog"
I have become an honorary member of the two professional orthodontic societies that exist in Denmark:
Dansk Ortodontisk Selskab, DORS
Specialtandlægenævnet TNL
Professor i ortodonti med særlig forskningsinteresse inden for kraniofacial udvikling og dentofacial diagnostik. Videnskabelige publikationer omhandler specielt human prænatal kraniofacial udvikling under normale og patologiske forhold med fokus på hårdt væv og nervevæv. Det genetiske grundlag for afvigende udviklingsforløb er belyst og sammenlignende studier er foretaget af udvikling før og efter fødslen.
På den baggrund er der udviklet ny diagnostik på kraniestrukturer og ætiologibaseret diagnostik af tandsystemet på ortopantomogram.
I nyere studier er afvigelser i det kraniofaciale skelet inklusiv dentitionsafvigelser relateret til neuroradiologiske afvigelser.
Forskningsresultater formidles til følgende fagdiscipliner: Gynækologi/obstetrik, føtal patologi, endokrinologi, genetik, pædiatri, pædodonti, ortodonti, kirurgi og neurologi.
Underviser prægraduate odontologi- og medicinstuderende og fungerer som kursusleder for medicinsk/odontologisk personale på alle niveauer.
Som leder af den postgraduate uddannelse i ortodonti varetages undervisning i læsning, forståelse og anvendelse af videnskabelig faglitteratur samt udfærdigelse af fagvidenskabelige specialer.
Yder konsultativ service nationalt og internationalt i forbindelse med diagnostik og ortodontisk behandlingsplanlægning.
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Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review