Intet billede af Irena Czycholl
  • Kilde: Scopus

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Irena Czycholl studied veterinary medicine at the School of Veterinary Sciences, Hannover, Germany, where she also obtained her PhD in a larger joint project about the market entry of a national welfare label into the pork supply chain. After a short time as practising veterinarian, she worked as postdoctoral researcher at Kiel University (Germany) focussing on welfare assessment in farm animal husbandry. She also analysed the influences of changes in husbandry on the behaviour in farm animals as well as the understanding of causal structure leading to behavioural disorders. After becoming a senior research scientist for applied animal behaviour and welfare in pig industry, she is now continuing her research on animal welfare and animal behaviour at the faculty of Health Sciences - University of Copenhagen.

Main interests

  • animal welfare
  • animal behaviour
  • animal husbandry
  • (on-farm) welfare assessment (feasibility, reliability, validity)
  • emotional state
  • behavioural disorders
  • behavioural needs
  • social behaviour (in large groups)
  • automatic detection
  • Precision Livestock Farming

Kort præsentation

Irenas forskning er fokuseret i dyrevelfærd og -adfærd. Velfærd er en multidisciplinær emne hvori specielt sundhed og adfærd er meget vigtig. Det er grunden for at koncentrere sig også i forbedre forståelse af adfærdsmekanisme, f. eks. adfærdsstrategier i større dynamisk grupper. Derudover er adfærdsforstyrrelse en væsentlige del af forskning i dyrevelfærd, specielt forståelse af patogenese og sammenhæng med sundhed. Irena arbejde med alle slags dyre, fordi et overordnet perspektiv kan hjælpe i interdisciplinær forståelse af dyrevelfærd og -adfærd.


  • Velfærdsvurdering
  • Sociale adfærd
  • Adfærdsforstyrrelse
  • Holdning af dyr
  • Automatik registrering af adfærd

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Animal husbandry, Habilitation, Kiel University

Dimissionsdato: 18 dec. 2020

Ethology, Fachtierarzt für Verhaltenskunde, Tierärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein

Dimissionsdato: 2 sep. 2020

Veterinary Medicine, PhD, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

Dimissionsdato: 11 feb. 2015

Veterinary Medicine, State examination, licence to practice veterinary medicine

Dimissionsdato: 28 mar. 2012

Eksterne ansættelser

Senior researcher for applied animal behaviour and animal welfare, Pig Improvement Company

1 jun. 202131 aug. 2022

Postdoctoral researcher, Kiel University

1 jul. 20155 dec. 2021

Assistant veterinarian, Tierärztliche Praxis Kopp

1 jan. 201530 jun. 2015

PhD student, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

2 maj 201211 feb. 2015

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